ancient god emperor

Chapter 1123 Chasing the real dragon

Chapter 1123 Chasing the real dragon

The Taoist looked reminiscent, and said: "Although there are a lot of real dragon flesh and blood in the house, they have been preserved for too long and are not fresh. I usually chase after real dragons to eat!"

"It's a pity, the world has changed drastically, and the real dragon family has become more and more rare, and it is almost extinct now, and the remaining ones are hard bones!"

The old man whose legs had been hammered off looked stunned, he couldn't help crazily doubting his life, what the hell is this Taoist?How can it be so scary?Chasing the real dragon?
This is afraid that when his old man Li Dao comes here, he will be regarded as his peers. It is nothing more than an old well, but it actually contains such a terrifying existence, which is really shocking.

"You old man, although the flesh and blood are not very moist, but you disturbed the old man's slumber, you deserve death, and you became my food, which is your good fortune." The Taoist said, baring his teeth.

The old man almost spat out a mouthful of blood in depression, how can there be such logic?old stuff?This Taoist has lived for so many years, is it likely to be longer than him?
And being reduced to food is considered a good fortune?Well, he really didn't want this good fortune.


Without any explanation, the Taoist went straight down with a stick, breaking up all the soul power and cultivation base of the old man, and he fell completely!

Chu Yun watched from the side, this Taoist was too fierce, so fierce that he killed a warrior who was half-step quasi-sage with a few sticks, such strength made people feel chills.

"Ahem, hello, senior." Chu Yun seemed a little cautious, this Taoist was not an ordinary person.

"You don't need to use worldly etiquette." The Taoist waved his hand, and he stared at Chu Yun, his pupils flickering with terrifying light.

"Heaven's Eye!"

Chu Yun thumped in his heart. This is a mysterious supernatural power that can only appear when the power of the body is developed to a certain extent. It seems that this Taoist has also embarked on the road of sanctification of the body, and his attainments are not low.

"Little baby, you have a lot of secrets, and you still have a little bit of obsession with that world powerhouse!" The Taoist said quietly.

"That world?" Chu Yun's expression changed. Could it be that he was talking about the existence in his body?He seemed to have caught some clues, and continued to ask: "What world? Shengyuan, there is a terrifying world beyond the wilderness?!"

"You little doll, you are really making progress. Unfortunately, the old man will not answer you, and you should stop asking. If you keep asking, the old man will bite you!" The old man bared his teeth, showing his snow-white teeth.

Chu Yun looked weird, and he didn't dare to say any more. Who knows if this old monster would go crazy and swallow him up. It's not impossible, after all, this Taoist is just like a primitive man.

"Don't be afraid, I have a principle as an old Taoist, that is, I don't eat humans. You don't have to worry about it. Besides, you have a small body, and it's easy to break your teeth if you eat it." A road, this is extremely extraordinary, even before the world has not changed, this road is not so simple."


Chu Yun's expression changed, and he remained silent. With this Taoist, the secrets of his body seemed to be transparent, but what reassured him a little was that he still didn't seem to see the dry bone in his body.

This also made Chu Yun even more puzzled, what is the origin of this bone?The supreme being in the forbidden zone, even the Taoist in front of him, can't see it!
Perhaps only those who have a connection with this bone can detect the existence of this bone, otherwise... the Supreme Being can't detect it!

Chu Yun operated the Heaven and Earth Hegemony Body Art to repair his body. There was a terrible murderous intent steaming in his chest.

"Oh? Heaven and Earth Overlord Body Art? Kid, you are extraordinary. You have such spiritual scriptures, which really amaze me. Unfortunately, I have already practiced another supreme scripture, which is restrained by it. I can't practice any more. That's right, I'm so jealous of the old Taoist!" The Taoist narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's just a bit of murderous intent, there is no need to expend so much energy!" After saying that, the Taoist swung his big hand down suddenly, and a majestic energy surged towards Chu Yun's body crazily.

The murderous intent on Chu Yun's body, like heavy snow meeting a scorching sun, subsided crazily, and after a few breaths, the murderous intent above completely disintegrated.

"Cough cough!"

Chu Yun coughed dryly, this killing intent must be extremely simple for you, but his cultivation level is limited and it is difficult to dismantle it, this is a normal thing.

After disintegrating the killing intent, under the restoration of Tiandiba Body Art, his injuries are no longer serious. This is the benefit of sanctifying the body, the body is too strong.

At this moment, the faint smell of barbecue came, and Chu Feng opened his eyes. He looked at the Taoist with a strange expression. As expected, the Taoist did not say anything wrong. He really wanted to eat this half-step quasi-sage.

Chu Yun had a weird look on his face. This Taoist was too fierce, and the half-step quasi-sacred powerhouse would eat as soon as he said it, without any hesitation.

"Senior... there are too many ways to roast ferocious beasts, and you are completely unfashionable!" Chu Yun coughed dryly. He really couldn't bear to see such natural and delicious ingredients being wasted like this.

"Oh? Is that so? I've eaten all over the old days, and no one has dared to speak like this. Little baby, you have a try. If your roasting method is stronger, then I owe you a favor!"

The Taoist bared his teeth, he was a natural foodie, even a real dragon dared to eat it, but now, his way of eating has been questioned, how can he not be shocked?How could he not be angry!
"it is good!"

Chu Yun laughed. This Taoist has a mysterious origin and powerful fighting power. If he really gets a favor from him, he will make a lot of money.

After laughing, Chu Yun started to bake. He is well versed in this way, and he assisted with more than 100 kinds of spices, which completely aroused the taste of this fierce beast.

Sure enough, after passing through Chu Yun's hands, the fragrance became more and more intense, and at the end the Taoist couldn't help drooling.

"Little friend, I didn't expect your accomplishments to be so astonishing, far surpassing me!" The Taoist bared his teeth, and finally he couldn't help it, he pulled off a golden roasted leg and started to gnaw on it.

It has to be said that Chu Yun's attainments are indeed terrifying. The whole body of this roasted leg is golden yellow, and under the bite, fat and oily water dripped down.

"Well, it's really delicious!" The Taoist laughed, he wiped the corner of his mouth, and after only a few breaths, he had already eaten a golden roasted leg.

The Taoist licked his lips, and didn't even let go of his fingers. He licked his fingers again. He didn't care about talking and continued to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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