ancient god emperor

Chapter 1411 Chaos situation

Chapter 1411 Chaos situation

Chu Yun withdrew from Xu Qiang's soul thoughts, and he didn't have any fluctuations in this matter. Since Mr. Tianpeng wanted Xu Qiang to die this day, there was no need for him to stop him, he could only sigh with emotion.


Xu Qiang let out a miserable howl, his mouth and nose overflowed with blood, and finally fell, the sea of ​​soul was broken, it is basically impossible to recover, the sea of ​​soul is the basic part of a warrior, if this is not guaranteed, then it is true I can't keep it.


On the other side, Mr. Tianpeng looked cold, as if he had noticed something, he raised his head and looked into the distance, lost in thought.

"Brother Peng, why are you so sad?" A young man exuding a monster aura asked.

He bears the blood of a real dragon, not a collateral lineage, but a real dragon's bloodline. The purest power flows in his body. He is the heir of a real dragon, and he is a true spirit level existence from birth.

The lineage of the real dragon is so powerful, once it reaches its peak, it will be an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the most holy. If there is some talent, and it has its own understanding along the way of practice, then the strength will be even more terrifying and terrifying.

The legendary Dragon King is strong enough to be comparable to the existence of the Great Emperor. Of course, all this is just a rumor. After all, no one has ever seen a super strong existence that has evolved into a Dragon King.

The heir of the real dragon in front of him, his name is Gai Jiuyou, and he is one of the most terrifying warriors. Once he was born, he had no parents and no guardians. Only by relying on himself can he step by step become the strongest. .

"It's nothing, it's just that someone has gained insight into some of our mysteries through the memory of my general." Mr. Tianpeng's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Have you seen some of our mysteries?" Gai Jiuyou's expression turned cold in an instant. They didn't know how much energy they had spent on the burial site of Emperor Hongmeng.

But right now, through the memory of Mr. Tianpeng's subordinates, someone actually got a glimpse of some of the mysteries that belong to this place?In his opinion, this is no small matter. This matter is very serious, and it is related to their good fortune, which cannot be missed.

"Don't worry, he shouldn't know too much. At most, he just knows the location. It doesn't matter much. As long as we lie in ambush here and wait for that person."

"The first two people have been dealt with by us. They don't have any information of animal skins on them. This shows one thing. This thing is that the person who checked the memory of my subordinates is likely to be carrying animal skins." The existence of existence, as long as we sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit, then wouldn’t the good fortune come in by itself?”

"Okay, then we will wait for him here, no matter what his cultivation is, even if he is the emperor's son, I will make him pay a very serious price, and this price is falling, no one can keep him!"

Gai Jiuyou looked cold, he is not an ordinary person, he is one of the descendants of the real dragon clan, his bloodline level is really too high, how much higher than ordinary people.


After Chu Yun dealt with these matters, he was not in a hurry to go to that place, because it was not too important to go there now, and basically it would not have much effect.

Not because of anything, but because these two people are eyeing each other, and the most serious thing is that it is very possible that Mr. Tianpeng, Xu Qiang's master, has already known about his existence.

Therefore, once Chu Yun goes to that place, what awaits him is an ambush and pursuit. Although he is strong, it is impossible to resist these two almost monstrous existences at the same time, right?

It seems that there is also a real dragon heir who is allied with Mr. Tianpeng. Chu Yun knows that the real dragon family has a mysterious origin, and Chu Yun does not know the strength of the real dragon's blood, but the only thing that is certain is that It must be extremely extraordinary!
In the next few days, Chu Yun has been distributing news. This news is the location of the final place of creation of Emperor Hongmeng.

Almost in a very short period of time, the news was spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and it quickly fissioned out because the news was too explosive.

What did they come to Hongmeng Immortal Island for?The reason is nothing more than the good fortune of Emperor Hongmeng. Now that the good fortune is in front of them, how can they not be surprised?
Therefore, in a short period of time, all warriors rushed to that place, and they couldn't miss it.

One or two is not a big problem, so many warriors go all at once, it becomes a mess, and this Hongmeng Immortal Island is not just as simple as one or two emperors, there are so many emperor son.

Mr. Tianpeng, and Gai Jiuyou from the True Dragon Clan are all fighting against the idiot master. What's going on?Insomnia is too alarming, right?So many people came in an instant.

Although they wanted to stop them, it was impossible because there were too many people, and they had reached a terrifying level.

"Damn it, it must be that person who deliberately released the news, created this extremely chaotic situation, and broke all our calculations that originally belonged to us." Mr. Tianpeng looked serious.

It seems that he still underestimated his opponent. He originally thought that as long as he set up an ambush, the person who got the news would recklessly kill him, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Moreover, most of the changes in the matter and the control of the situation are no longer in their hands. It has to be said that this is a very sad situation.

"Huh, brother Gai Jiuyou, it seems that our opponent is not simple, but no matter it is Jane or not, now that he offends us, we have to eliminate him. He has worked so hard to create this chaotic situation. It’s just to fish in troubled waters.”

"The more people there are, the more chaotic the situation will be. And this person took advantage of the third animal skin to gain the first-mover advantage. We are still a bit behind!" Awesome Guan Xu analyzed it.

It has to be said that Mr. Tianpeng still has some strength. Most of the things he infers are not very different from the real numbers, and they are very consistent with the reality.

"What we need to do is to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit, but this time, we need to be more careful and pay attention at all times." Mr. Tianpeng closed his eyes, still indifferently controlling everything in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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