ancient god emperor

Chapter 34 Harvester...

Chapter 34 Harvester...

"Heh!" The killer sneered, he stepped forward suddenly, and the long sword in his hand stabbed out like a poisonous snake.

Quick, accurate, ruthless, this was Chu Yun's first thought. He took a few steps back and poured the power of Qi and blood into the long knife, and the long knife was cut out at the same time as if it was stained with blood.

There was a trace of cruelty in Chu Yun's eyes, he did not block the killer's long sword, but slashed towards the killer's waist.

"Huh? Killing a hundred people, and self-defeating three thousand?" The killer's hoarse voice came out, and the long sword in his hand slashed towards Chu Yun's shoulder.

The killer's sword, like a poisonous snake, stabbed at an extremely tricky angle. It was frightening that before Chu Yun cut him at the waist, one hand had already been crippled.

In an instant, the two had already reacted, but Chu Yun's eyes widened, and when the long sword was about to hit his shoulder, he turned his body slightly.


A blood flower lit up on Chu Yun's shoulder. Although the long sword penetrated into his shoulder, it didn't cripple his shoulder. He didn't show a trace of pain. On the contrary, the murderous intent in his eyes became hotter and stronger. !

The killer's heart trembled. He never expected that Chu Yun would make such a correct judgment in such a short period of time, and minimize the danger with a slight movement!
Although it is easy to say, it is extremely difficult to do, you must know that it is a moment of life and death, every move is almost instinctive!
Judgmental, ruthless, and murderous, he can find out every characteristic of a killer in Chu Yun. Is he a killer or Chu Yun is a killer?


This was the last thought in his life. The moment his will subsided, he saw his waist was cut off in the middle, and his internal organs were all smashed!

The blood surged wildly, and Chu Yun's clothes were stained with a trace of blood, but he was not moved in the slightest, he knew that either the killer died or he died!
He took off the storage bag on the killer and glanced at it. There were some spirit stones, a lot of blood refining pills and a jade token on it.

A skull was engraved on the jade plate, with the words Killer Guild written on it, and a strong killing intent emanated from it.

There was also a letter in the storage bag. Chu Yun opened the letter, and it was the mission issued by Lian Wenjie to the Assassins Guild.

"Lian Wenjie, the Lian family!" Chu Yun's eyes shot out a cold light, and the Lian family put him to death again and again, and the enmity became deeper and deeper.

For a long time, Chu Yun hibernated all the murderous intentions deep in his heart. He knew that the Lian family was very powerful. If not for the Liu family, Tianhuang City Mansion and other forces, the Lian family would have blatantly expanded and wiped out the Chu tribe.

Although the Chu tribe seems to be very peaceful now, Chu Yun knew that the Chu tribe was only surviving in the cracks. Once the power of the middle tribes was out of balance, the Chu tribe would definitely be annexed.

To break this pattern, break this predicament, only strength, he needs strength, needs strength enough to compete with the middle-level tribes!

"Complete the task and get the reward!"

Chu Yun's eyes widened, and he rushed towards the direction of the Baiduan Mountain Range. Although it was not yet dawn, it was almost dawn when he reached the outskirts of the Baiduan Mountain Range.

When the morning light of the next day lightened up slightly, Chu Yun came to the outskirts of Baiduan Mountain Range.Although it was early in the morning, many people began to prepare to enter the mountain.

"The Dragon Bone Grass, although it grows on the outskirts of the Baiduan Mountains, there is no great danger, but there are quite a large number of fire ants. The fighting power of a single fire ant is not strong, but a group of them is definitely a nightmare!"

"We must not be attacked by fire ants!"

Chu Yun recalled the records in the ancient book, revealing a hint of thought.


Like an ape, Chu Yun came to the place where the keel grass grew in a short while, and the keel grass grew scattered in the forest.

"Ten thousand catties of keel grass!" Chu Yun smiled wryly, even if he harvested it non-stop, it would still take a lot of time.


Chu Yun sent a fire ant flying with one punch. Although the fire ant was not strong and only had the cultivation level of the third level of blood refining, it caused Chu Yun a lot of trouble.

"call out!"

Chu Yun is extremely agile. Wherever he goes, almost all dragon bone grasses are in his pocket...

"Brother, let's save some life. You harvested too fast, and I still have to sell dragon bone grass, waiting to survive?" A warrior looked at Chu Yun who was like a harvester, and wanted to cry without tears.

"Damn, who is this kid? When did such a ruthless person appear in the Baiduan Mountains, and the harvesting was too fast, right? Is it the ancestral harvesting secret technique?"

"Strange, that's so strange, isn't it too fast?!" A martial artist looked at the place where Chu Yun passed by, and his footprints were clearly imprinted in the soil. Jin, why is it so heavy?!"

Many warriors who picked dragon bone grass showed a fiery look in their eyes, but when they saw Chu Yun slapping a group of fire ants flying with his palm, they immediately annihilated these thoughts.

"When a swarm of fire ants appeared, even the people from the Ninth Heaven of Blood Refining couldn't be so calm and easily slapped the fire ants. That young man may be a martial artist in the Divine Pulse Realm!"

A man with a scar on his face stared at Chu Yun, and said with fear on his face, he hid the heat in his eyes, he had a faint feeling in his heart that Chu Yun is not easy to mess with!

It seemed that he felt the sound of exclamations coming from behind. Chu Yun, who was harvesting dragon bone grass quickly, looked embarrassed, and the speed in his hands slowed down a bit.

He turned his head and looked, and saw a large piece of keel grass, which he had almost harvested, leaving only some solitary herbs swaying in the wind.

"Forget it, let's go to another place. Anyway, there are not many keel grass left in this place." Chu Yun looked a little embarrassed, and he weighed the keel grass in the storage bag, which weighed about five thousand catties.

Chu Yun stepped forward and walked towards the inner circle of the Baiduan Mountains. The fierce birds in the inner circle were much stronger, so there were a lot fewer warriors in the inner circle.

"Huh? Keel grass..." Chu Yun's eyes were very sharp. There were a lot of keel grass on that path, and they even spread into a small valley.


Chu Yun's speed was very fast, he swam with both hands quickly, and he harvested all the keel grass on the ground in a short while.

"There are still many small valleys, but there are a lot more fire ants." Chu Yun's heart moved, his eyes showed firmness, and he jumped into the valley.

The small valley was very quiet. Along the way, Chu Yun saw a lot of fire ants, densely packed. In the end, Chu Yun even took out a long knife and shot the fire ants away.

"Huh~" Sweat broke out on Chu Yun's face, and it really took a lot of energy to fly a large group of fire ants away. If it was a nest, I am afraid that the strong people in the Shenmai state would have to retreat.

Chu Yun looked at the keel grass in the small valley and showed a clean smile. The keel grass here is very luxuriant, much better than the outside.

"After harvesting the keel grass here, it is estimated to be [-] catties." Chu Yun's heart moved, he did not expect the task to be so smooth.

Once the Dragon Bone Grass is picked, he can go back to the Manwen Pavilion to receive the rewards. Although the rewards are not very rich, they can also bring a lot of help to the Chu tribe!
Thinking of this, Chu Yun couldn't help but smile, the speed in his hands increased a lot in vain, and the Dragon Bone Grass was being quickly harvested by him.

Suddenly, there was a wailing sound in the valley, which seemed to be the cry of a vicious bird before it died.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The ground vibrated slightly, and the mountains resonated. The soul perception in Chu Yun's heart spread rapidly. He... unexpectedly saw a nest of black fire ants!
The number is huge, thousands of them, it's too scary, they all form a black giant, it looks like a kind of shocking oppression!

"It happened!"

Chu Yun's heart moved, such a large group of fire ants dispatched, let alone the blood refinement realm, even the warriors of the third level of the divine veins had to retreat, otherwise they would become food for the fire ants.

I'm afraid that the miserable howl before was the result of a certain ominous bird being devoured by fire ants.

"Let's go?" There was a hint of decisiveness in Chu Yun's eyes: "I have worked hard, and I am still short of a few thousand catties of keel grass, so I will complete the task!"


The Dragon Bone Grass was constantly being collected by Chu Yun, and he was rapidly approaching [-] catties.

"Twenty-seven thousand catties!" Chu Yun's voice was a little anxious, and the fire ants were quickly approaching his direction.

"Twenty-eight thousand catties!"

Chu Yun turned his head to look, and saw a black giant rushing towards him. In the small mouth of the fire ant, two fangs lit up, and the direction of the tentacles pointed, it was Chu Yun!

"Two thousand nine hundred catties!" Chu Yun's face was filled with joy, and he was about to complete the task, but at this moment, the giant fire ant was already approaching him!
The fire ant raised an arm. The arm was made up of countless fire ants. The fangs on it lit up. Along with the arm, it slammed down!

"This is troublesome." Chu Yun showed a bitter smile, he dodged and quickly dodged, but a lot of fire ants still rushed to him!

(End of this chapter)

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