ancient god emperor

Chapter 459 I am a barbarian pattern master

Chapter 459 I am a barbarian pattern master

A murderous intent flashed in Zhang Teng's eyes. He looked at Chu Yun with a gloomy look on his face. As the third person of Hongzi's new disciples, he was so arrogant. When was he scolded like this? Pass?

"Very good, what's your name!" Zhang Teng's expression was cold, he put his hands behind his back, and snorted coldly: "I want to see, where do you have the courage to scold me? Are you the same name? Among the new disciples, apart from Lin Fan and that martial artist named Chu Yun, there is really no one that I can put my eyes on!"

Chu Yun looked at Zhang Teng strangely, he smiled and said, "My name is Chu Yun."

"You...your name is Chu Yun?" Zhang Teng's expression changed, and he looked at Chu Yun with a little shock in his eyes. He did not expect that a person who he could remember a little bit of the virtual character would appear in such a posture in front of him.

The young warrior's face was also hot. He had said before that if the man in front of him was led by Chu Yun, he could be let in. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun was this seemingly ordinary man in front of him!

Zhang Teng's face returned to normal. He looked at Chu Yun and snorted coldly: "You are Chu Yun? From today's point of view, it's nothing more than that. You should leave quickly. This is the place to talk about the attainments of alchemy. It's really not for you!"

Chu Yun sneered, and there was a hint of sarcasm on his delicate face: "Since this is a place to talk about alchemy, then I should go in, because I am a barbarian master!"

There was no expression on Zhang Teng's face. He looked at Chu Yun, and couldn't help showing a trace of contempt in his eyes. He said lightly, "Master of Manwen? kind, but this place is not something you engravers can enter."

"Engraved pattern?" Chu Yun sneered, he slapped the storage bag, and a jade token appeared in his hand, which was the token of the god pattern master bestowed by Manwen Pavilion.

"God Rune Fifth Heaven?" Zhang Teng's face changed slightly. Although the Manghuang Continent is extremely vast, with a population of hundreds of millions, and there are not a few warriors, there are not many Manwen masters, otherwise the whole Central Desolation would not be alone. A thousand alchemy masters were born.

The alchemy attainment of the five heavens of the divine pattern is not considered weak, and even some inner sect disciples of the alchemy sect are no more than that. The path of barbarism is more difficult to climb than the path of cultivation. The world, one day at a time!

Zhang Teng took a deep breath, his chest heaved violently, his face was flushed, he was obviously angry, his lips twitched slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he snorted coldly and walked away.

Chu Yun's eyes flashed, he didn't pay much attention, and walked directly into the palace. It has to be said that this place is the alchemy pavilion of Taixuzong. There seems to be only one palace in this palace, but the interior is too big. It's like a small world inside!

This palace is extremely huge, it really seems to contain a small world, with several mountains, and each mountain has many warriors standing, there are many fierce birds flying in the sky.

If Chu Yun didn't know that this place was a palace, he would have thought that this place was a pure land. What kind of existence created this place?This method is terrifying!

Chu Yun took a deep breath. Although this palace is extremely astonishing, there is still a huge gap compared with the means of opening up a small pure land by the powerful in the ancient times. The powerful in the ancient times opened up a small world, even the rules of the sky can accommodated.

Based on this alone, it is not comparable to this palace. The powerful means in the ancient times can be called the power of gods!

Chu Yun's eyes flashed, his soul perception swept out, and he suddenly realized a lot. This palace is a spiritual treasure, and this spiritual treasure is not an ordinary spiritual treasure, but contains the power of space, so it can It accommodates many mountains.

Chu Yun walked towards an ancient building, which was the place to talk about his attainments in alchemy. When Chu Yun arrived in the ancient building, he couldn't help flapping his nose, the air here was filled with a faint medicinal fragrance!
"Sure enough, it is indeed the Pill Pavilion!" Chu Yun's eyes flashed. It was obvious that this ancient building was carved out of a huge elixir plant, and there were many wild pattern changes imprinted in it, which was extremely precious. Even Chu Yun could bear it. I can't help being jealous.

Among the ancient buildings, there are many warriors, they are all disciples of Dan Pavilion, and beside many disciples of Dan Pavilion, there are many disciples of Pill Sect who have imprinted Xu Tiancao on their servants.

The ancient building is not very big, but it is enough to accommodate thousands of people at this time. Among the ancient buildings, there is a high platform. On the high platform, two old men sit cross-legged!
A Chu Yun was once seen in the portraits of the Sutra Pavilion. It was the Great Elder of the Pill Pavilion of their Taixu Sect, and the only Alchemy Master of their Taixu Sect, Su Monan!
Chu Yun didn't know the person sitting opposite him, but he had heard about it before, maybe it was the so-called alchemy master of the alchemy sect, Jia Taiping!
Chu Yun squeezed into the crowd, many disciples couldn't help bowing their heads and whispering, one of them said: "The two alchemy masters discussing that elixir, this is definitely a grand event, there may be a lot of alchemy insights !"

"That's right, for us at this time, it's a good fortune. It can make us improve our alchemy attainments by leaps and bounds. I'm looking forward to it. If the owner of that elixir comes, perhaps this grand event will be even more eye-catching." !"

"That elixir came from Tianhong Auction House, and it was handed by a mysterious alchemy master. It's just that no one has been able to see the true face of that person, which is full of mystery, but there is no doubt that the person's alchemy The accomplishments are definitely amazing!"

Hearing these comments, Chu Yun looked weird. This is really the pill he refined. At first he just wanted to earn some spirit stones, but he didn't expect it to cause such a big commotion, shaking the two pills. Master Tao!
But after thinking about it, Chu Yun was relieved. He was burdened with devouring blood, and the elixir contained a trace of his blood power, which produced a different kind of change. Extremely strong, but there should be no way to spy out the mystery of alchemy.

At this time, Su Monan, who was sitting cross-legged on the high platform, was holding a elixir that was refined by Chu Yun. The technique is not very pure, this person is at the most barbaric level one!"

Chu Yun's eyes flashed, and he looked at Su Monan with some deep meaning, and he had to sigh in admiration, his eyes were extremely sharp, and if it was a real test, his refining level was only good enough to stand in the realm of barbarians.

Su Monan's eyes were concentrated in the pill, and his face instantly became solemn: "But this pill is too mysterious, and there is an unpredictable power that I can never guess, just like the power of the sky. Blessing is normal!"

(End of this chapter)

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