ancient god emperor

Chapter 479: Taixu Experienced Land!

Chapter 479: Taixu Experienced Land!
Chu Yun couldn't help but thump in his heart. Could it be that he recognized him?This is absolutely impossible. The perception of the soul in the Kun Pavilion is suppressed. Even Chu Yun has misunderstood because it is difficult to perceive everything. How could Chen Yue recognize him?
Chen Yue's figure was extremely graceful, she was covered with clothes, covering her slender legs, but her white ankles were still exposed, like suet, flawless and translucent.

Chen Yue's nose fluttered slightly. When she came to Chu Yun, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows. She didn't know why she felt familiar with Chu Yun, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a wave of bored meaning.

"You are?" Chen Yue asked softly, her white jade arms were lazily resting on her towering chest, a sense of casualness and laziness but repelling people thousands of miles away radiated out.

"My name is Chu Yun!" Chu Yun coughed a few times, with embarrassment on his face, his heart twitched slightly. Although he was powerful in combat, he was not afraid of Chen Yue, but for some reason he felt a little guilty.

"Chu Yun? Are you Chu Yun?" Chen Yue's voice was obviously a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the person who shocked the new disciples of the Taixu Sect was this shy young man in front of him?This handsome man?
After taking a few breaths, Chen Yue casually found a reason to leave. She didn't know why, but as soon as she got close to Chu Yun, the feeling of upset became more and more obvious. This is an extremely rare thing, except for seeing No one ever made her feel that way except the bastard who molested her.

Ouyang Muxing walked over with his hands behind his back, and many disciples of the new line couldn't help but glance at him. This is an influential figure in the new line, the leader of the new disciples of the Hongzi line, do you want to pay attention? are difficult.

"You are Chu Yun, right? Ouyang Muxing licked his lips: "It is indeed like the rumors. The combat power should not be weak. The seemingly weakened body must contain majestic power. I am very satisfied. When I How about war servants? "

Chu Yun looked at the proud Ouyang Muxing, his expression darkened instantly, and he said coldly: "Battle servant? I'm sorry, I'm not interested, but your combat power is not weak, how about being my war servant? !"

A flash of anger flashed across Ouyang Muxing's face. He flicked his sleeves and said in a cold voice: "Become my war servant, and I will give you a fortune, otherwise...hehe, you will know when the time comes!"

Bitter aura emanated from Ouyang Muxing's body, like a sharp sword.

Quite a few warriors were surprised. Looking at the two people who had a delicate relationship, they could smell the faint smell of gunpowder in the air, as if they would fight if they had a disagreement.

Ouyang Muxing's face showed a playful arc. Zhang Ke, the previous scorching sun, once approached him and asked him to kill a warrior named Chu Yun in the land of Taixu experience. It must be the man in front of him, right?
However, in his opinion, it would be a pity to kill him. It would be better to subdue him and become a war servant, but being his war servant is not so pleasant, and he may fall at any time!
Ouyang Muxing didn't say much, he left directly, this place was still Taixu Sect after all, he didn't dare to act recklessly, but once he arrived at the place where Taixu was trained, it was not that simple, just suppress it!

Chu Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. He could sense Ouyang Muxing's murderous intent towards him. Although it was faint, it existed. He didn't despise Ouyang Muxing. He could sense the powerful combat power contained in his body. An opponent not to be underestimated!

"Taixu experience, regardless of life or death!" A majestic voice sounded, and a man in a battle robe stepped forward. His eyes were terrifying, as if surrounded by the sun, moon and stars. He is the current suzerain of Taixu Sect , Nangong Yu!
With his hands behind his back, Nangong Yu stepped on the ladder cast by the vitality of the heaven and earth, and walked slowly: "Those who are in the top five in Taixu experience will have the opportunity to wash their bodies by the Tianyuan Waterfall. This is a fortune!"

Many warriors were moved by Nangong Yu, and many warriors couldn't help roaring, their fighting consciousness was extremely strong.

There was a smile on Nangong Yu's face. The so-called Taixu experience was nothing more than raising Gu in essence. The survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong preyed on the five most powerful Gu, but there was nothing cruel about it. In this way, this is the law of survival in the Manghuang Continent!

"Taixu experience, start!" Nangong Yu's expression changed suddenly, and when he flicked his sleeves, the heaven and earth vitality in his body boiled like a sea of ​​gods, covering the entire martial arts arena in an instant.

At the same time, the entire Martial Arts Field unexpectedly shot out immeasurable light, and the phantom of a formation appeared indistinctly. Could it be that the entire Martial Arts Field is a formation?
Chu Yun raised his brows, and there was a teleportation force emanating from the martial arts field. He couldn't help but gasp. It was not that he had never seen a teleportation formation before, but the teleportation formation he had seen in the past and the teleportation formation in front of him in the martial arts field In comparison, it's like a small witch!


With the sound of a dull voice, everything in front of Chu Yun's eyes unexpectedly changed. This is not a martial arts field, this is clearly a wild land, surrounded by many jagged rocks!
"The transmission is complete?" Chu Yun took a deep breath. To transmit so many warriors in such a short time, the cultivation level and means required are unimaginable. What is the cultivation level of the Taixu Sect Master?Breaking through the Cave Ruins Realm? !
"Each of you has a stone token. The so-called Taixu experience training means that the one who gets the most points wins, and the one who loses the stone token loses. You can fight for it at will. The Taixu experience will last for three days!" The majestic voice continued to echo
As soon as that majestic voice fell, a stone token appeared in the hands of every Taixu Sect disciple. Chu Yun held the stone token and put it in the storage bag. His eyes flickered, and a soul wave came out. Let Mo Dao, Mo Qingcheng, and Su Yueli leave together.

Under this rule, the alliance is the best choice, which can prevent Shi Ling from being ransacked, but he cannot be an alliance. After all, being targeted by Ouyang Muxing, it will undoubtedly be more dangerous for Mo Dao and others to follow him!

The moment many warriors got the stone order, they all formed an alliance very consciously, and the rest of the warriors who did not form an alliance ran away to the distance. The more important thing is to compete for good luck!

The place where Taixu practiced is the former pure land of Taixu Sect, which contains many good fortunes, and even some rare old medicines can be found here, so they will not miss it!
(End of this chapter)

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