ancient god emperor

Chapter 529 Skeleton!

Chapter 529 Skeleton!

Chu Yun's eyes were cold, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes. He said coldly: "There are only two Faxiang Fruits, but you are fighting so much and wanting to take them for yourself. Isn't it kind?!"

The corner of the old man's mouth with a childlike face and crane hair drew a playful arc. He glanced at Chu Yun and said, "So what about the fight? Brother Li Yang and I joined forces, although we are both warriors of the Dongxu Realm, there is no way for you to be short-changed." Time to crush us!"

Chu Yun's face couldn't help but sink. It is true that with the power of him and Jia Taiping, there is no way to suppress the old man with a childlike face and hefty hair in a short time, but once Li Yang frees up his hands, he will be in trouble!

Because in any case, no matter how powerful he is, he is still only a martial artist in the Yunling Realm, and there is a certain gap between him and the Cave Ruins Realm. He can only rely on the geographical advantage to consume them alive!

Just when Chu Yun was about to make a move, the vitality of the world suddenly shrank, and a crimson light rushed towards him instantly. The crimson light was very terrifying, and the whole stone room was dyed crimson!

Li Yang's expression changed drastically. He looked at the crimson light, and he was taken aback. Immediately, the runes on his body started to squirm, trying to resist the crimson light, but as soon as the crimson light approached him, he There was a miserable voice.


Li Yang's whole body rolled backwards, the blood from his mouth splashed out as if he didn't want money, the crimson light attacked and covered Li Yang, and the stone room was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"What?!" Chu Yun couldn't help trembling in his heart. The blood flower obviously belonged to Li Yang. Li Yang is a strong man in the Cave Ruins Realm. No matter how bad he is, he won't be killed instantly, right? !

The expression of the old man with childlike face and white hair changed drastically. What exists?Isn't it too amazing to kill a martial artist in the Cave Ruins Realm in an instant?You must know that it is difficult for warriors in the cave ruins to fall even in the middle of the desert, but now they are killed like Chinese cabbage!
The crimson light dissipated, revealing a creature that looked like a skeleton. That creature was very strange, with soul fire shining in its eyes, and it looked extremely weird. One arm of that skeleton was missing. Who cut it off!
Li Yang was killed by the skeleton, and blood flowed all over the ground, but the blood squirmed strangely, and all of it sank into the skeleton. As the blood sank, the soul fire in the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton shone brightly. A few points.

"What... what is this thing?!" Chu Yun took a deep breath, staring at the skeleton, a huge wave surged in his heart. between.

All flesh and blood is gone, it doesn't look like there is life, but there is soul fire, is this a powerful warrior?Along the way of martial arts, if you go very far, even if your body is incomplete, you can still survive by relying on your soul!
The skeleton in front of me is very likely to be a powerful existence, a strong man who has gone a long way in the martial arts, and has broken away from the shackles of the flesh!

"Hey, the three little babies in the cave can make up for it a little bit!" A spiritual thought came out from the skeleton, and this spiritual thought exploded in the spiritual sea of ​​everyone, and even Chu Yun was affected by it. affected.

The skeleton let out a light sigh, he glanced at Chu Yun, and continued to send out divine thoughts: "Oh? There is such an interesting little doll, and even I can't see through the secrets in you!"

"However, the bloodline should not be weak, and it is more nourishing than those two cave ruins warriors. Now, the damage caused by the headless ancient corpse can be made up for. I was hanged and beaten by him before I woke up. In this life How could such a character be born!"

Skeleton touched the severed arm, and continued to send out divine thoughts. His eyes were empty, and only an inextinguishable soul fire was flickering. Obviously, this is because the perception of the soul has reached a certain level!
Chu Yun couldn't help trembling in his heart, that ancient headless corpse?Could it be that the ancient headless corpse has ever stepped into this place?Thinking about it this way, Chu Yun was relieved, and only that kind of existence could break the taboo formation!
Only that kind of existence can hang and beat the skeleton, and it is an arm that cut off the skeleton. The headless ancient corpse is full of mystery. Chu Yun has seen his traces several times. see you!
"Ex...Senior... I don't mean to offend, if you don't like it, we can get out..." The old man with Tongyan and Hefa trembled, how could it be so bad to kill Li Yang's characters with ease!
"Get out? If that headless ancient corpse hadn't come to disturb my slumber, I might not even have thought of beating your teeth, but now... I can only beat you!"

Chu Yun's expression was weird, holding the tooth-making sacrifice of a warrior in the Cave Ruins Realm who can dominate a party in the middle of the desert, and only such an existence can speak so much, but Chu Yun did not doubt the strength of the bones, the bones can definitely do it!

The skeleton came rushing forward, his bone-filled palm swung towards the old man with white hair, instantly frightened the old man with white hair, the old man bit the tip of his tongue and spat out blood!

This is the great method of blood sacrifice, and the old man with a childlike face and crane hair never thought of conquest at all. He only had one thought in his heart, that is to go, escape, the farther the better!

But the reality is always extremely cruel. The big hand of the skeleton clapped down, and the whole stone room seemed to be sealed.


The old man with Tongyan and Hefa spat out blood, and half of his body was smashed to pieces. The flowing blood instantly became the nutrient of the skeleton, submerged into the bones of the skeleton, and the white bones became more and more shiny!
Chu Yun's scalp was numb, his eyes flickered, and he rushed towards the Faxiangguo, he wanted to take the Faxiangguo!
"Oh? Still want to take the fruit I'm eyeing? I still want to use it to quench my thirst!" The skeleton sent out a divine thought, and he pinched the finger bone, and picked up a drop of blood from the old man with a childlike face and white hair, turning it into a blood arrow!
"call out!"

The blood arrow blasted past, and Chu Yun's expression changed drastically. It was the blood essence of warriors in the Cave Ruins Realm. With the power of the bones, it definitely had the power to fight against the warriors in the Yunyun Realm and even the Cave Ruins Realm!

As soon as Chu Yun gritted his teeth, his speed didn't slow down by half, and he rushed towards the Faxiang tree. He didn't have time to stay at all. He wanted to snatch the Faxiang fruit in a few breaths, and then escaped immediately!

Chu Yun held the Faxiang Fruit in one hand, and tapped it out with the other. A force of seal emanated from his fingertips, filling the blood arrow, but the blood arrow was so powerful that Chu Yun had no way to suppress it!
But at this moment, part of the blood arrow's power was forcibly worn away. Chu Yun's whole body was filled with qi and blood, and the vitality of heaven and earth seemed to be blasted out. It took nine oxen and two tigers' strength to wipe out the blood arrow's power!
On the other side, the bones had already killed the old man with the childlike face and crane hair, and the bones on his body became whiter and whiter. The soul fire in his eyes glanced at Chu Yun, and said, "The fluctuation of the seal, could it be that this person's bloodline and that race related?!"

(End of this chapter)

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