ancient god emperor

Chapter 593 Opportunity is in the Killing!

Chapter 593 Opportunity is in the Killing!
There was a mocking look in Tang Zihui's eyes, and there was no wavering in his heart. He wanted to see how Chu Yun escaped?Before he sealed the gate of the city, and later the Mist Wolf King came to kill him, it was a perfect dilemma!

"The trapped beast is still fighting, you are nothing more than a speck of dust in the great world!" Tang Zihui sneered, even if Chu Yun has some strength, so what?In front of the king of fog beasts, everything is illusory!
The moment Chu Yun saw the King of the Mist Wolf, his eyes flickered. The Beast of the Mist Wolf at the peak of the Half Step Cave Ruins was not weak in combat power. Except for some powerful scorching suns, only those super dynasties, The people of the super sect can contend!

However, who is Chu Yun?With the means left by the old monster of Taixuzong himself, if he wanted to kill a beast that was at the peak of the half-step cave ruins, it was nothing more than raising his hand, and it was effortless!
Chu Yun stood with his hands behind his back, and many fog wolves and fierce beasts came bombarding him. With his hands behind his back, he stood on the spot, the fiery color in his eyes became more and more intense. He refined the beast bone sword, this fog wolf fierce The real bone of the beast must be good, right? !

"Hey, look, that person probably hasn't seen anything big in the world, and he was stunned. He was frightened by the power of the fog wolf king, just like a mortal, was he frightened?"

"Look at the stiff expression on his face. People who don't know it may think that he is a peerless master who smiles at everything, but in fact, he is intimidated by the terrifying power of the beast!"

"It's no wonder that even the scorching sun of my Shenhuo sect may not be able to subdue that fierce beast, let alone the young warrior. It is reasonable for him to feel scared!"

"I guess that kid was so scared that he didn't know how to escape, right? Haha!"

The warriors guarding the city wall laughed and taunted, sweeping away the scene that was shocked by Chu Yun before, that scene was indeed astonishing, holding a longbow in hand, using the blood of his body as arrow feathers, blasting and killing many fierce beasts!

Chu Yun took a deep breath. He smiled and looked at the surging fog wolf king. He could feel the vibration caused by the fog wolf king's steps, and the ground resonated. With the fog wolf Rhythm in the footsteps of the king!
"Brother Chu Yun, with your power, you can definitely contend against the foggy wolf beast for a short time. After a short period of time, I will go to the city with you. We will plan again at that time. This is our only chance!" Li Wen said anxiously.

"The only chance?" Chu Yun sneered. From the moment he stepped under the city, he had no plan to return to the city. With the arrival of the fog wolf king, his thoughts became more and more serious. Firm!

The king of fog wolves is not only the king of fog wolves, but also the lord of the spirit of fog wolves and ferocious beasts. If the lord is killed, there will naturally be no mention of the beast tide. Fall and scatter!

"The opportunity is in the killing!" Chu Yun stepped out, and actually took the initiative to bombard and kill in the direction where the fog wolf king was rushing!


Many warriors guarding the city were stunned. What's going on?Chu Yun didn't think about running away, but took the initiative to bombard and kill the fog wolf king. What's going on? !
"This person is not thinking of escaping, but thinking of resisting? He actually took the initiative to conquer the fog wolf king. He is a warrior comparable to the peak of Banbu Dongxu!" Many warriors were really stunned!
Tang Zihui's expression changed, and Chu Yun actually took the initiative to kill the Mist Wolf King instead of what he expected. Could it be that Chu Yun has the strength to kill the Mist Wolf King?In a trance, he felt restless!

I don't know why, but a weird idea has been spreading in his mind, which made him unable to calm down for a long time, maybe... Chu Yun really has the strength to smash a bloody road, it is a magnificent bloody road, not to run away in embarrassment!

Amidst the shocked eyes, Chu Yun's expression was cold, he made a move suddenly, and after making a handprint, a jet-black cyclone suddenly blasted out. a trace.

The crimson pupils of the Mist Wolf King shrank a little, and it opened its huge mouth, letting out a stench, but at this moment, that jet-black cyclone came, forcibly killing the Mist Wolf King's body. The chest was cut open, and the blood was like a column!

After a short shot, he wounded the Mist Wolf King. The Mist Wolf King stopped his advancing body and looked solemnly at the human race in front of him. He actually felt that the human race in front of him gave him a vague fear!

"How many times!"

From the throat of the Mist Wolf King, strange notes came out one after another, and the surrounding Mist Wolf Beasts seemed to understand it. The red glow in each eye became more intense, and they stared at Chu Yun firmly!


The fog wolf beasts charged forward, Chu Yun raised his eyebrows, this king of fog wolves, I am afraid that he has been born with a vague spiritual wisdom, otherwise he would not be able to control these fierce beasts, it seems that the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the spiritual wisdom. high!

"Do you want many ferocious beasts to block my footsteps?" Chu Yun said coldly, "I take three steps and every step splatters with blood, so I should feel at ease and become a real bone in my Hundred Beasts Bone Sword, follow me Conquer the world!"


As soon as Chu Yun took the first step, there was a trace of nirvana shrouded in his body. It was the jade slip left by the elder Taixuzong, and he used some of the power in it to devour the blood pulse!
With Chu Yun's first step down, the dozen or so misty wolves and ferocious beasts around Chu Yun were turned into a blood mist, and the strong smell of blood spread out, making people unbearably nauseous!
After stepping down on the first step, Chu Yun swept away more than ten feet. At this time, Chu Yun stepped down on the second step again, and many fierce beasts turned into blood mist, with broken bones lying on the ground, like a god of death patrolling!

The third step fell, and there was a sound on the ground, and accompanied by the howls of fierce beasts, those beasts around Chu Yun exploded directly, and at this time, Chu Yun also came to the side of the fog wolf king!

"I once said, three steps to splatter blood!" Chu Yun sneered, "I once said, become a real bone in my Hundred Beast Bone Sword, and conquer the world with me!"

Chu Yun struck decisively, his jade-like fingers, wrapped in the breath of Nirvana, suddenly touched the head of the Mist Wolf King, smashing the head of the Mist Wolf King to pieces!

This is the power of Nirvana, even the fierce beasts as strong as the peak of the half-step cave ruins have no way to resist, and directly turned into blood mist. At the same time, a piece of real bone was picked out by Chu Yun, it was the real bone of the king of fog wolf !

After killing the Mist Wolf King, the eyes of the remaining Mist Wolf Beasts actually revealed a breath of fear, and then dispersed in all directions!
Although the tide of fog wolves and beasts dissipated, Chu Yun didn't feel happy at all. When he used the power of Nirvana just now, it seemed as if he was being targeted by something. That feeling made his scalp tingle!
That feeling, as if he had turned into a lamb, being regarded as a meal on the plate by the powerful beast!
"There are shackles here, and warriors who have surpassed the cave ruins cannot enter, unless they are sealed..." Chu Yun muttered, his expression changed slightly: "That is to say, the power of Nirvana is also not allowed to appear here!"

"The reason why I haven't been discovered when I used the power of Nirvana a few times ago is mainly because I didn't use much. If I use all the means thoroughly and accumulate a certain amount, I'm afraid he will be turned into ashes!"

Chu Yun took a deep breath. If it is not necessary, it is better not to use the power of nirvana. After all, he does not know the amount, how much it is. up!

(End of this chapter)

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