ancient god emperor

Chapter 958 Uncontrollable Existence

Chapter 958 Uncontrollable Existence the Saint Yuan Continent back then?Even the Shengyuan Continent began to be filled with war?This should be just a counterattack belonging to the wild continent, but judging by its scale, the counterattack is not strong enough at all.

"What kind of Sheng Yuan is this?" Chu Yun took a deep breath, showing some hesitation in his heart. Yes, he actually didn't know when this Sheng Yuan was. This war has deepened his understanding of this battle a little bit.

This is a place full of wars and killings. The sky is dark, and even the void is broken a little bit, but it is obvious that the rules of the Shengyuan Continent are stronger, so the consequences of this battle are not so serious. Unlike the Wild Continent, the entire continent was directly shattered, nothing existed anymore, and everything turned into nothingness.

There were corpses all over the ground, most of them were from the wild land. Chu Yun could recognize the aura of these people. They were indeed from the wild land. Compared with the Shengyuan land in terms of strength, the gap between them was too great.

So much so that in the end, it didn't look like a counterattack at all, but like a slaughterhouse deliberately formed by the warriors of the Shengyuan Continent to let these warriors from the Wild Continent come in!


Suddenly, Chu Yun's expression changed suddenly, what's going on?He actually became one of the warriors directly?A warrior from the wild continent?
At this moment, a cold voice sounded. This person was Lin Cong. He smiled slightly and said, "You turned into a warrior from the Wild Continent? But that's all right. When I slaughter you, I feel even more pleasure, an unprecedented pleasure. "

"Really?" Chu Yun's eyes flashed, it seems that this place is similar to a duel field, not only can sharpen one's own cultivation and combat power, but also can be used for duels!
But that's good too, and it saves him a lot of effort. If this person dares to provoke him, don't blame him for being rude. The principle of Chu Yun's actions has always been that people don't offend me, and I don't offend others!
But now, this so-called dog leg actually dared to offend him directly, which made the murderous intent in his heart even more intense.

"Shoudie." Lin Cong chuckled, he squeezed his big hand suddenly, and runes appeared in his hand. These runes lingered and formed a great sword of runes!
"The talisman sword points to my world!" Lin Cong smiled slightly, and the talisman sword in his hand suddenly swept down, and the runes all over the sky completely rioted at this moment, densely packed, under the sky, there were all runes Yes, in the end it directly formed a field!
"Welcome to my rune world, this place is my rune world, in this place, everything is ruled by me, and you are just a humble and poor bug, a man who is allowed to be manipulated by me!" Poor bastard."

Chu Yun sneered, and between the sneers, he couldn't help shaking his head, and said, "This is what you call the Rune World, and your Rune World is simply a ridiculous place to me."

"If this place is your empty cage, and you are in charge of everything, then it is a pity that you accidentally let in a terrifying existence that is not under your control, and that is not under your control. This terrifying existence will It will swallow you firmly until there is nothing left."

"Really? Then I hope that you can really kill me. I also hope that you can truly show your strength in my rune world."

"In this way, I will know where the shortcomings of my Rune World are. If it is really possible, then I still have to thank you."

Lin Cong laughed, and his words were full of sarcasm. Yes, he really didn't think Chu Yun could destroy his so-called rune world. This was nothing more than Chu Yun's arrogant words, an indifferent arrogant He really doesn't pay attention to the words, and doesn't even care, not at all.


Lin Cong's expression was cold, and the rune sword in his hand suddenly spewed out endless power, as if he wanted to kill the world and all living things.

In this area, a terrifying sea of ​​runes was about to form. These seas of runes surged, forming a powerful attack, rushing towards Chu Yun's body.

"Die, the so-called foreign aid? I'm afraid you can't even resist me. How can you resist my master and our foreign aid." Lin Cong's eyes were full of sarcasm.

However, he was still disappointed. In Chu Yun's eyes, there was no panic or fear on his face. On the contrary, there was an extremely strong sneer. This expression made Lin Cong even more furious.

However, everything did not develop as Lin Cong expected, because he was shocked to find that his runes could no longer advance an inch.

You know, this is his rune world, in the field here, he is God, he is the sky, but at this moment, his sharpness is resisted by people?
This is how the same thing?At this moment, he even had doubts, wondering whether he had an illusion, but unfortunately, he did not have an illusion, all of this was true, and all of this was because of that man.

"It's you!"

Lin Cong finally saw the man behind the rune being stopped. He saw that man raised one arm slightly, and he actually blocked his rune like this?
All of this seems to be developing according to what Chu Yun said. It seems that he has really let in an existence that cannot be controlled by him. Everything is moving forward in an uncontrollable direction, and he can only wait. The fate of the next referee.

"No, it's impossible. Your strength is definitely not strong enough to resist me. It's impossible!" Lin Cong's expression changed, and he was shocked. Even at this moment, he didn't want to believe it.

"Nothing is impossible. To be honest, your field is too fragile, but whatever, let you see what is the real field and what is the real cage."

Chu Yun said calmly. He actually knew this secret technique a long time ago. He once had a secret technique called: Void Cage.

His secret technique was very similar to Lin Cong's, but Chu Yun's was many times better than Lin Cong's, but in the end, Chu Yun seldom used it.

Because this empty cage is not complete, but today, Chu Yun has a new understanding, has a new idea, vaguely, it seems to have found a place that fits with his way.

(End of this chapter)

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