ancient god emperor

Chapter 961 My name is Promise

Chapter 961 My name is Promise
Suddenly, who had been silent all this time, the mighty-level powerhouse suddenly rushed out, his expression was cold, and his face was full of extremely strong murderous intent.

At the same time, the mighty-level powerhouse from the Wild Continent also came out with a cold snort, but the two of them did not fight on this battlefield, but bombarded the sky.

With their level of cultivation, once a fight breaks out, thousands of miles around will be turned into calamity ashes. When they attack, I am afraid that those warriors who are below the realm of divine calamity will directly become meatloaf!

The eyes of the proud son of the royal family flickered, he licked his lips, and suddenly rushed out. At the moment he rushed out, many warriors rushed towards him.

"Kill him, he comes from the royal family, and the military exploits obtained by killing him are unimaginable, and it is also a way to cut off the scourge. Once such a character lets him grow up, it is an incredible thing. If he grows up, they The Shengyuan Continent has one more powerhouse, and I don’t know how many powerful people will slaughter me."

"That's right, kill him!" The shouts of killing shook the sky, and many warriors in the Wild Continent roared angrily. Immediately, they held spirit treasures and blasted and killed the proud son of the royal family one by one.

It's just a pity that the proud son of the royal family shook his head and didn't care at all. Seriously, with all this combat power added up, you want to kill him?He is not afraid at all!
"If you want to kill me, you don't know where the courage of the Wild Continent comes from, but it's no wonder. Judging from the way you dare to resist, you are all a bunch of fools, and you are all a bunch of fools who don't know the difference in strength."

"In the face of absolute strength, the so-called resistance, the so-called resistance, are meaningless. They are just a waste of strength. It's just that you don't understand?"

"Isn't it good to give up resistance and wait for our butcher's knife? It's good to kill everything with one knife, but it's too disgusting. It's shameful to have the blood of you weak people stained in your hands. Remember my name: Wuji!"

After saying that, Wuji's expression was icy cold, three banners appeared in his hands at some point, and the moment these three banners appeared, a strong killing suddenly descended.

"What? What kind of spiritual weapon is this!" At the moment when the banner appeared, the expressions of many warriors in the Wild Continent changed, and goose bumps all over their bodies suddenly rose, as if a dark wind had passed over their skin.

It feels maddening, like a ghost from hell screaming at you.

"Suppressing Soul Banner, let's use your souls to nourish my flag today!" Wuji smiled slightly, but the coldness on his smile made people shudder.

"This is your supreme glory. You waste souls can become a part of my supreme Dao weapon, and I already look down on you wild and waste people."

The moment the three flags appeared, they were divided into three directions, and suddenly there was a gust of wind, and the strong killing sprang out.



Many martial artists from the Wild Continent were killed by this gust of wind, and they had no power to fight back. Just like what Wuji said, you are all weak, useless, barbaric and useless!
"I'm not willing to wait!" Many warriors roared, but they could only let out a long sigh. Could it be that the difference in strength is really so huge?They couldn't even get close to each other's bodies.

"Not reconciled? Very good." Wuji looked cold, and he waved his big hand suddenly, and the wind became more and more intense, and in the end it directly formed a strong pressure.


Many warriors from the Wild Continent screamed miserably, their bodies were crushed, blood mist surged, and all their soul thoughts and energy were absorbed by the three flags.


Wuji shook his head, with a hint of disappointment on his face, yes, he was really disappointed, this group of warriors were too weak, they couldn't even resist his blow, there was no way at all. A little thrill of fighting, this is a massacre, a unilateral massacre.

"Too weak!" Wuji shook his head. He came here to fight, to sharpen himself, and to quickly improve the strength of his three flags, but now it seems that he has been a little disappointed.

The feeling of not finding an opponent is extremely dull, but it's no wonder that even in the Shengyuan Continent, even the saint sons and saintesses of the Holy Land can't defeat him!
His talent, he is called evildoer among the royal family, and he is known as having the opportunity to walk on the road of the great sage, and even possibly surpass the existence of the great sage.

At the moment when Wuji was about to leave, Chu Yun suddenly rushed over. His expression was cold, and his body was wrapped in a strong force of blood, and he rushed into the force field formed by the three flags in an instant.


"It's really stupid, do you want to court death? Don't you need to be so anxious? You actually entered my force field directly?" Wuji smiled slightly, with a cruel meaning in his smile.

"This is interesting, even I don't want to kill you so soon, it seems that I want to play with you well." Wuji smiled lightly, finally came a person who actively seeks death, and he was reluctant to kill Chu Yun up.

In his opinion, Chu Yun is just an ant. No matter how an ant is against the sky, can it still be against the sky?Could it be possible to reverse everything?
Regarding the life and death of an ant, he still has to play with it, and he still has to torture it severely, otherwise, coming here is really boring.

"Take the initiative to seek death, then let me see you, what kind of strength you have reached, let me see where your killing power is displayed!"

Wuji smiled slightly, and immediately swept his big hand across, strange runes appeared on the three flags, and immediately the world became dense, and the power of killing was far stronger than before Not a lot.


All the weird winds turned into sharp arrows, and they shot at Chu Yun, but Chu Yun didn't move. Seriously, with this level of attack, you still want to kill him?Far is not enough, it seems that this member of the royal family is still somewhat confident.

It's just a pity that the more confident a person is, the faster he will fall. Self-confidence is not a good sign. In this world, there are not many warriors who have fallen because of self-confidence, and how many warriors have fallen because of self-confidence. Self-confidence, falling into the abyss of eternal doom
(End of this chapter)

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