Chapter 979
Chu Yun's expression changed slightly, and he saw mountains in front of him, which directly cut off his pursuit.

"With so little ability, you still want to stop me? Maybe you don't think much of me, Chu Yun?" Chu Yun snorted coldly, and immediately his body was full of energy and blood, and the powerful forces were like tides Cover and go, suppress the heavens!

Suddenly there was a rumbling sound, and the sky was full of dust. Chu Yun raised his fist and opened it wide, like an invincible warrior, constantly opening the way ahead.


Chu Yun directly cut off the nearby mountain range, and the figure of the old medicine plant appeared in front of his eyes again. Chu Yun smiled slightly, and wanted to stay away from him?is it possible?
"Ge, you chased me so quickly. Are you trying to force me to death?" The holy medicine let out a foul breath. To be honest, he was really helpless.

He also didn't expect that this warrior is so capable of chasing him, he has already chased him far more than one street, right?Chased so many mountains.

"Mountain burial technique!"

The holy medicine stopped suddenly, and he stood up. The tiny tentacles on the root swayed around like little hands. His tentacles pinched the marks, and runes suddenly appeared one after another.

"Huh? Can you still use secret techniques?" Chu Yun's expression changed slightly. To be honest, even he was a little surprised. Isn't this holy medicine too amazing?It simply broke all his imagination.

For example, the holy medicine has no combat power, but this one has used secret techniques one after another, and has a certain killing power. How can it not shock him?It was simply beyond his expectation.


A section of the mountain range was caught by the holy medicine in an instant. This is not an ordinary mountain range, and it is a mountain range with runes branded on it. The moment this mountain range appeared, Chu Yun's face darkened.

This section of mountain range bombarded towards Chu Yun, forming a tomb-like shape, as if the mountain range was to be used as a tomb to directly bury Chu Yun's life.

"You are really beyond my expectation!" At this moment, Chu Yun could not help but sigh, this holy medicine is extremely difficult even for him, it is very difficult to deal with it.

"call out!"

Chu Yun wanted to escape, but unfortunately, he was directly shackled by this tomb, and his whole body was imprisoned.

"Haha, Ge Laozi, you still want to chase me? Can't you find death? You should stay here obediently. It is really difficult to catch me. Even you are no exception."

After saying that, the holy medicine, Sa Yazi, ran wildly and disappeared from Chu Yun's sight in an instant. However, Chu Yun was still trapped in that section of the mountain range and could not get out.


It took a lot of energy for Chu Yun to shatter the seal, but at this moment the holy medicine had already run away. However, Chu Yun was not nervous at all. The reason why he didn't care so much was not because the holy medicine was not important, but because he had already It left a mark on the body of the holy medicine.

Although the brand mark was very faint, Chu Yun could still sense it. After closing his eyes for a moment, Chu Yun smiled slightly, and immediately disappeared in place, and he chased after him.

In Chu Yun's impression, the holy medicine actually stopped and no longer ran away. It seems that the holy medicine has relaxed his vigilance, but he doesn't need to expend so many means to chase it. A holy medicine.

I have to say that the holy medicine is really evil, is it true for every holy medicine?It seems that the reason why a holy word can be attached to the name of the holy medicine is enough to get a glimpse of its extraordinaryness.

After a few breaths, Chu Yun was getting closer and closer to the holy medicine, but Chu Yun was not so careless, he still had to be fully prepared.

After all, this holy medicine is really not an ordinary holy medicine. It is so abnormal that it is extremely difficult for Chu Yun to catch this holy medicine.

This holy medicine possesses all kinds of secret techniques, and its ability to escape is so powerful that even Chu Yun doubts whether this is the real holy medicine...

Chu Yun saw the figure of the holy medicine from a distance, and saw the holy medicine with his legs crossed, and said, "Ge Laozi, you still want to catch me? You really think I'm a freelancer."

"I'm telling you, I'm not a freelancer. I'm imprisoning you in the tomb. There will be mountains sealing you in a short while. You won't be able to get out of trouble so soon, right?"

"But that's okay, I don't have so much time to play with you, I'm trapped, I can also have fun here, I'm exhausted, for more than 1000 years, no one bothered me, unexpectedly It's a sin to be disturbed by a junior."

The holy medicine crossed its legs, looking extremely leisurely. If it weren't for the body of the holy medicine, others would think that it was not a holy medicine, but a warrior creature.

Chu Yun watched from the side, his expression remained unchanged, but at this moment, he had already prepared the power of the seal, and in his palm, a miniature dark cage appeared, which was the void cage.

As long as the holy medicine falls into his void cage, then see how he can escape, his void cage has the power of devouring, the power of sealing, these two forces, he still doesn't believe that he can't restrain the holy medicine.

"Right now!"

Chu Yun rushed over suddenly, and he directly covered the holy medicine in the seal. All of this was much easier than Chu Yun imagined, and it was beyond Chu Yun's expectation.

"What's going on? It shouldn't be that simple, right?" Chu Yun frowned. He faintly felt that something was wrong. Immediately, his expression changed, and he glanced at the holy medicine in the cage.

I don't know when, this holy medicine directly turned into a root hair, what happened?Isn't this a holy medicine?When did it become a root? !
"call out!"

Chu Yun's reaction speed was also quite fast. At the very first moment, he sensed a piercing breath coming through, and he rushed out instantly.


At the moment when Chu Yun escaped, a huge fist suddenly smashed down, and in an instant, a huge pit of hundreds of feet appeared in the place where Chu Yun was standing!
"Yo? Unexpectedly, the reaction is so fast? It didn't fall into the trap!" At this moment, the holy medicine stood on the head of a ferocious beast, as if looking down on Chu Yun.

"Hey, dare you come and catch me? Are you not tired of living? Xiao Hei, kill this man for me. After beheading me, I will give you a drop of medicine!"

(End of this chapter)

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