Chapter 523

Luo Tianchen held his right hand in the air, and the holy bazooka transformed by the angelic energy of the Holy Ruins Eight-Winged Angel appeared in his hand. He grabbed the bazooka, and a little star energy gathered on the bullet at the muzzle.

At this time, the empty dark blue figures instinctively realized the power of the weapon, screaming and wanting to disperse, but Luo Tianchen pulled the trigger first, the explosion, fire wind, smoke trails, fragments, the dark blue The figures in the "Void" were blown up and scattered like blossoms, turning into sparks of dark blue smoke and dust one after another.

In terms of Blue Star's war weapons, after adding the high-level star power that is comparable to poison to them, these things, which are equivalent to the powerhouses of the high-dimensional protoss, have no chance to resist, just like throwing firecrackers into a group of people. Go to the little soldiers made of wooden sticks, and a little bit of it burns.

Luo Tianchen put away the holy bazooka, and in front of the larger and more numerous shadows, Luo Tianchen didn't have time to charge up the second shot with such power and ran away. Seeing more dark blue figures rushing up, countless Claw shadows waved in the darkening night again.

This time, Luo Tianchen didn't intend to be reasonable, just because he saw that the figures in front of him were miscellaneous soldiers, so in his hand, a holy shotgun condensed by angelic power was conjured up (for the original shape, please refer to PUBG's S12K ).

With the spear behind his back, he fired and strode forward. The golden angelic energy steel balls fired by the shotgun, attracted by the power of the starry sky contained in it, formed a huge cone-shaped barrage. The angels that the vastness puts together are blown away by the wind of the stars.

That's great, from the very beginning until now, Luo Tianchen was not sure that he could absolutely defeat the enemy in front of him, even if he used [-]% of his strength to fight it, Luo Tianchen didn't have that kind of confidence, because this is not at the same level at all. exist.

Perhaps he might be about to die, but since Luo Tianchen traveled through time, apart from being with the one he loves and enjoying life, he has never felt so clearly alive like this at this moment.

In the temporarily condensed sacred shotgun, the shotgun has also been exhausted, and the shotgun turned into a golden streamer again. Luo Tianchen lifted the back of the windbreaker, and the golden streamer turned into two balls, and in Luo Tianchen's hands, it turned into two Holy submachine gun (the prototype reference is also PUBG's Uzi).

The golden shells shining with stars rushed into the sky like popcorn, and the ammunition poured madly towards the dark blue shadow door.That's great, if you want to put it on Blue Star in the previous life, shouldn't men fight this kind of battle?It's a pity that there isn't a camera to follow, and even in this field, no one can tell the world that he has fought like this.

The two holy submachine guns also ran out of ammunition, and Luo Tianchen was not given any time to recondense the ammunition. He had to remove a dozen throwing knives from his windbreaker.

Luo Tianchen pulled out two throwing knives one after another, added high-level star energy, cut out the same dark blue and viscous energy liquid from the throats of the dark blue figures, and then directed them towards the boundless storm .


I don't know how long it has passed, Luo Tianchen has lost his demeanor just now, even the snow-white windbreaker on his body has a few big holes, and he is already scarred.

And the number of dark blue figures was unprecedentedly large, coupled with the more terrifying and continuous attacks, it was too late to give him a chance to condense the ammunition, and all the throwing knives of the divine level were thrown out. He could fight with the Celestial Glacier Spear and the Holy Ruins Eight-Winged Angel behind him, so he didn't have time to switch any weapons, and he didn't even have the chance to summon the Emperor God Yutian Wushenjian.

Even with the defense of angel wings and the sharpness of the Celestial Glacier Spear, it still couldn't stop those dark blue figures from getting close.Their sharp claws left shallow or deep scratches on Luo Tianchen's body, and almost penetrated Luo Tianchen's body a few times.

Maybe it's because he gathered his own strength in one body, so that his current physical condition has reached about 50.00% of his true level, or maybe he's already numb to the pain. The sharp claws of the dark blue figure cut into his left leg and pulled horizontally, directly cutting off his entire muscle.

Luo Tianchen half-kneeled on the ground, drew back the Celestial Glacier Spear, smashed the tip of the long spear, and smashed half of the head of the empty figure.

The spear hit the ground in the rainy night, making waves one foot high, and the ground was also smashed into several cracks. The dozens of throwing knives were controlled by Luo Tianchen's spiritual sense, walking like butterflies in the rainy night. Luo Tianchen dragged his injured leg and half-walked towards the demon who had been watching the show from the beginning to the end. More sharp claws left scars on his body, even though their sharp claws were covered with " Void" that can devour everything, but under the strengthening of Luo Tianchen's two major bloodlines, the hardness of the skin covered with the power of the starry sky is not weak, otherwise he would have been torn to pieces.

At this time, it seems to be full of contrasts. It is clearly in his own domain, but the god who should dominate this domain is like a hopeless assassin. He wants to break through the defense line of the imperial guards and assassinate the emperor. But the emperor was so high above that he didn't even bother to look at him.

He rushed left and right like a wolf and a tiger, but that was just the last ferocity of the beast, and there was a copper wall and an iron wall between him and the emperor.His vision gradually became blood-red, and his sense of hearing began to blur. The world around his ears was both approaching and far away. At this moment, he even had auditory hallucinations, as if a villain said in his ear, stop, stop, Just rest here, you are already very tired; but another villain said, why bother, why bother?As long as you are willing to fully unleash your own power, you will be the real emperor of the gods at that time. They will all die, and under your proclamation, none of them will be left behind!
Yes, Luo Tianchen has this ability, as long as he ignores all the consequences, even the fate of the whole world, even if the Douluo World is destroyed with him, after unlocking all the power to use, the situation will be complete. Reversal, he Luo Tianchen is the real emperor of the gods, at that time he will be the real emperor, and the demon in front of him can only be a rebellious party, the place where he is Luo Tianchen is the real throne, what devil or what? Void monsters, as long as they dare to approach the throne, they will be judged, judged, and judged! ! !
However, Luo Tianchen didn't dare, he knew what the price would be for fully unleashing all his power, and neither of his two bloodlines had reached a [-]% fit, which meant that if Luo Tianchen did this now, it would be tantamount to To exchange life for life!

It's almost time, a person can pull such a group of monsters to die with him, this is a good deal no matter what, but Luo Tianchen can't make up his mind at this time, he can't bear the people he cherishes, he can't bear the people he cherishes Everything, not to mention the things he still had to accomplish, because of these, Luo Tianchen couldn't make up his mind, the kind of dark fear that he hadn't had for many years, once again rose from the deepest part of his heart, the third little man whispering there...

It said again, no, no, Luo Tianchen, you must not release all your power, that will be a mistake that cannot be corrected, and it will become the most regrettable thing in your life! ! !

Luo Tianchen raised his spear again, and slammed it down on the bridge. An ice-blue light wave quickly spread from the bridge to the surroundings, forcing all the dark blue figures around him back for a certain distance, and then held it tightly. The left hand of the long spear hangs down weakly, while the right hand desperately presses his forehead. His headache seems to be splitting open, and something is about to come out of it.

What the heck is that mountain of cast-iron mistakes?What are you afraid of?To destroy the world that his father worked so hard to protect?Or will he give his life on this battlefield?Or, are you sorry for the people and things you cherish?And what I haven't been able to complete, and all the things that must be done?

The surrounding area of ​​Luo Tianchen was empty in an instant, and at this moment, a sharp whistling sound came from behind, it was the sound of a sharp claw tearing the air at high speed.He was attacked, and the attacker was extremely fast, and caught the fatal moment when he hallucinated.

If Luo Tianchen has time to look back, he will find this dark blue figure, all data and performance are close to perfect, this strongest figure is an assassin, it has been hiding in the storm before, even He had hidden Luo Tianchen's divine sense, and the moment it appeared, it was a one-hit kill!

At this moment, the angel wings behind Luo Tianchen dissipated, the Celestial Glacier Spear fell out of his hand, and rolled to the side powerlessly, even the dim dark red star that had been floating beside him fell to his side.

He let go of everything in his heart, and even thought in his heart to forget it. It is meaningless to drag the demons in front of him to be buried with him. The villains in his heart said stop making noise, it is better to listen quietly The wind, the wind of death...

I forgot which book I read it from, it was said by a person: Death is actually not scary at all, it is just very lonely.Before Luo Tianchen thought that he had obtained the whole world, but at this moment, he really felt that he was a little lonely. Loneliness was not the same as loneliness. It was not that uncomfortable. It was just that he was the only one fighting here, and he failed their expectations. I feel a little empty in my heart...

He closed his star pupils, and various thoughts came to mind at this moment. He thought that his memory was not very good, but at this moment, his memory of more than 600 years was accurate. It played back in his mind, just like a movie, showing the experience of his life.

He saw his sister before time travel, Tian Yao, that was his only relative before time travel.The memory soon came to after the time travel, that was the first time he saw another relative of his own, that was his biological mother in this life, the Nether God and Fengshen of Douluo God Realm, Zhu Zhuqing.

After that, there was also his second mother, Angel God Qian Renxue, and his childhood sweetheart who was the most important to him at that time, the little witch from Douluo God Realm, Tang Wutong.

(End of this chapter)

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