Reborn genius girl

Chapter 117 Protecting an Adult or a Child

Chapter 117 Protecting an Adult or a Child (1)
Hang Mi looked at Su Chengtian at the door, and couldn't help feeling a burst of fear: "Cheng... Chengtian, why did you come back so early today? Is there nothing to do in the company?"

Hang Mi looked at Su Chengtian and asked cautiously, but on the surface she still pretended to be the same as usual, but in her heart she was so scared to death!

Pulled out a smile: "Shall I go get you a cup of tea?"

Su Chengtian walked towards Hang Mi slowly, his whole face was distorted: "Hang Mi, you are really good. Is this how Su Chengtian is treated like a monkey by you?"

Su Chengtian looked at Hang Mi and said word by word!

Hang Mi didn't know where to put her hands, she looked at Su Chengtian biting her lips and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about all day long!"

"Don't understand?" Su Chengtian ran up to Hang Mi and grabbed Hang Mi's arm, making Hang Mi's heart skip a beat: "Chengtian, what's wrong with you?"

Su Chengtian looked at Hang Mi's ignorant look, and couldn't help feeling even more annoyed: "Hang Mi, you are pretending, pretending, I want to see how long you pretend!" The newspapers were thrown on Hang Mi's face, these newspapers were taken from other people's hands!

Hang Mi watched the newspaper fall to the ground, and felt that all the strength in her body was about to be drained. After all, he still saw it and knew about it!
"What's wrong? Have you nothing to say?" Su Chengtian said with a distorted face!
Hang Mi was taken aback, she couldn't, she couldn't just be defeated like this, she couldn't just be defeated like this, all of this was achieved by her hard work for so long, Hang Mi looked at Su Chengtian and burst into tears: "Everyday you How can you believe in these random reports outside but not me?"

"Don't you know what kind of person I am? Don't you know?"

"All day, I have always regarded you as the person I love the most in my life. How could I treat you like this? How could I find another man outside? All day, don't be deceived by others , Those people are jealous people who can't see my kindness!" Hang Mi looked at Su Chengtian pitifully while crying and talking!

Su Chengtian looked at Hang Mi and suddenly smiled: "Hang Mi, let me tell you, I never believed what you said. You are just a tool for me to warm my bed and carry on my family. What kind of green onion do you think you are? I imagined too well, you are just a bitch, what else do you have in your eyes besides my money? Me? Do you love me? Hehe, I would rather believe that Qiao Luo is true love I don't even want to believe your words!"

"You!" Su Chengtian said that Hang Mi's face turned white and green. In his eyes, she is just a bitch?

"Su Chengtian, you say this, you are too hurtful, right?" Hang Mi looked at Su Chengtian and said!
Seeing Hang Mi's dead look, Su Chengtian immediately became angry. No one could ever contradict what he said, of course those people were referring to Hang Mi Su Kexin!

"Hang Mi, you fucking bitch, try to talk back!" Su Chengtian looked at Hang Mi viciously!

Hang Mi took a deep breath, shook off Su Chengtian's arm forcefully, and bit her lips: "Su Chengtian, your only skill is hitting women, isn't it? Your only skill is bullying women, isn't it?"

She was really fed up with Su Chengtian, she endured so long and worked so hard for money, she could also leave the man she loved for money, and for her, she could also be judged by others!

But what kind of qualifications does Su Chengtian have for scolding and accusing himself like this?

Isn't he the same as himself?

Didn't they all abandon their wives and daughters, at least she loves her children very much, and he, ha ha!

"Su Chengtian, what right do you have to scold me like this? I'm looking for men outside, but what about you, aren't you still looking for a lot of little girls outside?"

"Besides, I'm also a woman, and I need love too!" Hang Mi said!
Su Chengtian's complexion is getting worse and worse!
But Hang Mi still wanted to let out the anger that had accumulated in her heart for many years, looked at Su Chengtian and said: "Su Chengtian, you say I am something, but you are nothing, you are worse than me , at least I love every one of my children, but what about you?"

"In your heart, you will always only have a son, a person who will carry on the family line, but you can't even see Kexin in your eyes. How much Kexin hopes that your father can care about her. But in the end it is Not a fart at all, at least you have put on a show with Sukale, but how about Kexin?"

"Also, if I don't have a child in my belly this time, would you be willing to take me back here?"

"So, Su Chengtian and the two of us are the same. When you scold me, you scold yourself, scolding you, a pig and dog that even beats women! Haha!" Hang Mi raised her head smile!

Su Chengtian's face turned black from being scolded by Hang Mi, and he looked at Hang Mi and said, "You say I'm not as good as a pig or dog who beats up women? Haha, okay, then I'll beat you to death right now, you bitch!"

After saying that, Su Chengtian picked up the stick used for drying clothes next to the closet, Hang Mi's face turned pale with fright: "Su Chengtian, what are you going to do!"

Su Chengtian smiled sullenly, and hit Hang Mi's arm with a stick: "Stinky bitch, I can't beat you to death today!"

"Ah!" The pain messenger Hang Mi couldn't help yelling loudly, Hang Mi felt as if her arm couldn't move anymore, she was in heart-piercing pain, and she couldn't help crying and begging Su Chengtian for mercy: "Chengtian. I'm in so much pain, don't hit me anymore, I'm still pregnant with your son, your son!"

Suddenly, Hang Mi felt a cramping pain in her stomach, and bit her lip hard. "All day long, my... my stomach hurts so much!"

At this time, Su Chengtian couldn't hear anything Hang Mi said at all. He shook off the stick in his hand and pulled Hang Mi's hair with his hands: "Does it hurt? Okay, then I will beat you with my own hands. , your stomach hurts, hehe, don’t lie to me, I won’t believe any of your words anymore, your stomach hurts, go to hell, I hit other places of yours!”

"No, really, I really have a stomachache. All day, I beg you, you believe me this time!" Hang Mi cried to Su Chengtian!

(End of this chapter)

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