Reborn genius girl

Chapter 3 Rebirth

Chapter 3 Rebirth ([-])

But, it's not right!

Dad just wasn't home when Mom died, and when Mom died...

Su Kale recalled carefully, what happened after Qiao Luo's death at that time, the more Su Kale thought about it, the more wrong it became!

At that time, my father cried to death as soon as he came home. In his memory, Su Kale remembered that his parents were not very loving, and they always quarreled. Sometimes, his father would not go home every day!
But wasn't Dad's reaction too intense?

But Su Kale can't judge that Su Chengtian has anything to do with Qiao Luo's death because of this!
Su Kale remembered that at that time, Dad seemed to have just established a company with a shortage of funds, so he went out to borrow money from friends!

Later, after my mother died, someone came to my house...

Kale bit her lip, desperately thinking about the previous things!

Three men in suits came to their home!
What were you talking about with your dad back then?

Su Kale couldn't help but knocked on his head, how could he not remember?
Su Kale suddenly seemed to remember something, and his face turned pale!
Yes, it is compensation!
Dad bought personal accident insurance for mom!

Carle bit her lip, why did mom have an accident just after dad bought insurance money for mom?
And it was Hang Mi who killed her!
It took only three months for Hang Mi to approach the gate of the Su family!
Could it be that Dad and Hang Mi killed Mom?
The more Su Kale thought about it, the more frightened she became. The father she had loved since she was a child must not be the murderer who hurt her mother!
However, her father did not investigate the clues of her mother's death at that time, so Kale had to suspect that her father, Su Chengtian, was also one of the murderers who hurt her mother!

So what should Kale do now?
To seek revenge on her father too?
Send his father to hell too?
Sukale can't do it!

Really can't do it!
That was her biological father, Kale's favorite father since she was a child, and also the most admired father!
Carle shook his head and bit his lip, no, Dad, it has not been proved that you are also one of the murderers, Dad, you must not let Carle down.

Shukale closed his eyes!
Su Kale was taken aback when he heard a knock on the door. Who was it?Su Kale frowned, thought for a while, it must be her mother, after all, there are only her mother and her in the house now!

Su Kale ran forward with bare feet and opened the door!

Qiao Luo looked at the daughter in front of him, and his eyes fell on Kale's feet again. He frowned, stepped forward and hugged Kale, walked in, put Kale on the small bed, and helped Kale Le put on his shoes, and scolded Kale again: "Su Kale, look at you, you are so big, don't you even wear shoes? What should you do if you are sick and have a cold?"

Kale looked at her mother in front of her, she hadn't seen her for ten years!

She lost her mom for ten years!
A delicate face, not very beautiful, but very delicate and seductive, looks like a woman in her twenties, not like a woman in her thirties!
Much better-looking than Hangmi, Hangmi wears heavy makeup, and even 50.00% of her mother is not there after taking off the makeup, isn't she just relying on a bit of coquetry to seduce her father?
Kale looked at Qiao Luo in front of him, his eyes became moist, mom...

Tears fell on the back of Qiao Luo's hands!

Qiao Luo looked up at the red-eyed daughter in front of her, feeling as if her heart had been picked up, and she hugged Su Kale in her arms: "Kale, what mom said just now was a bit heavy, good boy, mom wants Kale Sorry, my little princess, I'm sorry!"

After speaking, I kissed Kale's eyes!

Seeing Qiao Luo's actions, Su Kale was moved, happy, and funny!

What moved me was Qiao Luo's deep maternal love for her!

Happily, this rebirth brought Qiao Luo back to him!

The funny thing is, I am already an adult, and I am coaxed by my mother like this, which makes Kale a little embarrassed!

His face flushed slightly!

Kale nestled tightly in Qiaoluo's arms, mom, this time, let Kale protect you well!
No matter who it is, Kale will not allow him to hurt you, especially Hang Mi, the murderer who killed you!

And... Qi Wenxuan and Su Kexin!

I will make them pay dearly for what they have done!
Su Kale patted Qiao Luo's back lightly, then frowned and asked, "Mom, where's Dad?"

Now Su Kale can't directly confirm that Su Chengtian has something to do with his mother's accident, but Su Kale always feels too suspicious, so Kale has to check it out, so now Su Kale must observe Su carefully. all day!

Hang Mi killed Qiao Luo because of Su Chengtian's relationship!

In order to sit on the seat of the young mistress of the Su family justifiably, but if my father didn't know about this, why would he marry Hang Mi so soon?

This incident was so weird that Kale had to doubt it!
But did Hang Mi meet Qiao Luo before she killed him?
This thing is also very important!
This matter was also introduced by Hang Mi's personality. She has always liked to show off, but why didn't she see it clearly before?

Kale really wanted to knock his head hard and ask, why are you so stupid?
"You, Dad, he'll be back later!" Qiao Luo couldn't help turning pale when he heard Kale mention Su Chengtian, the pain in his eyes didn't bury Su Kale!

Carle was taken aback, didn't he?

Could it be that Su Chengtian has mixed up with Hang Mi now?

However, this...

Kale looked at Qiao Luo again, this was obviously a married woman's grief and pain for her husband's cheating!

Can't go wrong!

Thinking of this, Kale couldn't help but think of Qi Wenxuan's deception to him, Kale held back the anger in his heart, and absolutely couldn't let his mother see himself like this, otherwise it would frighten her!

Qiao Luo has always been a good woman who loves her family, her husband, and her daughter!
But it was still killed by others like this!
Kale clenched his fist tightly. This time, I, Su Kale, must have the strongest strength and step on the soles of your feet. Although the current one is no match for you, there is no evidence!
But after a few years, I will definitely use my own strength to defeat you!

Dad, Su Chengtian... I hope you don't get involved in this matter.

Don't let Kale hate you...

Kale hugged Qiao Luo: "Mom, if you have any unhappy things in the future, you must tell Kale, and Kale will definitely help you solve the problem. Mother is the one Kale loves the most!"

(End of this chapter)

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