Chapter 54

"Su Kale, how do you know so many things about me? Who the hell are you?" Su Chengtian couldn't help wondering if the girl in front of him was his daughter. Why did her behavior and personality contrast so much in the past few months? Big?
"Who am I? I'm Su Kale, didn't you call my name just now?" Su Kale sneered, suspicious?The cowardly and stupid Sukale from before is dead, and now standing in front of you is a reborn Sukale!
"Then how do you know so many things about me?"

"You are so funny, why can't I know?"

Su Chengtian was speechless!

Su Kale looked at Su Chengtian and then hooked his lips again: "I want to invest in shares!"

Su Chengtian was startled suddenly: "No, it's impossible, I won't agree!"

Su Kale sneered: "You won't agree, of course, of course you won't agree, because you don't want to give me any benefits at all, all you want to leave is your son, and you hope even more My 200 million is for nothing!" Actually, Su Kale doesn't want anything from Su Chengtian, but Su Kale must now enter Su Chengtian's company. Things, Su Kale is all in his own hands!
"How is it possible, Carle, from now on, all of Dad's family property will be left to you. Now Dad is just helping you manage well and earn more, so that you can live a good life. You belong to Dad. Daughter, if daddy’s future money will not be left to you, who will it be left to!” After Su Chengtian heard Su Kale’s words, he quickly comforted him, the 200 million money can’t be let go for nothing. But he didn't know that the one in front of him was his own daughter!

"No need, I only want shares, so let me buy your shares, you decide for yourself! I'll give you three seconds to think about it!"

"Carle, you, how can you do this, I'm your father, dear father, can't you help your father? Have you forgotten? When you were young, your father took you to climb mountains. We Still going to the amusement park, Kale, have you forgotten all of this?" Su Chengtian said anxiously!

Su Kale's heart trembled suddenly, how could I forget it, but it was because the previous expectations were so great, and now the disappointment is so great, no matter what, I couldn't be soft-hearted anymore, took a deep breath, The injustice in my heart has been adjusted!


Su Kale said lightly!


Su Kale looked at Su Chengtian with raised eyebrows!
Su Chengtian couldn't help sweating anxiously, agree or not?
Su Chengtian gritted his teeth and agreed first!

"Okay, I promise you!" Su Chengtian said angrily. He hated others to threaten him the most in his life!
"But 200 million, only [-]% of the shares can be traded!" Su Chengtian looked at Su Kale and said, anyway, the [-]% of the shares will not affect anything!
But Su Chengtian still looked at Su Kale angrily, you little girl dared to threaten me just now?

Su Kale looked at Su Chengtian with a smile on his face: "Are you kidding me? The total investment in your company is worth 550 million. This is the whole deal between me and you. If it's not the whole head, it's my total investment." It turned out to be worth 530, but I don’t care about it with you, and your current land is worth 300 million, I guess 150 is enough for you to build a factory, so the total is calculated , the current value of your company is 1000 million, and I invested 200 million, would you mind telling me to give me [-]% of the shares? I won’t tell you anything else, think about it for yourself! "

Su Chengtian stared at Su Kale dumbfounded, as if looking at Su Kale like an alien!
How could she know all these things so clearly?
Su Kale pursed his lips, reached out and threw the stack of papers under his pillow in front of Su Chengtian: "Look for yourself!"

Su Chengtian picked up the piece of paper, and the more he looked at it, the more horrified he became. Even looking at Su Kale, he was a little afraid. What kind of background is behind her?How do you even remember the cost of these materials in such detail?

"The shares you hold are 70.00% five, and I only need 20.00% now, think about it for yourself, as long as you figure it out, I will give you the 200 million!" Su Kale said lightly!
Su Chengtian embarrassedly put down the documents in his hand, looked at Su Kale and said, "Kale, Dad just made a mistake and said that 20.00% was 20.00%, so don't be angry with Dad. And Carle, you said you are still so young, how can I sell the shares to you, you are still underage, I am afraid that other shareholders in the company will not agree, otherwise, Let Dad manage your [-]% shares for you first, and Dad will return it to you when you become an adult?"

Su Kale looked at Su Chengtian disdainfully, asking him to keep the 20.00% shares by himself first?Hehe, will I still vomit in the future? "No, no need, I can manage my shares by myself, you just need to sell them to me, and you don't have to be so lenient about the rest!"

Su Chengtian's face froze, and then he said with a smile: "Kale, let's do it this way, your 200 million can be considered as a loan from your father first, okay? After my father has made money, my father will pay you back the money." Here you go, okay?"

Anyway, Su Chengtian didn't want Su Kale to take the [-]/[-]% of the shares, which would be left to his son in the future, how could Su Kale take it?

Su Kale pursed her lips and said nothing!
Seeing that Su Kale didn't speak, Su Chengtian thought that Su Kale had acquiesced, and said with a smile: "Kale still understands things!"

Su Kale looked at Su Chengtian with a frown!
The deep eyes can't see the bottom!
Looking at Su Chengtian, I felt a little flustered!

"Carle, don't worry, Dad will write you an IOU, and I will definitely pay you back in the future!"

"Su Chengtian, don't you understand what I said? I said, I only want shares!"

Su Chengtian's face froze, and he looked at Su Kale with displeasure. It's already very good to write her an IOU, but she actually wants shares from him?

"Su Kale, don't toast or eat fine wine, let me tell you, you have to borrow today even if you don't!"

"I'm your biological father. Don't you even want to borrow such a small amount of money?"

"Sukale, let me tell you, your money is mine. You were born by me, can you come to this world without me?"

Su Kale is speechless, this borrowing money can also be borrowed like this, it is really the best of the best, although it is said that a person will always encounter a few best in his life, but he has encountered too many best right?

(End of this chapter)

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