Hurry up, please be kind

Chapter 115 You are so sweet at the same table

Chapter 115 You are so sweet at the same table (20)

Jianghua's image has been subverted.

It's really the kind that even my parents don't know.

Jiang Han almost didn't recognize it.

When entering the classroom, someone asked, "Student, which class are you in and who are you looking for?"


Jiang Hua: "I am your Grandpa Jiang."


Since the last time 520 made a big embarrassment by giving away spicy noodles, the classmates in the class obviously didn't exclude him so much, and they would say hello when they met.

There are quite a lot of rumors about Jianghua.

Some people say that he is a gangster. Some people say that he is invincible all over the school, and the younger brother can circle the school three times.

A bit exaggerated, but quite curious.

Then someone boldly asked tentatively, Jiang Hua had always been too lazy to pay attention, but Si Zhuo also turned his head around, looking like he was waiting all day.

Jiang Hua had to start bragging.

"It's not gangsters, they just want to bully me. I beat them to their knees and called them boss."

He thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more powerful he felt.

"What are the schools that can play? Have you played them all?"

"Just one."

Jiang Hua started bragging seriously.

"Grandpa's little brothers are walking all over the place, fighting invincible hands all over the school. You saw the battle last time, it's all grandpa's little brothers!"

As he spoke, he gave himself a thumbs up.


After confirming his eyes, he is really a sand sculpture.

I was so blind before that I didn't realize that there was a source of happiness in the class, and I thought he was a cannibal.

The students held back their laughter, their shoulders shaking non-stop.

"Ahem, beat the whole school invincible, Grandpa Jiang, are you sure?" Someone glanced at Si Zhuo meaningfully, and then looked at Jiang Hua.

"Of course!"

Jiang Hua subconsciously replied to him.


A classmate suddenly imitated the sound of something exploding, which startled Jiang Hua and looked at him inexplicably.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, the cowhide is blown~"

Jiang Hua: "...!"

He felt that his dignity had been challenged!
The classmate said something jokingly, and ran away with a strong desire to survive, "Hahahaha, Grandpa Jiang, can you beat the monitor~"

Jiang Hua was about to catch up and beat him up, but stopped immediately after hearing this, and looked at Si Zhuo, who also looked at him.


This, this is very embarrassing.

Jiang Hua remembered the fear of being dominated by the trash can again.

Si Zhuo evoked a harmless smile from humans and animals.

"It's time for class, sit down."


Grandpa Jiang frightened.


"Grandpa Jiang is invincible all over the school~"

The surrounding classmates started to boo again, Jiang Hua glared at them angrily, the fresh and clean outfit of a young man made his face fair and delicate.

This image is really unbearable.

But he still said something he thought was a threat.

"Don't leave after school!"

Wow, what a lethal threat!

One hit.

They were so cute that the blood tank was empty.

"Why don't you leave after school?"

The head teacher's voice sounded at the door. This class was her class, that is, math class. After hearing Jiang Hua's vicious words, she thought he was going to engage in campus bullying.

Suddenly frowned.

Unexpectedly, other students answered for him.

"Head teacher, don't leave after school means that Jiang Hua will treat our whole class to eat spicy strips after school!"

"Eat 520 packs of spicy strips~"

Since Jianghua 520 gave away spicy sticks, the whole class used this as a meme and joked about it from time to time, and even the brave ones teased and called Jianghua "520 spicy sticks".

The head teacher was at a loss.

"To shut up!"

Jiang Hua became angry from embarrassment and beat the table angrily.

"You guys are thinking about farting!"

"When did the Lord say that he would treat you to eat spicy strips?!"

The whole class smiled, their current state is——

The squad leader is present, I have the guts!
"Then why did you tell us not to leave after school?"

To beat you of course!

Jiang Hua dared to stare at them, and Si Zhuo watched from the side. He couldn't be so violent, but there was no step down at this time, so he suddenly had an idea.

"My lord didn't tell you."


"Master said it to Ye Zhuo alone."


The students were at a loss.

Then I heard Jiang Hua built a perfect step for himself, rolled down smoothly, and said to Si Zhuo in a low voice.

"Don't leave after school, I'll treat you to spicy strips."

The whole class: "..." Cut~
Si Zhuo couldn't help laughing, and gave him a hand.

"Don't be shy, go to class."


Jiang Hua sat down obediently, and took out the brand-new math book that he had been studying for several months. The name was not written on it, and it had been gathering dust in the drawer.

He is really a scumbag to the end.

The head teacher stared at him for a long time.

I couldn't help but wonder if someone was acting as a substitute, and if this Jiang Hua was impersonated by someone else. Except for the voice, there was really no sense of familiarity.

After thinking about it, she looked at Si Zhuo.

Let's just say it's the subtle effect of Xueba.

She finally didn't have to make a small report.

You can tell Secretary Jiang the good news.

The teacher in charge didn't teach the new lesson, but the test paper of the last monthly exam. The last few questions were left, which were also the most difficult ones.

For one of the questions, Ye Zhuo scored full marks in the class alone.

If the class teacher doesn't order her, who will he order?

At this time, Si Zhuo was actually using Tianxiu's trick to paddle, sitting upright on the surface, but actually discussing with Tianxiu with a spicy stick in his mouth——

Correct posture for desk play.

The class teacher is named just right.

Si Zhuo vacillated between continuing YY and maintaining the school bully, and finally lost in Tianxiu's sentence of "starting in three years, the maximum death penalty".

Not old enough, YY is useless.

So she had no choice but to take the chalk to the stage, and the class teacher asked her to explain the steps of the calculation, but Si Zhuo was very lazy, so she just memorized the answer and explained it, and then said it honestly.

"There is the original title on May [-]rd."

Awareness is that she is lucky if she gets it right.

all the classmates:"……"

I'm only a sophomore now, sister!
Not enough time to play.

Who is going to solve the May [-] problem like you? !

Invisible pretense is the deadliest.

Si Zhuo: Everything is to maintain the personality of Xueba.

The head teacher praised a few words as usual, and then the whole class applauded. After explaining a few words about Si Zhuo's answer, the head teacher began to order other students to come on stage.

Since Si Zhuo stepped onto the podium and came down, Jiang Hua couldn't help following her eyes, then lowered his eyes and thought of his scores and hers.

She has 145 points and he has 5 points.

Complementary two people are full marks.

How did he get the five points? In fact, he threw the answer sheet on the ground and stepped on it. The shoes may be a little dirty, and somehow the school's garbage system swept up a correct multiple-choice question.

This is also his only five points in this monthly exam.

The name and test number are filled in by the invigilator.

He didn't write a single word.

He is also a person with points!
Grandpa Jiang was stunned.

But even so, he was still the last one. When the report card of the whole class was passed to him, he looked silent.

She is the first, he is the last.

The distance between the two people, it is estimated that only by folding the report card in half can there be an intersection.

Si Zhuo just said something bluntly.

"You scum lasts forever."

It has been number one several times in a row.


Grandpa Jiang felt contempt.

Really, not happy.

 Do you want scum, or do you want to last?
(End of this chapter)

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