Hurry up, please be kind

Chapter 134 Overwhelming the people on stage 7

Chapter 134 Overwhelming the people on stage 7
Si Zhuo fell behind.

There was a dead silence in the room.

The strand of hair that Cai Sizhuo had cut off from Yuhua's head had fallen from the table to the ground, mixed in a piece of broken glass.

The shards of glass reflected the cold white light.

Si Zhuo was still casually playing with the dagger in his hand, the light of the knife was as cold as her eyes.

Cold and ruthless, bottomless.

She will always be this careless and calm look.No one could guess what was going on in her mind under her calm expression.

Yu Hua's face was buried in the shadows, biting his pale lips, his movements showed a bit of forbearance, and a bit of resentment.

"I almost died just now."

He spoke calmly, his trembling voice revealed a bit of residual fear, and some even more trembling memories rolled in his mind.

He is just an ordinary person.

How can you not be afraid of death?

When fate is in Master Li's hands, even though life is not happy, there is no need to worry about his life. Master Li treasures him, and he is his cash cow.

So Master Li was reluctant to let him die.

He can still be numb and linger on alive.

The Yu family who protected him told him at the time that they didn't ask him to avenge the Yu family, but only asked him to live well and live in peace.

Yu Hua, who consciously doesn't have the power of revenge.

I just want to listen to them.

Live well.

Just be alive, nothing else.

But since Si Zhuo appeared, he was forced to be placed in a position where the scenery is boundless and the cusp of the storm.

It looks glamorous, but the surrounding is dark and turbulent.

Under the undercurrent, a ferocious beast may appear at any time, jumping out suddenly, biting and strangling him.

After hearing what he said, Si Zhuo's expression remained calm.

She could hear the complexity in his tone, maybe it was dissatisfaction, maybe resentment, or even resentment.

And she just smiled casually.

Don't care about these.

She even patted him on the back softly, as if coaxing a frightened animal, "Are you really scared?"

"Good, just get used to it."

"In the future, this situation will only increase."

Her actions to comfort him were so gentle, but her tone was so cold, it was not comforting at all, but teasing him, admiring his frightened appearance.

"Besides, didn't I save you just now?"

"With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Her tone was very soft, like the gentle whispers between partners, and it was so gentle that it made people's hearts move.

But Yu Hua only felt a chill to the bone.

Those who don't know the inside story may think she is gentle.

Those who knew the cause and effect felt that she was extremely shameless.

The veins in Yu Hua's hand clutching the hem of his clothes bulged, showing his strong emotions, and lingering fear and anger surged in his heart.

"It was you who almost killed me, shouldn't you save me?!"

The person who came to assassinate him just now.

There is no doubt that it is Zhang Zuosi.

Zhang Zuosi probably didn't know his identity before, if he knew and wanted to deal with him, he would have sent someone to kill him long ago, and he wouldn't wait until this time.

At this time, he came to kill him because of Si Zhuo.

The revenge of killing his father is undeniable.

Zhang Zuosi will be an enemy of Si Zhuo whether it is to avenge his father or for power.

At this time, he fled with Zhang Yongji's remnants.

It was probably in the southeast at this time.

Si Zhuo wanted to kill Zhang as his heir.

Zhang Zuosi also wanted to kill Si Zhuo.

But Si Zhuo himself is not that easy to deal with, and it is only feasible to find a breakthrough and find another way.

Just like the assassination just now, it was actually just a temptation.

The bullet was shot at Yu Hua.

There will be tricks in the future, in order to test and test, how much is the actor who is currently held in Si Zhuo's palm in the eyes of others, in her heart.

Si Zhuo used Yu Hua as bait.

The strategy of luring the snake out of the hole worked. Zhang Zuosi, a poisonous snake, was drawn out to show the enemy a handle and attack the enemy unawares.

Lead the snake out of the hole, lead the snake out of the hole.

The snake was drawn out. What happened to the bait? This is obvious, but it doesn't matter.

If she hadn't appeared.

He didn't have to take these risks.

He just needs to live in a daze in the theater and fulfill the last expectation of the Yu family for him.

He really, really wanted nothing more.

Just want to live well.

But after she came, even this became a luxury.

Trembling and trembling, walking on thin ice.

While he was worried that he would anger her, he had to be wary of people with ulterior motives.

She literally put him on the fire.

The culprit was at the side, smiling leisurely, just waiting for the scent to drift away and lure out the prey she wanted.

After hearing what he said, Si Zhuo was not at all unhappy, and even nodded, thinking that what he said was quite reasonable.

"Indeed, I should save you now."

"If I don't save you, isn't everything I did before all in vain?"

Really think that she has so much leisure and leisure, and going to support him is just to catch a big fish, and have fun by the way.

Si Zhuo said this in such a casual tone, as if it was only natural to use him. Hearing this, Yu Hua was filled with anger, but he didn't dare to vent it, and had nowhere to vent it.

He bit his lip hard until he bit the bloody smell, his mind cleared up a little, but his heart was full of sadness.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Yu Hua was silent for a long time, finally turned his head and looked at Si Zhuo, his eyes were full of desolation.

The corner of his lip was bitten, and a stream of blood flowed down.

On his pale face, there was a touch of thick bright color, revealing a bit of coquettish and poignant beauty.

He looked thin and fragile all over.

But Si Zhuo's nature is cold and cold, and she couldn't feel any pity for him like this. She stretched out her hand and brushed the blood on his lips with her fingertips.

There was a chilling appreciation in his eyes.

It seems that he felt that at this time.

Very pleasing to the eye.

She won't feel pity for his desolate and fragile appearance, she just thinks that the beauty now has a certain flavor, I feel pity for him, it's too beautiful.

That's it.

"The beauty did nothing wrong, you are just unlucky, unlucky to become Zhang Yongji's illegitimate child, unlucky to meet me."

When Si Zhuo said it calmly, she was somewhat self-aware of her shamelessness in taking advantage of Yu Hua as a matter of course.

But so what, who can do anything to her?

She has such a temperament, and she will never give up in order to achieve her goal.

Yu Hua is just a pawn to her.

A pleasing pawn at best.

"Let me go, okay?"

He said in a hoarse voice, his expression was tinged with pleading, more of depression, but Si Zhuo was still indifferent.

She got up slightly.

Lifted his chin with a dagger.

Looking down at him.

Then he looked at his miserable and beautiful face with great interest.

What he said made him fall into despair.

"This is impossible. The beauty only needs to use her brain to think about it, and she will understand that there is no turning back."

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(End of this chapter)

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