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Chapter 164 Why Don't You Bite Me 8

Chapter 164 Why Don't You Bite Me 8
Bai Hua's body froze.

Si Zhuo's gaze casually fell on the surveillance mirror in his hand, Bai Hua wanted to hide, but she appeared too fast for him to be in time.

He also wanted to quibble.

But when he was caught right away, his mind went blank, and he really couldn't think of a reason to wash the floor for himself.

Si Zhuo seemed to take the thing in his hand with some curiosity. The small silver mirror was only the size of a palm, and there were complicated patterns on the back of the mirror, which should be the curse patterns carved by the magicians of the Blood Hunting Guild.

Standing here, she saw the scene in the temple from the mirror.

"Quite an interesting little thing."

Si Zhuo spoke with a half-smile, as if saying that the mirror was interesting, but his eyes fell on him, making him unable to hide.


I always feel like I'm talking about him.

Bai Hua was extremely embarrassed, but it was only embarrassment.

I don't know why, obviously he was caught, and the person in front of him is his old enemy, but he just can't afford to be afraid.

He just wants to use his toes in embarrassment, curl up, dig a cellar in the ground, and then hide it, pretending he hasn't been here.

After appreciating his embarrassment with playful eyes, Si Zhuo didn't embarrass him too much.

"Come here, let's have dinner together."


Bai Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I couldn't believe it, why did she let him go so lightly?
What's more, he thought her words were really weird. The food of vampires is considered human beings.

She let humans eat with her?
When Bai Hua was in a mess, Si Zhuo had already turned around. Bai Hua looked at her back and thought about the possibility of slipping away.

Thinking of the speed at which she arrived in front of him in a second just now.

The idea was quickly dismissed.

He followed Si Zhuo into the palace, and as soon as he entered, he saw the two "human beings" he had seen before, looking at him with a "pie chart" expression of two parts surprise, two parts understanding and six parts gossip.

"Master Shen!"

"Immortal Yuhua!"

Xiao Xiao and Shi Ming spoke in unison.

Bai Hua: "...?"

Bai Hua's eyes showed confusion, and he couldn't help pointing at himself, "Are you calling me?"

"Yes and no."

Si Zhuo explained for them, but Bai Hua's eyes became more puzzled, but Si Zhuo didn't continue talking, the relationship hadn't developed to the point suitable for explanation.

When Shi Ming saw him coming, he felt very self-conscious about not being a light bulb, and pulled Xiao Xiao to leave, Xiao Xiao also said goodbye to Si Zhuo with a smile.

Go to the door.

Xiao Xiao turned back suddenly.

She looked at Si Zhuo with bright eyes, and Si Zhuo patted her head back, "Is there anything else?"

"Your Majesty, can you speak for our shop?"


Si Zhuo looked at her with complicated eyes, "What kind of endorsement are you talking about, take a picture of me looking like a vampire, put your advertisement on it, and put it in front of your store?"


Xiao Xiao thought about the scene for a while, then shook her head like a rattle drum, no, no, it's too weird.

"Xiao Xiao, what are you thinking? Even if the billboard is finished, the customers will either be scared away, or no one will believe that it is a real vampire."

Shi Ming imitated Si Zhuo and gave Xiao Xiao a pat on the head.

Xiao Xiao pouted in frustration, "Well, what about my world-chain dream of not being able to enter the blood race?"

Si Zhuo looked at Maoxuewang in front of him, thinking for a while, wondering if it would suit the appetite of other vampires.

If vampires like hairy blood, there may be other more valuable uses.

It is best that Maoxuewang can replace human blood.

if that's the case……

"I'll find someone first... oh no, try to find a ghost, see if other vampires like it, and make other plans after getting the results." Si Zhuo said.


Xiao Xiao nodded repeatedly, and pulled Shi Ming away contentedly.

In the night, the two of them followed the housekeeper and walked out of the palace along the original road. Xiao Xiao jumped up and down in a happy mood, and even picked a rose flower for Shi Ming to pin on her head.

"Little Fairy is afraid of walking at night, the sky is so dark, and Little Fairy is so beautiful..."

Xiao Xiao pretended to hold Shi Ming's arm in fear, but her voice was clear and cheerful. Shi Ming was just about to say something to her, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

As a result, Xiao Xiao's next sentence choked him hard.

"It's so dark, I'm really afraid that others won't see it."

Xiao Xiao touched her own rose flower and said seriously.

Shi Ming: "..."

He turned on the rainbow fart mode with a wink, "The little fairy is the most fairy, the little fairy is the most beautiful, the little fairy is beautiful in my heart, and the night can't hide your light, but I really want to hide you, so I won't let you go." Others see, what should I do?"

Xiao Xiao laughed amusedly by him.


The vampire who led them rubbed the non-existent goosebumps and complained that innocent dogs were slaughtered.

A group of people walked and walked.

There was a rustling sound among the flowers soaked in pitch black.

The footsteps of several people stopped, and their puzzled or vigilant eyes fell on the flower, and Xiao Xiao vaguely heard someone talking.

The voice was lifeless.

"So hungry...starving to death...starving to death...dead..."

Everyone: "..."

Where did this hungry ghost come from?

Xiao Xiao stepped forward with pity, and pulled the flowering bushes, revealing the timid vampire Paz.

"Ah! There is a ghost——"


When Paz saw someone, he subconsciously wanted to run.

Then, Xiao Xiaoti slipped up the back of his collar and looked at him speechlessly, "You vampire, why are you so timid, why are you running, I won't eat you."

"No! Let me go! The ghost is so hungry that it will eat anything!"

"I even ate a crow!"

Xiao Xiao: " are so pitiful vampire."

Shi Ming tore him out of Xiao Xiao's hands in disgust, and Xiao Xiao didn't want to carry him, so he took out a small card with the address of the "Four Hours Maoxuewang" shop written on it.

"Neng, poor little boy, come to this place to find me when you get hungry in the future, and eat as much as you want."

Xiao Xiao handed him the card.


Paz, who was so hungry, let out a voice of surprise, sat on the ground and looked up at Xiao Xiao who was nodding. Suddenly, he saw the radiance of a loving mother on her body, and hugged her leg.

"Oh, my Virgin Mary!"


Shi Ming kicked him away and dragged Xiao Xiao away.

"Go away."

"Oh, my old swan, it hurts so much, there is an evil Satan next to the Virgin Mary!"

Shi Satan Ming: "..."


In the palace, Si Zhuo and Bai Hua were left looking at each other.

"You or?"

Si Zhuo took out a portion from the food box, Xiao Xiao, who clearly knew Si Zhuo's appetite, how could she only prepare one portion for her?
Bai Hua looked at the bright red peppers in Maoxuewang, he couldn't accept it a little bit, do vampires have such a strong taste?

Bai Hua was about to decline.

But Si Zhuo opened the mouth before him, unwrapped the Maoxuewang and ate it, "Forget it, your taste is relatively bland, so you can't stand this."

 Is it because I am not clear, or you are not clear about the review?

  I can see that you want to add updates, but none of the conditions for adding updates yesterday were met.

  Blades, say that a blade is a blade, just a blade, but you break it into several pieces, that's not the case.

  Just like your exam answers, if you write a lot of content that doesn't meet the meaning of the question, you won't get a point.Even if the rewards add up to [-] times more than a blade, I only recognize a complete blade, understand?

  The idea is that each person counts as two at most. Isn’t everyone posting two counting as two, which is a good idea. If a person wants to monopolize two, he has to post six to count as two. Only Jiuqing has reviewed the questions? hhh
  Tsk, anyway, I am very happy holding the manuscript, a little bit, I am Pippi Whale~
(End of this chapter)

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