Hurry up, please be kind

Chapter 186 Why Don't You Bite Me

Chapter 186 Why Don't You Bite Me

The roses in the palace bloom year after year.

It seems that there is no change every year, and Paz has never changed. He has always been the gardener of the palace. Apart from eating and sleeping, and eating and sleeping, his daily routine is to take care of these roses.

Connie is just like him.

The two vampires were as usual, holding a small hoe, head to head to loosen the soil of a rose flower.

"Hey, why are there bones?"

Connie dug out a skeleton frame.

It was vaguely possible to see what kind of bird it was. Paz looked up and scratched his head in embarrassment, and the mud on his hands got on his hair again.

"This, this is what I used to eat."

Paz scratched his head in embarrassment, and recalled the period when he didn't have enough to eat.

He was originally an abandoned orphan, but was adopted by an old gardener in the palace. The old gardener would teach him how to manage flowers and plants, and would give him a fair amount of food.

But then the old gardener died.

Paz can only take care of this rose garden by himself. He was born with some congenital deficiencies. He is not very thin, and his abilities are always at the bottom.

So always being bullied by other vampires.

Not to mention the food.

He had never learned how to hunt, nor had he ever bitten a live human being. He often ate what was left of others, so he always ate one meal without another.

The most miserable time.

It is reduced to eating crows.

Just loosening the soil was a bit boring, so Connie asked Paz to talk about his past. Paz lowered his head and carefully dug the soil, smashed the crow's bones and buried them back.

"God, God knows, the crow is the worst food I've ever eaten, and it's so hairy, it's hard to pull it out. I guess the toilet poop is better than a crow..."

Paz complained with a smile on his face.

On the dead tree branch above his head, a crow kept pulling at him, but fortunately, Connie pulled Paz to avoid it, and grabbed a handful of mud and threw it at the crow.

Connie, who was listening carefully to Paz's speech, listened, but silently tightened his grip on the small hoe.


Connie said to Paz with his head bowed.

Paz scratched his head, there was some dirt on his hair, but he didn't seem to notice it, and occasionally rose petals were rubbed on his head by him.

He didn't contradict this statement,

Connie patted the mess on his head, "You idiot, it's really not easy to live until now..."

Paz just looked at him and smirked.

Connie remembered that at dusk, the thin orange light hit the roses, and Pas was like this, squatting among the roses, watching him smirk, and gave him a piece of blood.

"It seems that humans have a saying called, called..."

Paz scratched the soil, smiling innocently and foolishly, "Stupid people... oh no, fools are blessed with fools?"

"Are you stupid and proud?"

Connie rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Paz lowered his head and didn't smirk anymore. His hands were stained with mud and he even wiped his face. His voice was a little low, "You also despise me for being stupid..."

Connie was taken aback, and quickly explained, talking in a panic while wiping the mud on his face.

"No, no, that's not what I meant!"

Paz said nothing.

"I feel... feel..."

Connie hesitated for a moment, and looked away embarrassedly, "I think your silly cute."



Connie picked a rose flower and handed it to Paz. Paz caught it in a daze. The flower smelled very fragrant. Paz opened his mouth and took a bite as if he hadn't eaten in the morning.

Connie smiled helplessly, and drew a cat's whiskers on Paz's face with the mud on his hands.

"I like you just the way you are..."


Si Zhuo hugged Bai Hua at first.

After about a hundred years, the vampires and the human races have completely blended, and even began to live together. When humans see vampires, they have long been familiar with them, and they coexist peacefully like normal people.

When Tianxiu confirmed the completion of the task, she informed Si Zhuo, and at the same time couldn't help asking, "The vampire's setting is eternal life, are you planning to stay here forever?"

Si Zhuo looked at Bai Hua who was sleeping in her arms.

His fingertips caressed his brows and eyes, and there was a bit of ambiguous tiredness between his brows. He pouted, rubbed against her arms, and muttered, "No more..."

Si Zhuo let out a low laugh, his eyes were as gentle as the morning light.

"I'd like to think about it, but I know it's impossible. I can't live with my incompleteness. Isn't this just an escape?"

"As long as you know."

Tianxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"The task has been completed, you should leave with his soul fragments..."

Si Zhuo nodded slightly, "Wait for him to wake up."

"Oh, by the way." Si Zhuo suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Tianxiu with some doubts in his eyes, "What's going on with Xiao Xiao and Shi Ming?"

"You got it to help me?"

Tianxiu scratched her bald head, with a distressed expression, "'s not me, I don't think you need help, I don't know why they came."

"The ghost knows what that mentally handicapped man is up to, so he knows to kill first and play later. Let me ask..."

Si Zhuo nodded, and slowly leaned over to place a kiss on Bai Hua's lips, "One day, we will be able to be together completely..."

"Ji Hua."

Tianxiu flew out to call "mentally retarded".

As usual, it yelled and cursed for more than ten minutes, and finally, when Huaiyu was about to cut off the communication, he finally spoke up.

"Why did you bring those two here?"

"what are you saying?"

Huaiyu's voice was a little puzzled.

Tianxiu subconsciously sprayed, "Don't pretend to be a godly envoy, didn't you kill him first and then play to get him here, and then you made up an application for a plane pass order?!"

The voice over there paused.

"I do not have."

Tianxiu's words froze for a moment, a little inexplicably, "Really not?"


Huaiyu said with certainty that although Tianxiu hated him very much, she also knew that the other party didn't need to play tricks on him, so her expression suddenly became serious.


"Someone wrote me an application in your name."


Huaiyu thought for a moment, "I'll check to see if anyone in the God Realm interfered with this matter."

"Well, hurry up."

After Tianxiu said something, she cut off the communication, and with a flash of golden light, she immediately appeared at the place where Xiao Xiao and Shi Ming were.

Xiao Xiao and Shi Ming fell to the ground.

There was no pain on her face, Tianxiu could tell at a glance that their souls had been taken out.

Tianxiu was suspicious immediately, but after examining them, he only found residual divine power on them.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"It was the mentally handicapped man who caused this envoy to catch me, I must spray him to death..."

Tianxiu didn't have any clues, so she had to put it aside first, went back to Si Zhuo's side, explained briefly, and waited for her to "arrange the funeral" with Bai Hua.

Also like the first plane.

Si Zhuo and him left quietly.

The rose flower is still blooming, the world is stable and peaceful, the years are long, and history flows slowly.

May peace last forever.

(End of this chapter)

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