Hurry up, please be kind

Chapter 190 Take Off Your White Coat 4

Chapter 190 Take Off Your White Coat 4
Si Zhuo and Shui Hua chatted one after another.

They have been gone for several days.

On the way, he passed through more than a dozen streets, bumped into countless zombies, and even changed a truck to search for an unmanned supermarket.

Now there are food, daily necessities, weapons, etc. in the car, as complete as you want.

When it comes to "looting" the supermarket.

The mood of the water bloom is a bit hard to describe.

Just like in the zombie movies, in this situation, if you seize the opportunity to stockpile supplies, you have to try your best to stockpile the essential things.

But this senior sister, the first thing she did was to search for all the spicy noodles in the supermarket.

Not a single pack was left.

Finally, under the reminder of the water bloom, it seemed that it suddenly occurred to me to stock up on dry food and weapons.

Dry food or something, seeing her disgusted eyes, Shuihua had to clean up by himself, he couldn't be full with her spicy noodles, could he?

As for weapons and so on, she usually just picks up whatever she can, and it seems that she doesn't need it.

But don't know for what purpose.

Instead, she searched for all the sharp weapons that looked practical.

In the bustling supermarket in the past, white lights are on at this time, and shelves of goods are lined up quietly, and water blooms push shopping carts, shuttling through the shelves.

This silent scene should be somewhat eerie.

The pace of the water bloom is very calm.

Perhaps it was the simple and rude voice of Si Zhuo packing up not far away, telling him that she was nearby.

The knee-length white coat wrapped the young man's slender figure.

His footsteps were very light, and he was easily overwhelmed by the wheels of the shopping cart, and his white clothes swayed with his steps.

He picked up a box of compressed biscuits, put them in the shopping cart, and then took some ham sausages.

There was a box of white rabbit toffee on the shelf, his eyes fell on it, and he looked back at Si Zhuo's direction, she seemed not to notice the scene here.

Shuihua looked at Toffee again, hesitating for a moment.

He pursed his pale crimson lips, reached out and grabbed a small handful of candy, and put it in the pocket of his white coat.

Then he pushed the shopping cart and left as if nothing had happened.

after awhile.

He circled back again.

I reached out and grabbed another handful from the candy box...

There are still a few candies left.

Water blooms thought about it, and it was a waste to leave it alone.

So he picked up the few remaining ones, and the pockets of his white coat were already bulging.

After doing this.

Shui Hua looked in Si Zhuo's direction again, and rubbed the push handle of the shopping cart with her fingertips, feeling a bit like a thief.

How could he be like her...

I'm afraid she was infected with the calmness of the mystery, it's this time, and I still have the mood to solve my hunger.

He looked up slightly at the indicator.

Not far away is the fruit area. It is better to eat some fruit with balanced nutrition. This kind of thing will definitely be scarce in the future, so I want to get some.

But the light in the fruit area seems to be broken.

Ming Ming Mie Mie, some infiltrating people.

There were still some messy bloodstains on the ground. It was obvious that something bad had happened here. The light was flickering, but it was very dim, and it looked very gloomy.

Shuihua stood there and looked around for a while, but he still didn't go there, and his hand holding the push handle of the shopping cart was slightly tightened, revealing his nervousness.

He is a little afraid of the dark.

Si Zhuo's footsteps seemed to be getting further and further away from him.

Shui Hua Xinsheng gave up the idea of ​​taking the fruit.

He hesitated for a while, then opened his mouth and called out tentatively.



The other side quickly responded to him, and before he could speak, they walked towards him, the footsteps getting closer and closer, "What's the matter, what happened?"

really come here...

Shuihua was a little surprised.

The hand holding the push handle relaxes slightly.

Si Zhuo had already walked in front of him, and she was also pushing a shopping cart, which was already full, and there were some spicy sticks that hadn't been loaded into the cart yet.

There are also many knives.

Shuihua's eyes fell on the neatly stacked small cakes and several large bags of candies in her shopping cart.

She obviously likes spicy food, does she also like sweet food?
Her taste is... so rich.

"Little flower?"

Si Zhuo asked aloud.

Shuihua was a little surprised that she came over as soon as he opened his mouth, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and regretted calling her to come over because he was afraid of such a small thing as the broken lamp.

God, so hypocritical.

He lowered his eyes and pursed his lips, with a slight crimson color on his face.

Shuihua hesitated for a while, seeing that she had been waiting for his reply, she gripped the cart tightly, and spoke in a very low voice.

"Sister, can you accompany me to get some fruit?"

Si Zhuo turned her head to take a look, and saw that the flickering lights were a bit pervasive. Although it was nothing to her, she understood what Shui Hua was thinking.

She couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's go."

Si Zhuo didn't say anything, but just moved closer to him, pushing her full shopping cart with one hand, and freed one hand to hold his cart, which just covered his hand.

Shui Hua's hands were stiff, but she didn't resist.

His hands were a little cold, but hers were very warm, giving people a faint sense of security.

At least when she walked up to him.

The anxiety in his heart disappeared miraculously.

"Thank you, senpai."

The boy's voice was obedient, soft and pure.

Si Zhuo's mind is not so pure, half of her is to reassure Xiao Hua, and half of her is to take advantage of the opportunity.

But this year's Xiaohua is too well-behaved.

It made Si Zhuo feel a little dirty in his thoughts.

Even worse is...

She still wants to push her feet.

The young man in a white coat, with his timid eyes open, clings to her arms dependently, should be extremely attractive.

Then she took off the white coat for him with her own hands...

Stop, the thoughts are gradually forbidden.

Si Zhuo was right next to him, very close to him, and the breath that could not be ignored lingered around him, making him a little at a loss.

But there is no fear.

He had no choice but to let himself concentrate on picking fruits, and Si Zhuo followed him in picking. After picking, he packed up again and prepared to leave.

But at this time.

Vision emerges.


A shelf was knocked down.

Si Zhuo looked up, and saw a few zombies rolling their eyes, rushing towards her with grinning teeth.

Si Zhuo pulled Shuihua behind her.

Picking up a frying pan next to it, he smashed it at it, every time he smashed it, everyone got headshots.

Shui Hua was protected by her in a daze, shrinking behind her, clutching the clothes on her back.

Si Zhuo thought he was afraid, so she held his hand tightly.

Shui Hua's face was buried on her back, and his long eyelashes drooped. He grabbed her clothes vigorously, as if a little scared, but there was no fear in his eyes.

He hugged her tightly, subconsciously absorbing the reassuring aura from her, but his eyes were a little confused.

Today's zombies are still very low-level.

Si Zhuo could kill him with two or three physical blows.


The next chapter is blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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