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Chapter 201 Take Off Your White Coat 18

Chapter 201 Take Off Your White Coat 18
I saw a flame suddenly ignited on Professor Sun's hand, and the flame wrapped his hand and the test tube together.

"Oh my god, professor, have you awakened your abilities?!"

"Professor! Put out the fire!"

"The test tube and your clothes are on fire!"

Professor Sun stared at the blazing flame in his hand, was stunned for a moment, and suddenly panicked, "Why..."


The sound of the flame suddenly engulfed Professor Sun's voice and his whole body.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene.

Watching helplessly.

A large living person burned up in a few seconds, and it was really gone, leaving only some wreckage and a charred ground.

Professor Sun, was burned by his own ability? !


"The awakening ability you think is actually infected with the evolved zombie virus..."

Shuihua's voice was very low, she looked up at her cautiously, and quickly explained, "I didn't, I didn't intentionally spread the virus on you, it's just, it's just that I have..."

"It can spread according to any channel..."

"As long as you stay by my side, you may be infected..."

Shuihua stirred his fingers, twisting his hands so painfully, he lowered his head, not daring to look at her, his long eyelashes trembled violently, he bit his lips hard, and his already pale lips became even whiter.


"I should have told you..."


Shuihua blinked his eyes, his eyes were blurred, and suddenly a drop of cold liquid fell on the back of his hand.

He should have told her to keep her away from him.

But he didn't.

At first, when she approached, he thought she had some other purpose, so he looked at her coldly and didn't say anything.

Later, he didn't want her to leave...

When he finally realized that he seemed to have done something wrong, she had already awakened her abilities and was already infected. Whether he said it or not, it was the same. Why did he say it?

Having said that, it will only make her disgusted.

He is really selfish.

He is not as simple as she thought.

He was so bad, he killed people, he even wanted to kill everyone.

He always asks why, why no one is willing to treat him sincerely, full of resentment and haze.

Now he understands.

He doesn't deserve it.

His heart's dirty.

How can you be worthy of other people's sincerity?

If he hadn't said it impulsively just now, he still wanted to hide it from her for the rest of his life, and let her, who was kept in the dark, live a lifetime with him, a murderer, in a daze.

It's a big deal, he'll die with her when the time comes.

He had nothing to do by himself anyway.

Full of malice, he originally wanted everyone to be buried with him.

After having her, he really misses everyone, and she in everyone lives well.

But he regretted it too late.

A new type of zombie virus has quietly emerged.

Everyone doesn't know.

So many people, with supernatural powers in their hands, thought they were the lucky ones, the heroes chosen by heaven to protect mankind.

In fact, the power will burn people's lives.

Infected with a new virus, they will not die inhumanly like a zombie, but after the supernatural power burns out their lives, they will die back and die inexplicably.

And new viruses spread faster than old ones.

People were caught off guard.

Even without knowing it.

Hope to get infected.

Under such circumstances, how to resist the virus?
Previously, Yang Shuo and others felt that the more they beat zombies, the stronger their abilities would become, which was not an illusion.

Because the new virus swallowed the old virus.

The speed of Burning Man's life is also faster, so it seems that the ability has been enhanced.

The whole thing is an endless loop.

If there were no abilities, it would be too difficult for human beings to fight against zombies, and they might really be captured and perish by zombies.

But the supernatural ability appeared, temporarily blocking the zombies from invading humans.

However, the so-called abilities are fake, more and more people are infected, and more and more people dedicate themselves to join the ranks of fighting zombies.

And fighting zombies will make the new virus worse.

hasten your own death.

Humans will die if they don't resist.

If you resist, you will die.

The scariest thing is that everyone still doesn't know anything.

When all the supernatural beings stood up to protect human beings with passion, they didn't know that they were walking towards death step by step.

Ordinary people don't know either.

The ability you yearn for.

It's the scythe of death.

She didn't know that the person next to her pillow would kill her.

Si Zhuo was a little surprised when he heard his reply.

She really never thought that the real face of the ability was like this.

It is estimated that I have read too many novels, and when I see that some parts overlap with reality, I will default to the rest, which is not far from it.

Everyone thinks that the supernatural beings are the forces born by nature to maintain balance and check and balance zombies.

Unconsciously put supernatural beings and zombies on opposite sides.

It never occurred to me that the two lead to the same goal by different routes.

Si Zhuo didn't speak all the time, Shuihua only felt cold all over his body, he rubbed his fingers vigorously, and there were bursts of pain.

There is a dull pain in the heart that slowly spreads.

It spreads all over the limbs, causing pain and fear.

"A Zhuo..."

Shuihua looked up at her cautiously, and gently tugged at the corner of her clothes. There was still mist in her eyes, and the water in the eye frame was shaking, as if it was about to fall off in a second.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I will work hard to develop an antidote, and I don't want you to die, I didn't mean to..."

Si Zhuo looked at him, didn't try to comfort him immediately, but fell silent.

Shuihua became more and more panicked, and tears fell again.

"You said, you said you would always protect me."

He tightly clenched the corner of her clothes, panicked and unreasonable, "You can hit me, scold me, blame me and hate me, it doesn't matter, but you can't break your promise..."

"You can't leave me..."

Shuihua is selfish in her bones, and at this time, she still wants to ask her not to leave as a matter of course.

He only felt that if she left.

He will be very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that he will die.

So she can't leave.


Si Zhuo responded lightly.

Then he looked up at him, with complicated emotions in his eyes, "I'm different, I don't blame you, but what about the others?"

"How innocent are the others?"

"Xiaohua, have you thought about other people?"

Shuihua was stunned, without any fluctuation in his heart, it was cold and indifferent, of course he never thought about it.

What does the others have to do with him?
"This virus has swept the entire world, and how many people in the world have died because of it, although you were not leading it at the beginning..."

"But what happened later?"

"Shuihua, you said you didn't intentionally release a new type of virus, but when you were in Yang Shuo's team, when the supernatural ability just appeared, when everything could be saved, when you obviously liked being with me... "

"Why didn't you say so?"

(End of this chapter)

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