Chapter 145 Please, Take Me Out of Here ([-])
She wanted to lift the quilt, but her body was too soft to exert any strength.

what happened?

"Miss Ye, be careful." The servant just entered the room and wanted to turn down the heat. When she saw her wake up, she hurried forward to cover her with a quilt.

"I..." She remembered that she suddenly felt pain in her body yesterday.

With a shrewd look all over his body, he touched his lower abdomen with his palm, "My child..."

"The doctor checked your body, and everything is fine." The maid's words made her feel her heart in her throat, and she finally fell back.

It's fine, her baby is fine.

"Miss Ye, do you want to eat something? The crucian carp soup has been cooked in the kitchen. The nutritionist told me that this soup can supplement your nutrition. The boss specially asked the kitchen to make it for you before going out." The maid asked cautiously , the attitude is more respectful than usual, and even a little humble.

Ye Wu naturally didn't know that her sudden change last night caused half of the servants in the villa to lose their jobs, and the remaining group of people treated her with more and more caution.

She shook her head: "I don't eat."

As long as it was something he prepared, she would never eat it!

The maid nodded without forcing her, "The boss also said that if you don't want to eat, you don't have to. Just tell me what you want to eat, and I will prepare it for you."

He said such a thing?Ye Wu was secretly surprised, her pupils shrank sharply, and she couldn't believe it.

But immediately, she understood, what is this?Lock her up, don't give her a job, don't let her go out, and keep her like a canary?
He thought she would appreciate him by doing this?dream!

If he really cared about her, how could he refuse to look at her or say a good word to her even when she was sick or sad?
He didn't believe that the child belonged to him at all, and he didn't want to let himself die, so he deliberately used this method to take revenge on her and torture her!
Ye Wu's haggard face was gloomy and tense, and the brows were filled with countless anger.

"I'm tired, you go out first." She doesn't want to see anyone related to him now!

"Yes." The maid bowed and left the room.

The spacious and bright room is very warm. The central air conditioner in the ceiling is releasing heat, dispelling the cold air in the room.

Ye Wu was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her body was limp, and she couldn't even exert any strength.

After resting for a long time, she barely regained her energy. She stretched out her arm from under the quilt, touched the mobile phone by the bed, held it tightly, and pulled out a string of phone numbers, and dialed it.

She don't stay here anymore!She doesn't want to live this pathetic life without freedom!She is a human being, not his Pei Jinchen's pet!
"Beep beep." After the phone rang a few times, it was connected.

There was a hint of surprise in Lu Yanshu's clear voice, and came out of the receiver: "Ye Wu? Where are you now? Are you in the hospital?"

The newspaper said that she had a sudden illness and was receiving treatment in the hospital. Lu Yanshu had read the report and wanted to call her, but he was afraid that it would disturb her recuperation. He could only buy entertainment newspapers every day and pay attention to entertainment news, hoping to see news about her. reports.

"I'm in the eastern suburbs now, Lu Yanshu, please, take me out of here!" Ye Wu said hoarsely, hearing his words full of concern, the circles of her eyes suddenly turned red.

Outside the bedroom, the servant frowned slightly, with his ears pressed against the door, listening to the movement inside.

Miss Ye seems to be on the phone with someone?
Intermittent words came from the crack of the door. Although she couldn't hear them very clearly, she could hear them clearly.

The servant immediately grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open.

How could Ye Wu expect someone outside the house?Turning her head in astonishment, the maid had already run to the bed, snatched her mobile phone away, and quickly turned it off to forcefully end the call.

"Miss Ye, you will make it very difficult for us to do this." The servant's face was black, and he was afraid for a while. Fortunately, he didn't go too far just now, otherwise, she really called for help and was taken away. , What face do you have to go to see the boss?Surely you will lose your job because of this!
"Give it back to me!" Ye Wu struggled to sit up from the bed, but her limbs were soft and weak. As soon as she exerted force, she fell down in embarrassment and fell heavily on the bed.

"Miss Ye, please rest well." The maid left the room with her mobile phone in hand, and immediately told the boss about it.

The door of the president's office of Jindi Company suddenly opened, and a black figure walked out of the room, with a cold expression on his face, and walked quickly towards the elevator.

The head of the Propaganda Department who just went upstairs and wanted to report to him the results of yesterday's premiere, was startled by a man walking towards him as soon as he stepped out of the elevator.

The face of the boss is so scary!
A chill rushed up his back, he swallowed hard, forced a smile, and wanted to say hello to Pei Jinchen.

But the other party didn't seem to have seen him, and walked past him, stepping into the VIP exclusive elevator.

"..." The boss is in a hurry, where are you going?The head of the Propaganda Department blinked blankly, with countless doubts in his heart.

It is working time now, unless there are some important meetings or schedules, the boss rarely leaves the company during working hours.

Pei Jinchen quickly went downstairs, walked through the lobby, and walked out of the gate. Many employees along the way retreated when they saw him. Everyone could see his displeasure. Anyone who went up to say hello at this moment was no less than courting death.

It wasn't until the black Ferrari suddenly drove away from the parking area outside the Jindi Building that the employees gathered together to discuss the matter.

"Are you chatting here during working hours?" Joy frowned and came to the lobby on the first floor, sternly yelling.

The employees quickly shut up and scattered.

Joy shook her head helplessly, and turned her worried eyes to the automatic glass sensor door of the building. The boss is leaving the company right now. Could it be that something unexpected happened to Ms. Ye?

Besides, he really couldn't think of a second explanation.

"Buzz." Half an hour later, the sound of the engine sounded outside the villa.

Ye Wu heard it in her ears, but she didn't respond. She knew that the servant must have told him that she had called someone for help, and he must have come back to ask for help.

She didn't think she had done anything wrong, he locked herself here, wouldn't she be allowed to find a way to leave?
Under the warm blanket, he clenched his hands tightly, trying to suppress the unease in his heart.

"Bang." The door was pushed open, and the loud sound of opening the door made the servants on the first floor who were busy removing the coffee table jump. After shivering, they quickly regained their senses and did not dare to look at the second floor.

They can't interfere in the affairs between the boss and Ms. Ye, so it's best to pretend that they didn't see anything.

A cold, dangerous breath came from the door.

Her nerves were tense, she kept her face cold and deliberately did not look at him, but the faint fragrance of cologne was everywhere, like a dense net, surrounding her whole body.

This feeling is very bad, as if he is the hunter who weaves the web, and she is the prey that cannot escape no matter how hard he struggles on the net.

"Why, you don't have the face to see me, huh?" With a three-point cold, seven-point mocking voice, the man's slender legs slowly moved forward, approaching her step by step.

The majestic and terrifying aura became more and more intense.

Ye Wu's heart beat faster, nervous and flustered.

"Who on earth is shameless?" Ye Wu laughed back angrily, turned her head and glared at him, the moment she saw him, the fire in her heart couldn't help burning more and more! "Give me back my phone!"

Why did he let people take away his communication tools?That's her thing.

"And then?" He folded his arms around his chest and asked with a half-smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

what then?
Ye Wu was stunned for a moment, her expression was a little confused, she didn't expect him to say this.

"Then let you call your little boyfriend and tell him that you are in my villa? Let him imagine, what did you and I do in this place?" Heartless words popped out of his lips, his face gloomy It was terrifying, and there was even a hint of bloodlust.

When he heard from the servant that she called someone for help, and that the name stored in the phone belonged to Lu Yanshu, an inexplicable cold anger welled up in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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