Chapter 106 is cracked!
Hearing this, all the shop assistants present gasped.

Just because of the difficulty of choosing, just buy two mobile phones that cost more than one yuan in one go?
The problem is, this one costs [-]!

Two sets are twenty-six thousand!

It's too rich!
You know, even if you are rich, very few people will buy more than 1 domestic mobile phones!

The clerk immediately said: "Okay, I will pack it for you!"

"No, just put it on for me!"

Lin Tian put his mobile phone on the glass cabinet and said.

The clerk took the mobile phone and immediately showed a surprised expression, because she never thought that Lin Tian's mobile phone was four years ago, so she immediately said: "Sir, you are really housekeeping, your girlfriend must be very happiness!"

As she spoke, she looked at Ye Xiaowei at the side with envy in her eyes.

After all, it is already rare to be willing to spend more than 1 yuan to buy a mobile phone for your girlfriend.

The point is, he's still so handsome!

If it were her, she would be very happy with a mobile phone worth [-] yuan, let alone a mobile phone worth [-] yuan!
Ye Xiaowei was already used to being misunderstood by now, so she didn't bother to explain.

"By the way, sir, if you buy such an expensive mobile phone, we still recommend you to buy a mobile phone case, otherwise, if the screen breaks, it will be very troublesome!"

The clerk said while helping Lin Tian get the phone.

When Lin Tian was mentioned this way, he also realized the problem, so he nodded and said: "Indeed, it would be very troublesome if something unexpected happened."

Seeing this, the clerk immediately introduced the mobile phone case in the store: "Sir, now we have a mobile phone case specially customized for this mate30RS, and the price is 999, but because you bought two mobile phones, here we can give you Buy one get one free."

"You may have misunderstood, I have no plans to buy a mobile phone case!"

Lin Tian shook his head and refused.

The clerk didn't understand what Lin Tian meant at all, and said in a daze, "Okay, since you don't like it, sir, you can choose it yourself later!"

"Then do you pay by credit card or by scanning code?"

At this moment, in the live broadcast room.

"Can't even afford this 999 mobile phone case? No way?"

"That's right, then this Shenhao is too ignorant!"

"One thing to say, it's really a bit stingy. This kind of mobile phone case is a status symbol, and I have bought more than 1 mobile phones. It's not bad for 1000 yuan!"

In fact, there are already a lot of lemon essence in the live broadcast room. Seeing other people are handsome and rich, I feel unbalanced.

Now that he sees the opportunity to be a keyboard warrior, of course he can't let it go.

However, someone soon refuted it!
"What's the matter if you don't buy it? Doesn't Shenhao have the right to refuse?"

"Exactly! It costs 1000 yuan just for a mobile phone case. There's no need for it. It's a waste of money! Can't Shenhao be thrifty?"

"I think it's your lemon essence that is sour there! Hehe!"


Seeing the barrage of lemon hair, Ye Xiaowei was speechless to the extreme.

These people can't even afford a mobile phone, and they are still mocking Lin Tian here. I really don't know where the shame is coming from?
As a result, Lin Tian said lightly: "I mean, just take out the rest of yours, and when something goes wrong, just replace it, and you don't have to bother to use the phone. shop!"

Now the shop assistants present, including Ye Xiaowei, were all stunned!
They never thought that Lin Tian's operation would be so amazing!
If something goes wrong, just change the phone directly. Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

What is a phone case?No need at all!
This is the real tyrant!
In the live broadcast room, it was boiling at this moment!

"Fuck! This operation is simply too slippery!"

"Change the mobile phone directly, this is forced to pretend, it's too good!"

"I knew, how could Shenhao be interested in a mobile phone case! Even if 999, it's still a mobile phone case!"

"Shenhao said, phone case? No need at all!"

"Hahaha! What about the sour lemon essence just now, why did you stop talking in an instant? Let's chat a little more!"

The few lemon essences who spoke just now shut up instantly, and it was the first time they encountered such a pretentious person!

He has practiced pretentiousness to a state of perfection!

Seeing that the clerk didn't make any moves, Lin Tian asked again: "Why, is there no other goods in the store?"

"No, no!"

The clerk couldn't speak clearly, and he waited for a long time before saying, "Are you really sure you want to buy all the rest of this phone?"

Because few people buy this model, so there are not too many of them in their store, only ten, but even if they buy all of them, it will cost 10,000+!

Spending 10,000+ to buy a mobile phone all at once, at least this is really the first time they have met!

"Otherwise! I don't have time to joke around."

Lin Tian shrugged.

"Okay! I'll let you get it!"

Soon, the clerk took out the ten mobile phones and said, "Sir, we only have these ten in the store. If you need any more, we can transfer them from the headquarters!"

"No, ten is enough for the time being."

Lin Tian directly took out his bank card and said, "Swipe the card directly!"

"Okay, sir!"

Soon, the clerk swiped the card, handed the card to Lin Tian again and said, "Sir, your card!"

"Also, because you spent more than 88 yuan at one time, this is your gold membership card. In the future, you can get a [-]% discount on everything you buy on Washington Avenue!"

Lin Tian didn't need this kind of membership card at all, but since the clerk gave it to him, he accepted it.

At this time, Lin Xin finally called: "Brother, I've finished eating, where are you? We're here to find you now!"

Lin Tian immediately shook his head and said, "No, I'll just come and find you."

"Okay! I'm on Xiaoshi's side!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Tian said to Ye Xiaowei: "I have something to go, by the way, this is my thank you to you just now!"

With that said, Lin Tian directly gave Ye Xiaowei a mobile phone.

"If you don't want it, just throw it in the trash can. I don't like to take back what I gave away!"

After speaking, Lin Tian left directly.

After the clerk sent the two away, the clerk from the Apple mobile phone store suddenly came over and said mockingly: "I really don't understand, why are you so enthusiastic about customers who have no money and only look at them? The wages will go up the same!"

In his opinion, people like Lin Tian can only afford domestic mobile phones like Huawei!
No money?

The clerk of the Huawei specialty store looked confused, and asked back: "Do you know how many mobile phones he bought? Just say he has no money?"

"So what if you buy a few, is it enough for a top-of-the-line Apple phone?"

The clerk at Huawei's specialty store looked at each other like a fool, and said, "Ten! And it's the [-] model in our store!"

Apple store clerk: "???"

He only has one feeling now, that the person is split!
(End of this chapter)

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