Chapter 408

I had the idea of ​​leaving in my heart, and it deepened day by day.

Finally Xiao Ningshuang began to plan how to leave.

When I came here for a long time, I just saw that she was planning to find a way to leave.

This was exactly what she wanted.

She was about to send Xiao Ningshuang to the lower world.

It's just that how can Yue Qianchou be spared from this departure.

Yue Qianchou had to leave.

After all, if Xiao Ningshuang leaves smoothly and leaves Yue Qianchou here alone, with his aura as the leading man, it is very likely that he will encounter some opportunities and then grow up slowly.

So on the day the passage was opened, Xiao Ningshuang saw Yue Qianchou in horror.

Yue Qianchou entered the tunnel with her with a ferocious face.

And behind them were Ban Jiu and Xingyun.

In the dark tunnel, Xingyun looked at the two people in front of him with a cold light in his eyes.

They are really annoying.

Almost killed his Xixi.

Now it has grabbed Xixi's attention again.

But Xixi won't let him do it, what should he do?

The boy felt a little aggrieved.

Xiao Ningshuang breathed a sigh of relief when she came out of the passage and saw an extremely familiar scene.

However, a demonic voice sounded in her ears behind her.

"Since I'm back, my things should be returned to me."

Xiao Ningshuang and Yue Qianchou suddenly turned their heads when they heard the familiar voice.

They saw Ban Jiu and Xing Yu standing hand in hand behind them.

They, they came.

Yue Qianchou's fingertips were trembling.

He thought that if he left there, he would leave these people and he would be safe and sound, but they followed and followed behind him.

Did they come to seek revenge on him?It must be, otherwise why did it take so much trouble to find it?

"I've already given you your stuff, what else do you want?" Seeing Yue Qianchou whose face changed drastically, Xiao Ningshuang felt relieved.

They should have come to look for Yue Qianchou, after all, Tuxi hated Yue Qianchou, and Tuxi also said that she had settled with her.

So there is no enmity between them.

"There are still things I haven't brought back." Banjiu said.

"I'll give it to you, and you don't come to me anymore, can it be done?"


"Okay, you come with me."

Seeing that she didn't notice her for a long time, Yue Qianchou was thinking about whether to run away secretly.

But Xingyun looked at him coldly.

"Xixi, together?"

Yue Qianchou only felt a wave of mental coercion pressing on him, and he couldn't move at once, half pinned in place.

Seeing the eyes of the two of them looking at him, his expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Let's take it away together."

So Xiao Ningshuang led the way, followed by Ban Jiu and Xingyun, and behind them was Yue Qianchou who was forced to walk forward in a strange posture.

Xiao Ningshuang took several people to her private residence.

Many of her things are placed here, including the ones given to her by the original owner.

"That's all." She turned everything out and put it in front of Ban Jiu.

For a long time, according to the original owner's memory, he found out everything she had given to Xiao Ningshuang.

This includes tokens from the Royal Chamber of Commerce and tokens from the Hall of Bloodlust.

"Why do you want to take these away? It's clearly mine, not what you gave me."

"But you only provided the initial money." For a long time, the voice was cold.

Xiao Ningshuang is a killer in modern times. She believes in the strong, so she keeps improving her own strength and doesn't learn anything else.

As a result, she has no business talent at all.

This is the reason why she never created a chamber of commerce after Tuxi disappeared.

As for the forces of the Bloodthirsty Hall, at the beginning, she hardly interfered.

How would she teach her abilities to those in the Bloodthirsty Church?

So everything was taken care of by the original owner, Tu Xi.

Tu Xi was born as a secret guard, and was forced to undergo a series of brutal training by the male lead.

She has also worked as an undercover agent, ambush among various big shots, and she has certain abilities in doing business and training personnel.

If there is no heroine, Tuxi intends to use her own money to create her own power, and then avenge herself, but the heroine appears.

So Tuxi willingly gave up her goals and dreams.

"I will give you back the money you gave at the beginning." Ban Jiu said.

Xiao Ningshuang's complexion was very bad.

At the beginning, she didn't give Tu Xi much money at the beginning, which was the 300 taels that the original owner had worked so hard to save for several years, and then added a few thousand taels of silver that she got from her step-sister, step-mother and some official ladies.

"Do you really want to do this?" Xiao Ningshuang said with some difficulty.

The thought of losing the Chamber of Commerce and the Bloodthirsty Hall made her heart ache.

She didn't speak for a long time, but Xiao Ningshuang knew that she insisted on taking it back.

With her current strength, how could she defeat these two.

What scares her the most is that she can't feel what kind of cultivation Tu Xi is now.

She has an aura of a strong person, that is to say, even if there is no Xingyun today, she and Yue Qianchou are definitely not Tu Xi's opponents.

In the end, Xiao Ningshuang had no choice but to agree, she had to live, and only by living could she have all possibilities and revenge for herself.

Xiao Ningshuang's drooping eyes were filled with sternness.

It took a long time to take everything, but the task has not been successful.

What else did she miss?
"Is there any more?" She looked at Xiao Ningshuang again.

"It's all here, it's here, it's all gone, it's really gone." Xiao Ningshuang collapsed a little.

"Xixi..." Xingyun suddenly opened his mouth. He looked at him for a long time with a gentle and well-behaved appearance, but what he said made Xiao Ningshuang completely collapse.

"She is learning Biluo Jue, which was given to his daughter-in-law by the Xing family."

Hearing this, he nodded slightly for a long time.

Maybe this is it.

"No, you can't do this, you can't treat me like this." Xiao Ningshuang's pupils widened, and she wanted to escape from this place.

However, she didn't care about these for a long time, she only had one goal, and that was the last wish of the original owner.

Since Tuxi was given hope at the beginning, he completely used up the person, and finally abandoned him directly, and lived happily with that person's enemy.

If you did these things, then you should have a premonition that one day you will be retaliated against.

A shrill scream came out, Xiao Ningshuang fell to the ground, she was covered in cold sweat, twitching slightly, her eyes were full of rage.

She, she abolished her Bi Luo Jue.

From then on, she could no longer practice the Bi Luo Jue, and she never even got up the contents of the Bi Luo Jue.

Xiao Ningshuang, who has a strong mentality of admiring the strong and advocating the jungle, has hated Xingyun for a long time.

Yet she was so powerless.

Because even if she tried her best, she couldn't pull these two people to die with her.

Maybe she died and they were still unscathed.

Xiao Ningshuang hated it in her heart, but she knew clearly that she really had nothing to do with these two people.

 End tomorrow.

  Xiao Ningshuang's Bi Luo Jue was disabled for a long time, but nothing else was spent.

(End of this chapter)

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