Chapter 6
I was looking at the eldest sister sitting next to me, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something to her, but she was fascinated by playing with her mobile phone, and she didn't seem to be interested in listening to me at all.

As the minutes passed, I still stood up and said to my elder sister, "Elder sister, I'll go upstairs and talk to Lan Lan."

"Go, go, don't go too long, if the foreman comes to check later, if you are not here, I can't explain to her." When she said this, she didn't take her eyes off the phone screen.

"Okay." With permission, I hurried upstairs.Lan Lan works in the housekeeping department. If there is nothing special, the housekeeping department has its own lounge.I went directly to the lounge to find her.

The elevator door opened, I stepped directly into the elevator and pressed the tenth floor.The elevator ascended steadily, and I slowly raised my eyes from the ground a little bit, and I caught sight of my figure reflected in the mirror-like elevator door, and a figure standing in the innermost part with its back to me.My heart was startled, and at that moment, even my heart stopped beating.When I entered the elevator, I clearly saw that there was no one in the elevator!Moreover, there are very few people who stand with their backs to the elevator door when the elevator is empty.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip, not daring to look back to see if someone was really standing there.But my back feels cool, the one behind should be looking at me.Is he a human or a ghost?Or when I got into the elevator, I was dazzled, is he just a person?

I didn't make any sound, but tears flowed down my face.This is all scary.Soon, soon to the tenth floor.I comforted myself in my heart.Count in your head at the same time. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." Why hasn't the elevator stopped yet?The tenth floor should be there when no one else is going up or down.

I slowly raised my head, and there was a shadow on the door. The person still had his back to me, but he was standing very close to me.The elevator shows that the elevator is only on the third floor!This is not normal!Just when I was in a panic to tap the door button, and tap the buttons for the third and fourth floors, the elevator door suddenly opened.In fact, my sister taught me to do this.She said that when she met a ghost in the hotel elevator, she just tried to get out and pressed the nearest floor.

The elevator door opened, and the circular sign of the third floor appeared outside. There was a "ding", the sound of metal colliding, to be precise, a copper coin fell into the elevator.Then a pair of black shoes stepped into the elevator and stepped directly on the copper coins.I looked up in panic, and saw Zong Sheng's face wearing sunglasses.

He looked at me with no expression, stretched out his hand and pressed the button for the top floor, then closed the door, and stood where the figure was standing just now, right behind me.I was too scared to move. The elevator door stopped on the tenth floor. He stretched out his long hand and circled behind me, pressing the button to close the door. I didn't even dare to make any resistance.

The elevator went up to the top floor, which is the sightseeing area of ​​the hotel, with the restaurant on the left and the small hanging garden on the right.Zong Sheng whispered, "Follow me."

He bent down to pick up the copper coins under his feet before walking out of the elevator.I didn't move, so he stopped in front of the elevator, put his hand on the elevator door, prevented the elevator from closing, and looked at me through the sunglasses.

I lowered my head and took small steps to get out of the elevator with the furthest distance from him.

The elevator door closed again, I quickly walked a few steps towards the small garden, trying to distance myself from him.He followed behind me, and didn't stop my deliberate move, saying: "It wasn't just the two of us in the elevator just now, you should have seen it."

I let out two quick breaths, summoned up my courage and said, "I'm not the only one, you and that one are the same kind."

His face obviously sank, and I knew that if I was afraid to shrink back now, my fate in this life would be to be with this ghost.I continued: "I don't know what you mean by coming to me so deliberately, but I can't continue the arrangement your grandma made. I believe that you are the same. You see, you have grown up and become handsome now Yes, there must be a lot of girls who like you. There must be some girls with better conditions than me. And your family is getting bigger and bigger now. Isn’t this kind of business marriage? Maybe your grandparents don’t like it at all. I’m gone. Your own vision will be high, and you won’t like me.” After speaking, my own voice became weaker and weaker, so weak that I couldn’t hear it.That's all because Zong Sheng looked at me through the sunglasses getting colder and colder.Even through the dark glasses, I can feel his displeasure.

Finally, I would like to add a sentence: "You heard what I said in the bathroom that day, right? That is my true heartfelt voice."

"Heh!" He sneered, "Since I'm classified as a ghost, okay, let me show you what a ghost is!" He walked up to me, and just as I was about to back away, he grabbed me wrist.

My heart is beating right here in my throat, and I feel like my whole body is shaking.It can't be that he is really angry with him, he is going to take me down.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me in front of him, so close, so close that I could feel his breath.He took off his sunglasses and stared at me closely with those blood pupils.

Although the light here is relatively dim, but at such a close distance, I can still clearly see his sesame-sized pupils, plus the blood-red pupils.My heart tightened for a moment, and I missed a beat. For a moment, I was speechless.

He let go of my hand, allowing my body to sit limply on the ground.He took two steps back, put on his sunglasses, and said, "You were almost raped by that ghost in the elevator just now, do you know that? In their eyes, you are a good meal, or a good meal of the same kind. When going downstairs, take the elevator down, with my warning, he dare not do anything to you, but in the stairway, I don’t know if there are other ghosts.”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the elevator and went downstairs, completely ignoring me who was sitting on the ground.

My mind was blank for the first few minutes, followed by a flood of random thoughts.His blood pupils have been hovering in my mind, those terrifying eyes, like a nightmare.He said, the back in the elevator was trying to harm me, was he saving me?I thought of the copper coins he dropped when he entered the elevator.Is what he said true?

My head was in a mess, and I came back to my senses only after feeling the coldness of my calf to the bone.The waiters in the hotel are all wearing uniform skirts, the skirts are a little above the knees, and the calves are exposed.I sat on the ground with my calves touching the ground directly.This is a small garden, and the ground is relatively cold and damp. Even if there is no water, the water vapor is very heavy. This coldness made me stand up quickly.

The small garden was deserted, no one would come at such a big night.Get out of here, go downstairs, I'm going to a place with people, a place with light.This is the instinctive reaction after fear.

Stepping on high heels, I took a few steps and simply took off my shoes. I am not very used to wearing high heels, and I would choose three centimeter shoes when I was training at school.Who knew that the shoes that go to work are so high.Walking out of the small garden with his shoes on, his feet froze as he looked at the elevator and the stairs beside him.Take the elevator?Is that ghost still there?walk the stair?Will there be other ghosts.Zong Sheng said that the hotel is not clean, whether he is a ghost or a coffin, can he see those things?The ghost stories in this hotel that the eldest sister and the others told are not all true.elevator?stairs?

I gritted my teeth and pressed the elevator.When the elevator doors opened, I cautiously looked inside, but there was nothing.Walking in carefully, I kept my head down, not looking at the mirror-like elevator door, and counting silently in my heart.The elevator door opened, and outside was the bright lobby on the first floor. Four guests were dragging suitcases and carrying bags from the front desk to the elevator.

I was distracted, and felt that the things in the elevator and Zong Sheng's things were a little unreal.

The guests were already approaching, I quickly smiled, nodded, and walked past them.A female customer was heard behind him saying, "Why is this waiter carrying shoes? Hee hee"

After being told, I looked back instinctively, and saw them walk into the elevator, the elevator door slowly closed, there were not four people in the elevator, but a figure with its back to the door, or a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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