my ghost husband

Chapter 62 Already used to it

Chapter 62 Already used to it


"The internship is just a report to you. It's not that you don't know the danger of staying in the hotel, but you insist on staying and agree to be my internal correspondent. Why? Worried about me?"

"Yes! I am worried about you, worried that you will be eaten by him, your grandma really wants me to marry a brick." I said angrily.Duduzui sat in the back seat, but felt that what he said was not unreasonable.Why am I so persistent?If I really just leave like this, wouldn't there be nothing?Even if the sky of the hotel falls, it doesn't matter to me.But I really didn't think about leaving the hotel.

Zong Sheng exhaled smoke and said: "The concrete on the 16th floor has corpses, which are still shattered. And Wang Gan, who is a ghost, was sealed in that building. His grievances can completely affect that building." For example, the dead fish eye was drugged by the woman before he died. If they were not staying at the Shann Hotel, the woman might not dare to do it. But they live in the hotel, and On the 16th floor, affected by the resentment of Wang Gan in the wall, she was afraid to do it, but she really did it. Many things pay attention to the right time, place and people. The aura of that place affected her and made her have the heart to do this. Afterwards, she killed the dead fish eye, and the resentment of the dead fish eye was multiplied there, and he strongly wanted revenge, so when the woman appeared there again, he made such a cruel killing .If it was a different location, maybe this kind of thing would not have happened at all. Zong Youxuan, I can get close to you. I have drawn blood symbols on you. The resentment there will not affect you, but it may not It doesn't affect others. When you go to work, you will find that those people who used to be friendly may not be friendly anymore. And Lan Lan, maybe she will be affected too."

If it's someone else, I don't care, and I'm not the Virgin, but if it's Lan Lan, I don't want her to be affected. "Then you also gave that talisman!" I said anxiously.I was about to bite my lip right away after I finished speaking.What is it called!At that moment, I thought of the way he painted me.He painted so many things on me with his blood, and the blood got absorbed into my skin very quickly without leaving a trace.I thought he was a pervert, but he was helping me.But this method seems really not suitable for Lan Lan.

"Think about it again. If you really want to change the internship unit, I will tell my grandma."

He got out of the car, and I got out of the car with him.As soon as I got out of the car, a business card fell from my body.That business card was given to me by the young man at the pawn shop.I picked it up, and then carefully read the words on the business card.

"Niu Lifan!" I whispered the name, and a picture of a cow riding a motorcycle appeared in my mind.Lifan is the earliest motorcycle brand.The first motorcycle my dad bought was of this brand. At that time, I was still very young, and my dad cherished the new motorcycle he bought very much.But at that time, Xiao Zongsheng cut the tire directly with his fingernails, and my dad kicked him. I didn't expect this person to still hold grudges until now.

Zong Sheng opened the door of his house and said, "I've been back for so many days, do you think I'm just hanging around you? Niu Lifan is mediocre, but his ability to do things is not bad. You can still find newspapers from so long ago."

When he said that, my heart sank.He has been back for so many days, and in a few days after these things are dealt with, he should leave.What should I do then?I'm not the kind of woman who clings to a man. If he leaves and never comes back, at worst I'll live alone for the rest of my life. I'm afraid that if his grandma can't find anyone, he will recognize me again. Zong Sheng of their family has a relationship, and when the time comes to bring a rooster, what should I do if I insist on marrying a rooster?
I walked into the house and muttered in a low voice: "I have been ruined by you in this life!"

"What are you talking about? Don't say what I don't like to hear. Be careful that I will turn my face."

Are this person's ears dog ears? I said he can hear even such a low voice.I've been through and learned the hard way when I say things he doesn't like to hear and he turns on me.This time I chose to turn around and smiled at him: "No, I mean I will love you for the rest of my life. You are so capable, you are amazing, Zong Sheng. What should I do if I really like you! "

Originally thought that he would let me go just like this if he wanted to please me a few words.But I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was to be treated like this in the room all afternoon.

As I sat on the bed naked and hugged the blanket, listening to the sound of his bathing water in the bathroom, I asked myself if there was really no escape, and there wasn't.Maybe there is, there is such a method, but I haven't tried it.My heart seems to be changing already.I'm used to his...

(End of this chapter)

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