my ghost husband

Chapter 64 Selfish Mother 1

Chapter 64 Selfish Mother 1
I didn't remember the horoscope Zong Sheng said. When he said these, I could still hear the singing voice.And the singing became clearer and clearer.It was as if there was a girl who sang less than ten meters behind me.And the singing was still getting closer.

The wind blows, and the trees rustle.I don't know what to do to find Wang Gan's biological father?His father is also a ghost, maybe he has already been reincarnated.So what if you find it?Did you ask him to go to the hotel to persuade Wang Gan to stop killing people?is it possible?

I couldn't concentrate, because the erratic singing voice was getting closer and closer to me, and I could hear it more and more clearly.

A gust of wind blew by, the sun sank into the clouds in the sky, and the light weakened and became dim.From dawn to dusk, in fact, it only takes a dozen or 10 minutes, and the sky is about to get dark.

The singing voice seemed to start to go back, towards the depths of the Luan Mound.That's not right, as usual, it's getting dark, so everyone will walk outside the Luan Grave Mound.A ghost like Zong Sheng is no longer a normal person. He has no intention of leaving at all, and he doesn't know how he communicated with that tree.

The sound of singing passed by my side, and I still couldn't help but look back.Seeing this, my cold sweat came down.Because there were no young women in these four weeks, the singing continued to move deep into the chaotic graveyard.Walking beside me was a child about five years old.The child holds a lollipop in his hand, smiles on his face, stretches his hands, looks slightly upwards, and walks forward.

This kid is wrong!First of all, the singing was so clear that I couldn't have heard it wrong. It was a young woman's voice, not a child's voice like this.Furthermore, this is a random graveyard, and a child of hers appeared here, even if she came to play, this time period is not suitable, and her eyes.The ground here is not flat, and the route she walks is not a straight line. If you want to walk in such an environment, you should always pay attention to your feet, or you will fall down.The child's eyes were slightly looking upwards.Finally, her smile, she smiled sweetly, as if seeing her own parents, who would laugh at the empty air in such a messy graveyard?

What if she wasn't smiling into the air?

My heart skipped a beat.I stretched out my hand, wanting to pat Zong Sheng who was communicating with the big locust tree, but I was worried that it would affect him, so I still didn't pat my outstretched hand.

The child was a little girl, wearing very old clothes, and many threads were torn from the side of the trousers.The girl's hair was tied in a mess, and her face was not very clean.The lollipop in my hand has not been unwrapped.singing? !By the way, she was following the singing.But the one who was singing, I couldn't see her.That……

"Zong Sheng!" I couldn't help but yelled in a low voice, if my deduction was correct, then the child would be in danger.I was anxious and afraid, my heart beat faster, "Zong Sheng, are you alright?"

The child has already followed the sound and walked past me, walking towards the depths of the mass grave.

"Zong Sheng! Zong Sheng!" I yelled in a low voice anxiously, and I only dared to yell in a low voice. I don't know how Zong Sheng is going. There will be danger.

But the little girl has already walked five or six meters away from me. If she really walks too far, who knows what will happen?

In desperation, I still decided to follow the little girl. If Zong Sheng's questioning about that tree is over, he can come to me and leave a way for the little girl.

I didn't keep up with the little girl, and asked next to the little girl, "Son, where are you going?"

The child didn't look at me at all, and raised his head slightly, looking up.I looked towards her eyes, and all I could see there was a gray cloud in the sky, and there was some golden light of sunset under the cloud.But her smile clearly told me that there was something she could see but I couldn't.

Since following Zong Sheng, I have been able to see ghosts several times, why can't I see ghosts now?But sometimes, seeing is scarier than not seeing, I don't know where she is, I don't know if she will be angry when she sees me talking to the little girl, will she hurt the little girl, or hurt me .

Although I was very scared and nervous, I didn't want to just leave.Now the little girl and I have walked more than 20 meters, and Zong Sheng over there is still talking to the tree. He is very anxious, but he can't call him loudly from such a long distance.

"Little sister, may I take you home to find your mother?" I said.

The little girl finally responded: "Mom, Mom." She still raised her head and smiled, "Mom, give me a hug."

"Mom hug?" She stretched her hand forward and smiled at her. That is to say, her mother is there?The person singing is her mother?But I can't see her mother, her mother...isn't human!

I felt cold all over my body, and on such a summer evening, I felt like I was being chilled to the bone. "Sister, can I take you to your grandma? Where's your grandma? Did she take you to the street?"

"Mom, mom, hug." The little girl still said that, as if she didn't hear what I said.

I swallowed to calm myself down.Zong Sheng, come here quickly, something happened here.I shouted in my heart, looking at the big locust tree over there, such a big locust tree has become very small because of the distance.

"Sister, don't go any further, can you hear me?"

"Mom, give me a hug." The child was still doing the same thing and saying the same thing.

The light was getting darker, and I was anxious to look around to see if there was anything that could help me.It was only at this time that I discovered a cliff that appeared on the little girl's straight line. It is an exaggeration to say that it is a cliff.That is a construction site where people started mountain quarrying. Over there, a small half of the hillside has been dug away, and this random grave is on the half of the hillside that has not been dug.

On the edge of the hillside, there is a solitary tomb. The tomb is two meters ahead, which is a cliff. Follow the current route and keep going forward. If you don't change the route, you will really fall from there.

"Sister, don't go forward. Do you remember your family's phone number? May I call your family for you and ask them to pick you up?"

The child still didn't respond, she had already reached the lonely grave, and continued walking forward without stopping.

"Sister, don't go anymore, you will fall. It's very high there, if you fall, you will be injured, and you have to go to the hospital for an injection!" I was already sweating, and I didn't know what to do?For a five or six-year-old child, it would take only a few seconds for a distance of two meters.

I bit my lip anxiously, and immediately made a decision to grab someone!I am a college student in his 20s, and I have done a lot of physical exercise in school. It should not be a problem to take away a five- or six-year-old child.

I reached out and picked up the child, and the child burst into tears and yelled loudly, "Mom! Mom! Mom!" as if I was the one who robbed the child.It was at this moment, from this angle, that I saw the tombstone on the lonely grave, and the singing voice clearly came from that tombstone.

I took a step back in panic, the child was struggling, and in my panic, I let the child struggle down.

"Ah! Don't run, child!" I yelled, watching the child rush towards the cliff, and at the same time crying: "Mom, there are villains! Mom hug! Huh..."

"No!" I closed my eyes in panic.At that moment, I felt as if I jumped down with the child, feeling suspended in the air, and then my heart tightened. I didn't hear the muffled sound of the child falling, the singing disappeared, and I could still hear the child's crying.The child is not dead!The child didn't jump off!

When I opened my eyes, I saw Zong Sheng standing on the edge of the cliff with a child in his hand, and the child in his hand was waving his little arms, kicking his calves, and hitting him.

Zong Sheng frowned suddenly, bent down slightly, threw the child on the ground in front of the grave and said to the child, "Cry again! Cry again and eat you!"

The child was frightened by him and even sniffed, and really stopped crying.

However, Zong Sheng's expression was not good, and I had a look of embarrassment on my face. I also saw it just now, and he directly clamped the child, and the child was clamped horizontally by him at the waist.When the child swung his arm, it hit his... well, the most vulnerable place of a man.Although the child is only five or six years old, when he is crying and fussing like that, the force of hitting him should not be weak.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

Zong Sheng looked at me with his four white eyes: "I should ask if you are okay! Are you courting death yourself?"

"Me?! I didn't want to watch this child die, so I did this. If she jumps like this, something big will happen to her. You, are you okay?" The man was beaten and went to the hospital in an accident News can often be seen in online newspapers.

Zong Sheng didn't answer me, squatted down, and said to the tombstone: "Steal the child?! You are the child's mother, right? Do you rob your own child like this? Give birth to her, but she is going to die. She will accompany you. You Isn't this person too selfish?"

There were cries in the air.Although the singing turned into crying, but listen, they are still the voice of a person, it should be the voice of a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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