my ghost husband

Chapter 71 Zong Sheng Disappeared

Chapter 71 Zong Sheng Disappeared
go in?If Zong Sheng is negotiating with the one in the wall right now, will I disturb him by breaking in like this, will it hold him back?
Not going in?Zong Sheng said that I must come to the hotel with him, how can I help him?And looking at the hotel lobby, the lights are still on and the lights in the security room next to it are also on.The little boss's car is also here, maybe Lan Lan is also in the hotel.

To enter or not to enter, what should I do?
After hesitating for more than ten minutes, I still made a decision and stepped into this hotel.

The lights in the lobby on the first floor are still on, and there is no one at the front desk, which means that the hotel is not open now.I didn't rush into the elevator, but turned to the security room.If it is normal in the hotel now, there should be people in the security room by now, and the camera monitoring and everything are working normally.I can ask about the situation from them.

The door of the security room was ajar, and the hotel was very quiet, and a woman's babbling voice could be heard clearly behind the ajar door.It was still a Japanese voice.I'm a little embarrassed, the people inside are watching that kind of disc, it's not good for me to knock on the door now.Who knows if there are good guys or bad guys inside?Even hotel security guards are not necessarily good guys.

But now I am anxious to get news about Zong Sheng and Lan Lan.After hesitating, I raised my hand and knocked on the door after a few seconds.Now that I have already walked in, if I do something to go back, I will not be reconciled.

After two knocks on the door, a nervous voice came from inside: "Who is who?" Then there was the sound of the chair being moved, and of course the sound of the disc had been turned off.A short male security guard opened the door. "What's the matter with you?" His face was still tense, but he was obviously relieved when he saw me.It seems to be because I am not his leader!
"Hello, I want to ask, just now, not long ago, if someone entered the hotel. A man, wearing overalls. Is he still in the hotel? On which floor?"

The security guard looked me up and down: "Why are you asking this?"

"I'm an intern at the hotel, and that person is my brother. He doesn't know that our hotel is closed now, so he should come to the hotel to find me."

"No, I have been guarding the camera screen, and I didn't see anyone coming in."

"But his car is outside! He's coming in now, can you let me check the previous video."

"Who do you think you are? Is it the police or the hotel executives? Just an intern, what are you dragging? Let alone your brother is not in the hotel now, so what if he is in the hotel? If he can't find you, he will go It will come out soon. You are really willing to tell your brother to be in the hotel, so just wait at the door!"

Just as the security guard was about to close the door, I stretched out my foot and blocked the door: "What about the little boss of the hotel? Did Shen Jien bring a girl back? Where are they? We can always tell!"

The little security guard looked at me again: "What's going on tonight? Are you looking for your brother, or the little boss."

"Find them all!"

But at this time, the computer inside didn't know what was going on, and played that sound again.I don't know if it's because of the network or his settings.This sudden situation made the little security guard's face turn red.

He waved at me awkwardly and said, "The little boss is on the 4th floor, and he came back with a girl. I really didn't see your brother."

I turned around and walked towards the fourth floor. I don't know what kind of psychology I am now. Anyway, there is no panic or fear, only firmness.I have already walked in, no matter what happens in the hotel this time, or how scary a ghost I see, I will find Zong Sheng and Lan Lan.

The elevator stopped on the 4th floor, and there was no sound around.Nothing out of the ordinary in the hotel.

Walking out of the elevator, I heard Lan Lan's laughter.She said: "Really! My classmates basically don't know what's going on? Probably they took the wrong medicine! Even if Youxuan and I can't get into their eyes, they won't be like this. Let's blame us. Anyway I'm just not convinced. Little boss, thank you so much tonight."

"Then how are you going to thank me?" Shen Jien said with a smile.

This stinky girl won't want to agree with her body!I quickly followed the sound and walked over, and slammed open the door of the little boss's office.The lights in the office were bright, and the two of them were sitting on the sofa in the office, making tea on the small table in front of them.Lan Lan held a teacup and said to him, "Tea instead of wine, let's express our gratitude. Youxuan, you're here too!"

I walked over and pulled Lan Lan directly from the sofa, blocking her behind: "Don't hurt her, she actually doesn't understand anything."

Lan Lan looked at me inexplicably, and Shen Jien also looked at me in surprise and said, "Zong Youxuan, what do you mean? I did pursue you before, but you rejected me, right? Now I like Lan Lan, and I am in Pursuing Lan Lan, why are you popping up again?"

"I know you don't want to pursue her. Boss, Lan Lan is innocent. Let her go home first!" I hesitated for a while and said, "As you wish, Zong Sheng has already entered the hotel." Zong Sheng entered He must have known about the hotel.Such a large off-road vehicle was placed at his door, how could he not see it?
"Oh, really? This is really good news. But are you sure that your brother entered the hotel? If he disappeared in my hotel, it might be a good thing for the hotel. We are a hotel, Moreover, the special service has just been launched, if someone has already entered the 16th floor and disappeared before the start of the service, this saves us a lot of advertising costs!"

I knew from what he said, first, he knew that Zong Sheng had entered the hotel.Second, he knew that Zong Sheng had gone to the sixteenth floor.Third, he has already arranged to deal with Zong Sheng.And now that he can chat with Lan Lan in such a friendly and relaxed manner, it seems that he is full of confidence in the operation he has arranged.

"Youxuan, what's going on?" Lan Lan also stood up and said to me.

I exhaled and said to Lan Lan: "Lan Lan, take care of yourself." After saying this, I turned around and walked out of his office, walked directly to the elevator, and went up to the sixteenth floor.

When the elevator door opened, there was a burst of cold air inside.This is elevator No. [-]. In this elevator, there is a ghost whose right palm was cut off by Zong Sheng.I can feel that the air here is not the coldness in the general elevator, but a very special coldness, that kind of coldness, as if it can penetrate into the human body and penetrate deep into the bones.

Now I don't feel scared anymore, the strong desire to find Zong Sheng has occupied my whole heart.There is no room for fear.Even after I walked into the elevator, I stared at the elevator wall where the ghost had appeared.How I wish he was still there now.Last time he told me that it was dangerous and told me not to get out of the elevator.I went out anyway, but by such a coincidence, Shen Jien brought me into the conference room.I'm not sure whether the guy in the elevator is my friend or foe, but at least he helped me after being warned by Zong Sheng.

Now, I am standing in the elevator, in the cold elevator lights, facing the elevator wall, wanting to see his figure.No!Really do not have!In the elevator wall, there is only my own shadow.

What did Shen Jien do?In this hotel back then, there were so many Ah Piao, did he already deal with them?Or is it Zong Sheng who handles Ah Piao here?
Should not be!Zong Sheng lived here for a few days, if he had really wanted to deal with these Ah Piao then, he should have done it then, and he wouldn't have stayed until tonight.

"Hey! Are you there?" I said softly.Since I can't see it, let's talk, I don't know if he will come out? "Hello, the one in the elevator wall, are you there?" In the elevator wall, there was no response, and no voice answered me.

I bit my lip, something really happened in this hotel.Where is Zong Sheng?

The elevator stopped on the sixteenth floor.Here, there is that dead fish eye, and that woman, but now, nothing can be seen under the dim aisle lights.

"Zong Sheng!" I shouted uncontrollably, that Wang Gan in the wall, his corpse was used in the concrete on this floor, and his strongest ability should be on this floor .

"Zong Cheng! Wang Gan! Wang Gan!" I was so anxious that I even called out Wang Gan's name.But the empty aisle, only my own voice, no one's response.

"No!" I murmured to myself in a low voice, "I could call here. According to the time, at most it was more than ten minutes later than Zong Sheng, plus the few minutes I was at the door and in the office. , at most two or ten minutes late. Zong Sheng! Zong Sheng! Where are you?"

I tried to push open all the doors that can be opened here. The guest room is only the one with dead fish eyes, which is not locked, and the other rooms are locked.In that room, there was a police cordon at the bathroom door.But Zong Sheng couldn't be found here either.

"Zong Sheng! Wang Gan! Where are you?" I yelled like crazy, but I couldn't find anyone, not even any ghosts.They seem to have all disappeared.I patted the wall here with my hand, and slapped all the places where bloody handprints had appeared. "Zong Sheng! Zong Sheng! Where are you?" I started to cry, and my hands that slapped the wall were hurting.I don't know how to become Zong Sheng's contact, how to help him.

When I came out of the tool room on the sixteenth floor, Shen Jien and Lan Lan came out of the elevator, followed by the security guard on the first floor.

(End of this chapter)

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