my ghost husband

Chapter 8 He's My Brother

Chapter 8 He's My Brother
Damn!How do they know I'm here?When I came in just now, I paid special attention to see that there was no one around.The security guard? !By the way, the camera!I must be stupid to forget that there are cameras everywhere in the hotel except the bathroom.

What is their situation now?Listen to what the foreman said, this is my personal behavior, room service.God damn it, can you stop tricking me like this!If it was before, I would never understand what this person's behavior of room service means.Even in school, our curriculum does not have this term.This is what Lan Lan told me after the internship. Lan Lan heard about it from the elder sister who took her.This is completely personal behavior, or room service, that's what it means, that's it, that's that one!This kind of thing is absolutely forbidden among the waiters. If found out, they will be fired immediately.

They even thought that I sneaked into Zong Sheng's guest room because of that kind of thing.And now, I really don't know how to explain it.Just when I was thinking very hard, how can I clarify the purpose of my coming here, I can't say that he is a ghost, he is my baby, and I came here to make it clear to him, saying that I don't want him.If he is really angry, he really hates me, and he wants to punish me, it will be a matter of minutes.

"Well, foreman, you probably misunderstood. I...I..."

When I was still thinking about how to speak, Zong Sheng said: "You guys came just in time, and I'm about to leave. During the time I'm away, no one is allowed to enter the room, and the cleaning of the guest room is the same. As for her," After he paused, he turned to look at me and said, "If you really want to talk, you can go to my house and let's talk slowly. I just don't like talking about these things in hotels."

I opened my mouth wide in surprise!Brother!Are you unable to speak, or are you trying to trick me?Hey, don't go, make it clear that you are going!I was still frozen in place and could only open my mouth. When I couldn't say a word, he had already walked out of the guest room.Even walked straight out.I don't know why the aura he gives people is that people feel that they should give way to him and not block his way.The three people standing at the door also stepped aside.

As soon as Zong Sheng left, I was the only one left in the guest room, and there were three people standing at the door. His last sentence was ambiguous, making those three people look straight at me. "I, can you give me a few minutes to explain?"

The foreman said angrily, "Go and talk to the manager."

My mind went blank all of a sudden.I know that with Zong Sheng's current status as a guest of the hotel, it will be a matter of minutes before he wants to punish me.But I didn't expect that it was the opportunity I sent up that caused the current crisis.

An hour later, I was already standing in the manager's office on the second floor.Sitting in front of me is the bald manager who gave three hellos to us interns last time and said that as long as we behave well, we can stay in the hotel.It was when the administrative side just started working that our team leader teacher was also invited over.It's just that they seemed to treat me like a child and didn't give me any chance to speak.It was the security guard and the foreman who reported the matter to the manager.

I stood by the door of the office, listening to what they said was quite true, but why did it sound so ambiguous?The security guard saw me knocking on the door of the guest's room like a thief, and the moment the door opened, I rushed in.The cameras were positioned to see a meter inside the door, so they also saw unclothed guests.

The security reported to the head housekeeper because he recognized me, a plainclothes man, as not a guest, but a hotel trainee.So they decided to go to the guest room and ask.If it's a misunderstanding, it's fine.They just go and ask.If it was my personal room service, it would be a big deal.

They went, the three of them went, to be able to testify against each other.He also heard what Zong Sheng said.They just assumed I was a personal room service delivery.And it's the kind that makes customers disgusted.

After the security guard finished speaking, our team leader teacher hurriedly said a lot to the manager.I am usually quite sensible, and I have a sense of propriety and so on.Who knows, the head waiter said: "I heard that she was almost complained yesterday morning, because she kept staring at the customer, and she was a very handsome male customer. Such a waiter is too weak in business. Our hotel does not look at who is sensible, but at work ability and business level."

I stood at the door, closed my eyes, and patted my forehead.It turned out that this incident had already spread in the hotel, and the housekeeping department already knew about it.Now I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it off.

The teacher who led the team turned around and yelled at me: "Zong Youxuan!" Yes!My surname is Zong, and our entire village is surnamed Zong.There are also many people who are relatives.But I have no blood relationship with Zong Sheng.After I knew that I was fed blood by his grandma and made a baby kiss, I especially wanted to have some kind of relationship with him.Because as long as there is a relationship, within three generations, the law does not allow marriage.Those beyond the third generation are not allowed to marry in the village ancestral hall.But when I asked for the genealogy during the Chinese New Year, I had the cheek to flip through the pages.I have no relatives with his eight generations of ancestors.Hope was dashed like that.

"Why don't you cherish this internship opportunity so much?"

I can finally have my say. Now I stand by the office door for half an hour. The way I can think of to resolve this crisis is: "You all misunderstood, that guest is my brother! If you don't believe me, you can check our identity It’s just that our family bought a house in the city under my brother’s name, and his household registration was moved here. His ID card address is our new home. My ID card is old, or my old home address. His surname is Zong, and I am also surnamed Zong." With the same surname, they are not all relatives.But now I can only fool around and see if I can fool them.

Some of them should believe what I said.The bald manager clicked his tongue and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier? Wasting everyone's time."

I murmured in my heart: "That's because you didn't give me a chance to say it!" But this sentence was also murmured in my heart, and I didn't dare to say it out loud.

The foreman looked very shrewd, and said: "Hehe, I can't think of it. Well, the guest hasn't checked out yet, we can go and confirm with the guest, if the guest recognizes you as my sister, it is our mistake. If the guest denies it , I'm sorry, Miss Zong, Shan Hotel doesn't need a personal room service waiter."

The foreman left directly, and the attitude was there.The teacher leading the team led me out and led me to the rented dormitory, scolding me all the way.I went to see why my brother was still sneaking around.

Back in the dormitory, all the students in the dormitory gathered together to talk about this incident. I hope everyone will take it as a warning.In everyone's opinion, this matter is a misunderstanding, and I am quite wronged.It was the head waiter who targeted me.It caused everyone to say that some old employees of the hotel bullied their interns.

But I silently took my clothes and went to take a shower, my heart was terribly entangled.How can I get Zong Sheng to tell others that he is my brother tomorrow?Say something nice?Probably not, he is not the kind of person who speaks well.Today I have already made enough compromises, but he still has that attitude.Give some money?Forget it, his family is richer than mine.

I still haven't figured out a good way to take a good bath.Opening the bathroom door, Lan Lan leaned against the door and smiled at me, holding an egg roll bread in her hand: "Eat breakfast!"

I took the bread and took a bite: "It's already noon."

"Then eat this first, and I'll invite you to eat delicious food at noon."

"Bloodletting today? Come out for an internship. You can't do it as a part-time tutor. You still have money to go out and eat delicious food?"

"Occasionally, it's okay. It's just Youxuan, you are not mean enough." She reached out and poked my arm, "That man is your brother, and you didn't tell me. I just said, why did he complain about you yesterday morning? , in the end, you'll be fine if you drink a glass of water. And the reason for the complaint is weird, just because you stared at him. It turned out to be your brother! No wonder he was standing at the door looking at you when you were crying in the bathroom In a while. Hey, let me treat you to dinner and call your brother out too."

(End of this chapter)

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