Wealthy family seizes wives

Chapter 20 Engagement Banquet

Chapter 20 Engagement Banquet

The next day, when the dawn sun shone through the window, Yaxin woke up from her sleep. Since participating in the competition, she had to get up early for training every day.Look at the alarm clock next to the bed, my God!It's already 08:30, what should I do?Late, late...Yaxin put on her clothes in a hurry, and when she was about to rush out the door, her roommate, Fat Girl, rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked puzzledly: "Isn't the game over? You You have already won the championship!" Yaxin woke up the dreamer, Yaxin walked back slowly, sat down on her lower berth, and the memories of last night flooded into her mind again.

Suddenly, "Do you know I'm waiting for you? You know..." After the familiar ring tone, Yaxin picked up the phone.


"Is it Miss Wang Yaxin? I am your manager. Now you are the champion of Miss Asia, so you have to attend a series of activities. I will arrange all your itineraries. Of course, if you feel tired or sleepy You can tell me at any time so that I can adjust your itinerary. You must be tired from the finals yesterday, so take a day off today and take a day off!"

"Oh, yes!" Yaxin replied as if dreaming.

In the following days, Wang Yaxin dressed up to attend every day, participated in various charity activities, visited and communicated around the world, and as an image ambassador, everyone who met her gave her a thumbs up for her temperament in all aspects.Yaxin's heart is full of joy, and her efforts will always be rewarded. She will definitely cherish this rare opportunity and spread her beautiful youth on the land of all countries.

However, things are always unexpected but reasonable. On the second day, the first task of Yaxin's world tour was to help Huang Pinjun cut the cake at their engagement banquet to congratulate the couple.Because Pinjun's family occupies a place in Asia and even the world, Huang Pinjun, as the eldest son of the Huang family, naturally has the qualification to invite Yaxin to be his wedding guest.

Yaxin didn't really want to see Huang Pinjun's face, because she was hurt too much by him in the university. However, these were arranged by the organization, and if she didn't obey the order, there would be very serious consequences.Thinking of this, Yaxin could only smash her teeth and swallow it in her stomach, encouraging herself to go to Huang Pinjun's wedding banquet regardless of previous suspicions.

At the wedding banquet, guests gathered, and everyone sat around, discussing the future of the couple.Everyone expressed their congratulations to the new couple, thinking that they are really talented and beautiful. The two families are a perfect match in every aspect. The couple will surely live a very happy life.

The wedding was carried out step by step in the solemn and solemn wedding march. The master of ceremonies, dressed in missionary attire, imitated Western engagement ceremonies, and solemnly announced the entry of the couple.

The two newcomers, one was dressed in a black suit, reflecting the beautiful light under the light, his handsome face was looking at the master of ceremonies calmly; With the demeanor of a wealthy family, fair skin, and thin vermilion lips, it makes people feel doubly fond of her.

When the two newcomers stood in front of the master of ceremonies, the master of ceremonies said: "Before asking the classic question, I would like to invite our special guest to cut the wedding cake for us. She is Miss Wang Yaxin who just won the championship of Miss Asia !"

After the three words "Wang Yaxin" were called out by the master of ceremonies, warm applause broke out in the venue, and everyone was looking forward to seeing the most beautiful woman in Asia.However, for today's protagonist, Zhao Linger, this is just bad news. She never expected that when she was about to realize her wedding dream, this country girl from back then would appear at her wedding.But considering that the elders of the two families were all there, Ling'er held back for the time being and watched the completely reborn Wang Yaxin attend their wedding banquet in a decent evening dress. Her tall figure and charming smile made everyone present The audience was stunned, and after a while, everyone applauded in unison again, and the applause was more enthusiastic than just now.

The jealousy in Zhao Linger's heart became more and more intense.When Yaxin smiled and picked up the long-handled knife and was about to cut it, Zhao Linger deliberately pretended to sprain her feet, and her body fell towards Yaxin. The multi-layered cake immediately fell apart, and Yaxin's whole body was covered with cream , a red liquid trickled out of the cream, and Yaxin's finger was scratched.Yaxin's manager stepped forward, hurriedly took out a bandage and disinfectant from the medicine box she carried with her, and bandaged Yaxin. What's more, it's a mere cake!" Everyone still looked at it seriously, but didn't laugh.

The master of ceremonies also felt that the atmosphere was a bit cold, and immediately said to the newcomers: "Bride Zhao Linger, are you willing to marry Huang Pinjun as his wife and stay with him through thick and thin for the rest of your life?" "I am willing," Zhao Linger replied shyly. "Huang Pinjun, are you willing to guard your bride for the rest of your life and spend this life with her?" Pinjun didn't answer immediately, but remained silent. Suddenly, he said loudly: "Sorry, I don't want to!" The audience was in an uproar, and then Huang Pinjun Bypassing the bride, Wang Yaxin, who was in a hurry, walked out of the wedding hall in big strides.The stunned elders of the Huang family and Zhao family were left behind, as well as the many relatives and friends who came here on purpose.

Zhao Ling'er lifted the white skirt of the wedding dress with both hands, strode forward, grabbed Huang Pinjun's suit sleeve, and glared at Pinjun. "How could you do this? In front of so many people, you abandoned me!" Huang Pinjun gave Zhao Ling'er a cold look, "I'm sorry, what you did today disappointed me, and I don't know what happened in the past. I don’t want to mention it again, let’s leave it at this point, maybe we can still be friends in the future.” Zhao Ling’er was still reluctant, “No, you love me, don’t you? I did all this for you! Between us There are so many good memories in this time, let us forget all the unpleasant things, as long as your heart belongs to me, and you spend this life with me, that's enough." Zhao Linger's attitude changed very quickly, and her soft voice made people uncomfortable Well refused.

"I'm really sorry, I found out that I don't love you anymore!" Huang Pinjun shook off Zhao Linger's hand with one hand, and held Wang Yaxin's slender hand with the other. The two seemed to be real newcomers, walking towards colorful Colorful world.

Walking out of the auditorium, Huang Pinjun led Yaxin through the bushes and came to another square, Yaxin was relieved from what happened just now. "What are you doing? How can you abandon your own bride?"

"I...discovered that the person I love is not her, but...you!" Huang Pinjun raised his crystal clear eyes and looked at Wang Yaxin fixedly.Wang Yaxin couldn't help taking two steps back, it was hard to believe that this was the words of Huang Pinjun who satirized her all the time in the university.

She shook her head vigorously to wake herself up. "No, you lied to me, right? How could you fall in love with a country girl like me? Isn't that what you used to say in college?" Yaxin once again questioned Pin Jun's words, so she wouldn't believe it There will be such a thing from hate to love!Although I was still a little excited in my heart, I didn't show it at all.

"This is what I don't understand. In fact, in the past four years, I have been thinking about you all the time, thinking about what you are doing! I know you are doing a work-study program, and you deliberately bribed the school's logistics department, just to let you find a little An easier job. But you are still working outside in order to earn more money. In this way, I sent a few more men to the places where you work. Once you are in danger, they will try their best to help You. Remember that time, your friend Dong Liming went to that village to look for you? I sent my men to sprinkle similar feathers on your clothes along the way you were taken away, leaving clues. It was I who told the guards to let him be taken away. How did you answer when you asked if you saw the car driving away. Of course, I just want to look at you silently from behind, seeing you happy and happy, I am also happy.

Yaxin opened her mouth wide, she didn't know what to say, she just felt strange, she had never had much contact with Huang Pinjun, how could he fall in love with her?Isn't this incredible?What Huang Pinjun said was so like the lines on TV, it seemed so unreal.Her heart was beating wildly, what's the matter, does she have feelings for Huang Pinjun?The wind rustled, and the trees swayed their huge branches and countless leaves in the wind, making a rustling sound.Under the sunlight, black shadows appeared on the ground one by one.Yaxin and Pinjun stood facing each other, their shadows seemed like a couple, standing together intimately.Yaxin lowered her head, not knowing what to say, she kept kicking the stones on the ground, not daring to look up.

Huang Pinjun didn't allow Yaxin to think too much, took her hand and stuffed it into his car.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Yaxin asked in panic.

"You'll know when you get there!" Huang Pinjun smiled slyly, started the car quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the car was speeding on the road.After a while, the car stopped in front of a noodle shop, Yaxin looked at this familiar noodle shop suspiciously like a frightened bird.

Huang Pinjun dragged Yaxin from the passenger seat, and hurried into the noodle shop.

Seeing that it was Yaxin, the proprietress enthusiastically stepped forward.

"Long time no see, you two came here to eat noodles together today! In the past, every time you came to eat, he would eat a bowl of noodles here again. I was still thinking, you two couples are really strange Ah, I’m always angry and come to my place to eat noodles. And they always come one after the other, especially tacit understanding! Why, there is no quarrel today! Sit down, do you want noodles and meatloaf soup? You two really match well, you order the same thing every time you come, other couples are not so unified!" The proprietress said a lot, and she felt a little embarrassed.

"Look at me, I was so busy talking about it, I forgot to tell the back chef." The proprietress turned her head to look behind, and yelled loudly: "Two bowls of noodles and two servings of meatloaf soup, hurry up!" Saying this, the proprietress Covering his face and sneering, he greeted other guests.

Yaxin and Pinjun sat face to face, Yaxin was not used to this awkward atmosphere.

"I said, I've become Miss Asia anyway, you won't let me spend my beauty journey just eating bowls of noodles with you like this!" Yaxin said deliberately pretending to be angry.

"Why? You heard what the lady boss said! In fact, when you were in college, every time you finished working, you would come here to eat noodles and meatloaf soup. At first, I thought you always ate such unnutritious things What are you doing? But later, I ordered one out of curiosity, and found that the dry sesame noodles were eaten together with the delicious meatloaf soup, and the taste was not bad. So, every time I saw you finished eating, I would also order a portion." Huang Pinjun showed his white teeth and said with a smile, as if he came here for a date with Yaxin, completely forgetting about the engagement banquet just now.

"Are you spying on me?" Wang Yaxin asked angrily, annoyed when she heard her say that.

"I don't mean any malice, I just want to watch you all the time because I like you." Huang Pinjun said with an innocent face.

"Noodles here! Both of you, please take your time." The proprietress personally served it and greeted warmly. "I said that these two people must be a couple. If you still don't believe me, they said that they came here by chance. What's going on now, the two of them came here together. It must not be a coincidence!" The proprietress said to the boss.

Wang Yaxin didn't ask any more questions, but buried her head in eating the noodles in the bowl. Just as the two of them were eating vigorously, Dong Liming appeared in front of Huang Pinjun as if airborne. Stop your chopsticks.Then he asked: "Why don't you eat?" Pinjun motioned Yaxin to look behind with his eyes.

Yaxin turned her head, feeling even more embarrassed than before.The last thing Dong Liming wanted was to see her with another boy, and this boy was still Huang Pinjun, eating hot noodles together like a couple.Just when Yaxin was at a loss for words, she didn't know what to say.Huang Pinjun unexpectedly asked: "Do you want to eat noodles together? You can ask the proprietress to order another one. The...noodles here are delicious, and the broth is so fresh."

Dong Liming didn't answer and didn't sit down, but looked at Wang Yaxin and Huang Pinjun with a strange expression. Due to work reasons, he couldn't come to watch Yaxin in person when he participated in the final.Seeing Yaxin win the championship on TV, he excitedly smashed his fist against the wall, and the landlady who killed him ran up and scolded him.But when he found out that the award presenter was actually Huang Pinjun, his heart sank, fearing that his Yaxin would be snatched away by Huang Pinjun.Finally arrived here, only to find that Yaxin attended Huang Pinjun's engagement banquet as Miss Asia. He was glad that Huang Pinjun finally got engaged, but he saw the scene of the two standing together in the square just now.Later, he took a taxi and came to this noodle shop.Liming never expected that Yaxin would get mixed up with this guy.

"Liming, we are not in the relationship you imagined! Don't get me wrong!" Yaxin hurriedly explained.

"I know what the relationship is. This guy is pestering you, right? It must be him. He used his family relationship to let you come to his engagement banquet, and then abandoned his fiancée. The purpose is to win your favor. I know , All of this is done in secret by him." Li Ming said with certainty.

"Liming, listen to me, I really didn't know that such a thing would happen, I..." Yaxin was eager to explain, her mind went blank for a moment.

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, Yaxin, I believe you! I have played with you since I was a child, how could I not believe you! The only thing I don't believe is this weasel-like guy." Dong Liming doubted He looked at Huang Pinjun with angry eyes.

Huang Pinjun didn't seem to intend to fight back, he continued to eat the noodles in his bowl and drank the delicious meatloaf soup, with a silent expression.

(End of this chapter)

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