Wealthy family seizes wives

Chapter 23 1 poor 2 white

Chapter 23

Shenghui Company urgently convened the board of directors to conduct internal discussions on the appointment of their company's president.Although Huang Pinjun owns 70.00% of the company's shares, his father still owns [-]% of the company's shares and holds a lot of power. Therefore, the result of the discussion will be announced soon. to decide.At present, all the affairs of the company will be taken care of by Li Tucheng, who is still the assistant to the president.

Huang Pinjun carried a box of his own personal belongings and came down from the top of the company. Along the way, his eyes were full of sarcasm.Back then, Huang Pinjun, the second-generation rich man who wanted the wind to win the wind and the rain to win the rain, would have such an end, no one could have imagined.When he got engaged, he abandoned his beautiful wife who was about to get married and walked away with another woman. This is what he deserved.

Huang Pinjun knew that he was no longer that all-powerful company president, and had completely become a pauper.He ignored the strange eyes of the company employees who nodded and bowed to him in the past. When he walked to the door of the company, he looked back at the four characters of "Shenghui Company", and his heart was full of sadness.However, he clenched his fist and vowed to come back again.

After getting drunk that day, regardless of Liu Yunque's obstruction, Huang Qianba made up his mind to let him, a rebellious son, suffer, so there was this scene of the company changing the president.At the entrance of the company, Liu Yunque was eager to love her son, and ordered the driver to park the car at the entrance. Seeing Pinjun coming out, she immediately opened the door and walked forward.

"Junjun, my son, don't be sad, your father just wants to hone you! After a while, you will still come back to serve as the president, don't be discouraged! Just take a long vacation for yourself. It’s still growing, take your time, and think long-term! Junjun!” Liu Yunque, dressed in a black lady’s attire and a black lace wide-brimmed hat, said earnestly to her son, for fear that his son would be overwhelmed and do something stupid.She is such a precious son, if she doesn't love him, who will love him!
"Mom, why are you here! This is at the entrance of the company, don't let people see the joke, I'm fine, don't worry, my son has never been such a fragile person! I will come back, and one day, I will come back dignifiedly, Come back and take back my place!" Huang Pinjun clenched his fists and clenched his teeth as before, as if he was determined to win.

Seeing this, Liu Yunque was overjoyed, thinking that if her son became mature because of this incident, it would be a good thing.

"Okay, let's go back and rest first! You must be tired after meeting all morning! Come on, wipe the sweat off your face!" Liu Yunque handed over a wet towel, and Huang Pinjun pushed the towel away , At the moment, he lost all thoughts of what to do.

"Mom, ask Uncle Yu to take you back first, and I'll go to a place to be alone for a while!" Huang Pinjun said before leaving.

"It's not the same to go home and be alone. We won't disturb you. It's so big outside. If I miss you by then, where can I find you?" Liu Yunque was still worried, stopped her son, and wanted to The son went back with him.

However, Huang Pinjun's long-awaited decision will not be easily changed. He gently pushed Liu Yunque aside, put down his cardboard box, hurriedly stopped an approaching taxi, opened the door and entered the taxi. gallop away.

"Son, come back early!" Liu Yunque shouted loudly towards the back of the taxi, not sure if his son heard it.

Huang Pinjun got off the car alone in a busy street, and wandered the street alone, feeling like a wanderer, he really wanted to cry a lot.Who said that men can't cry, men are actually very fragile, and when things are sad, men's shoulders are so broad, and like women, they can only carry objects that are lighter than their own weight.

Suddenly, a seductive light shone in front of the door of a bar. Huang Pinjun had just paid the taxi fare and was penniless. He just wanted to go in and have a look and feel the atmosphere in the bar.Unsteadily, Huang Pinjun walked in.The bar is very big, full of young people who come to have fun, some are leaning on the bar drinking and looking around for beautiful girls, some are flirting between lovers sitting on the seats, and some are shaking their bodies on the dance floor, shaking their heads. Moving her hair and dancing non-stop.

Shuttle among the crowd, Huang Pinjun suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu, different from the harsh boardroom during the day, here you can fully enjoy the unrestrained happiness, unrestrained and free from worries.When he was in college, he often went to the bar there, and he often tasted the latest and best wine by himself, appreciating all this quietly by himself, how happy he was at that time!Suddenly, he recalled all the encounters with Wang Yaxin in the university bar.

Once, when he entered the bar, he bumped into Wang Yaxin. At that time, her bright eyes looked at him in surprise, like a frightened little rabbit, which was very sympathetic.Another time, in a bar, when he was drunk and was in a daze and didn't know what to do, Ya Xin appeared next to him. Although he was too drunk to move, the conversation between Ya Xin and that woman He could hear it clearly, Yaxin bickered with other women because of him, which made him feel very warm.In Huang Pinjun's mind, the scene of Yaxin standing on the stage singing, when their eyes met, he knew that Yaxin must have seen him, and because of this, Yaxin lost her voice on the stage.Now, where is Yaxin?She must be with that Dong Liming!They are very happy together!

Thinking of this, Huang Pinjun became even more melancholy, his expression was gloomy, and he felt sad for a while.

"Give me five bottles of beer!" Huang Pinjun suddenly wanted to drink, completely forgetting that he was penniless, so he ordered a drink.He picked up the opened beer, tilted his neck, and poured it into his mouth with a gurgle. His Adam's apple moved up and down, and he drank most of the bottle in one breath. He put the bottle down and slammed it heavily on the bar. superior.Just kept drinking like this, and after a while, five bottles of beer were downed.

Suddenly, not far away, he vaguely saw someone singing, and the singing girl looked like a person.He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and took a closer look. Although he had put on makeup and a seductive dress, that face was, yes, that of Yaxin.

Huang Pinjun was very excited, and stumbled over, shouting "Ya Xin..." But that "Ya Xin" was standing on the stage singing, smiling at the audience, but his eyes were drifting, as if Didn't see him at all.

Huang Pinjun passed through the crowd recklessly, wanting to get to the stage where "Ya Xin" was, but the people around him kept twisting from side to side, making it extremely difficult for him to take every step.

Suddenly, two or three guards rushed forward, and a man stepped out from the middle. It was the waiter at the bar just now, and he said loudly to the guards: "Yes, it's him, he wants to run away after drinking! Hurry up and teach him a lesson!" "Then, the guards rushed up together, a shower of fists hit Huang Pinjun's body, followed by inhuman kicks.Huang Pinjun kept looking in the direction of the stage, mumbling: "Yaxin, Yaxin..."

"What about Yaxin! This guy not only wants to eat and drink for free, but also wants to pick up girls in our bar for nothing, brothers, beat him harder! Brats, don't show him some color, he doesn't know how good we are! "These guards are always angry, and now they just met this opportunity, and sent all their grievances to Huang Pinjun.

"Stop!" The singing girl on the stage came down, she was a kind girl, just now she saw this man desperately rushing towards her, she was just curious, but saw the guard started punching and kicking this man.She couldn't stand it any longer, so she dropped the microphone and came to stop it.

"Hey! I said Bai Mudan, you sing your song, we beat our people, we don't interfere with each other, what are you doing running down? Do you want to play with my brothers?" A tough guard in the lead said with a smile .The other two guards also laughed together.

"I'm telling you guys. What's the point of bullying one of you? You are so tall and strong. You have to compete with those who are evenly matched with you. Otherwise, people will say that you will only Bullying the weak, it doesn't sound good to say it, don't you think it's right?" the singer said.

"Hey! He really came here to intercede for this little boy. I said, why is this little boy so brave, he dares to eat and drink here for free! It turns out that we have our pillar Bai Mudan backing him!" The leading guard He laughed and said, causing the other two guards to laugh too.

At this time, another group of people came from another direction. They saw the movement here and came to watch the excitement.Suddenly, two people squeezed out from the crowd. They were Dong Liming and Wang Yaxin. They came back and happened to come to this bar to drink today.

"Pin Jun, Pin Jun..." Yaxin inadvertently saw that the person being beaten by the guards turned out to be Huang Pinjun, her heart immediately hurt as if being cut by a knife, she didn't care about anything else, and immediately rushed forward, hugging Huang Pinjun, who was dying, saw that Pinjun had passed out, and she couldn't help crying.

"Why did you beat him? He's my friend! Tell me what you want!" Dong Liming was a little jealous when he saw it, but the most important thing right now is to send this troublesome Pinjun to the hospital first.

The leading guard took a look at Dong Liming, who was strong and strong, and felt that he must have a lot of background, so he didn't dare to make mistakes.So, he said timidly: "He drank our five bottles of beer for nothing, and he hasn't paid for it yet! Our bar is not a charity, so it must be charged. He can't break the rules. There is no free lunch in the world! You should Get it!" The lead guard raised his head, as if he felt that his beating was completely reasonable.

It's okay if you don't say anything, but when you say it, people around you start talking about it. "Isn't it just drinking five bottles of beer? What's the big deal, as for hurting people like this?" "This man is really poor enough, can't he afford the bill for five bottles of beer?" "His Why didn't the two friends come sooner! If you come sooner, you won't let your friends suffer like this!" Everyone chattered.

"Okay, I'll help him pay, you guys go away! Let's leave! Let's leave!" Dong Liming listened to everyone's discussion, the more he heard it, the more he felt that it was outrageous, and he hurriedly came up with a countermeasure to get everyone to leave quickly.

After a while, the sound of an ambulance sounded outside.Huang Pinjun was sent to the hospital by ambulance, and the time passed by.

(End of this chapter)

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