Wealthy family seizes wives

Chapter 4 Meet Again

Chapter 4 Meet Again

In the cafe, the environment is elegant, and Bandari's light music surrounds and fills the entire cafe.Couples of lovers sit facing each other, and fiery red roses bloom in the middle of the table, symbolizing fiery love.

"Miss, please have two cups of coffee, mine without sugar." After the man said to the waiter beside him, his eyes turned to the woman sitting opposite, but there was no luster in his eyes, and he looked listless.

The woman opposite took out a delicate and compact mirror from her designer bag, looked at it carefully for a while, then raised her head to look at the man opposite.

"Don't you have any nostalgia for our relationship for so many years? We have been a pair of golden boys and girls that everyone envied since we were young! No matter in terms of appearance, talent and family background, we are the opposite!" The woman pouted. The mouth is coquettishly coquettish.

"Joy, let go! We are really not suitable! You like to eat, drink and play outside in the dark, and I prefer to stay at home and read a book quietly and surf the Internet. We are so different Without a common language, even if we get married in the future, we will not be happy."

"I can change it! I can also stay at home with you, it's no problem, girl! Before getting married, I will always be more playful. The important thing is, I love you, Huang Shijun, this is impossible Changed! After getting married, I am willing to change myself for you and be a good wife and mother."

Huang Shijun shook his head, expressing his helplessness.

"It's too late, I'm sorry, Joey, I don't have any hope for you because of what you have done before. Let's just say goodbye and break up simply! Maybe we can still be ordinary friends in the future."

"No! Shijun, I only have you in my heart. You have been the same since I was a child. You know that! I have always relied on you very much. Without you, I don't know how to live. Please, Don't leave me, okay? I need you!" Joey never let go.

"Why are you like this? It's too unbearable! If it wasn't for your parents' face, I wouldn't bother to talk to you!" Huang Shijun stood up excitedly, and he was completely overwhelmed by the gorgeous girl in front of him. Lost interest, some just disgust.

"You——I am trying to please you in every possible way, but you lose your temper with me. You are simply not a man!"

As Joey said, he picked up the satchel beside him, turned around and left!Suddenly, his chest hit the tray, splashing coffee all over him.

"Ouch! I don't have eyes, I'm scalded to death! Shijun—" Joey fanned his clothes desperately with one hand, and dragged the clothes of the waiter who bumped into her with the other.

"Where are you a waiter, hurry up and call your boss, I want him to fire you. Do you know how expensive my clothes are? With your salary, you may not be able to afford it after ten years of work."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Please don't call my boss, please? Please! It's only my first day at work, and I found this job with great difficulty." The waiter kept bowing his head, begging for forgiveness.

But Joey has always been a lady with a temper, and just happened to be angry again, so he just refused to let it go, insisted on asking their manager to argue, and fired this reckless waiter, so he felt happy.

"No matter how much you say I'm sorry, it's useless. Miss Ben is in a bad mood, and she is bullied by a lowly waiter like you. Isn't it a joke? What are you!..." Joey kept talking She scolded and vented all her anger on the waiter.

Huang Shijun saw everything in his eyes. It was entirely Joey's fault. It was because she got up too hastily and walked too fast that she collided with the waiter, but she was so arrogant that she insisted on making others hard Huang Shijun's job was ruined, which made Huang Shijun loathe the woman in front of him even more.

"That's enough, have you had enough trouble! This is a coffee shop, not a place for you to run wild! Go home and make trouble by yourself! I saw everything just now, and it's mainly your fault. If you dare to call the manager over, I will testify for this waiter, you got up and walked too fast and bumped into her, she stood by and didn't move at all, you can't blame her." Huang Shijun grabbed Joey's hand and stared at her. she.

"You—well, our friendship for so many years is not as good as a waiter who has never met, isn't she, she is right, it is all my fault, I will go, I will just go, so as not to look at you upset !" Joy's face was flushed with anger at this time, she pulled a few napkins on the table vigorously, wiped the spilled coffee on her body, turned around, and left.

Huang Shijun looked at her back and shook his head, then sat back to his original position helplessly, propping his elbows on the table, spreading his thumb and index finger against his forehead, and slightly closing his eyes.

How could there be such a big difference between Joey when he was a child and Joey now!When she was a child, she always called him "Brother Sejun" sweetly, and she always put the snacks she was eating in his hands to share with him.

However, since her mother died of a heart attack when Joy was 8 years old, she has completely changed, losing her temper at every turn.

Huang Shijun believes that Joey became like that because of his mother's untimely death, so he has been tolerant of her everywhere, and does not care about her, hoping that she can live happily every day.

However, no matter what he did for her, Joy would never be as well-behaved and sensible as before. Her temper had been spoiled and could not be changed.

While feeling melancholy alone, suddenly, a familiar voice came.

"Sir, sir..."

Huang Shijun raised his head and found that the waiter just now was calling him.It doesn't matter if you look at it, it feels like you've seen this person somewhere.By the way, Wang Yaxin finally reminded him.This is the beauty Wang Yaxin who came back from the beach that day and made him dream all night!
Although she changed into a waiter's uniform, she couldn't hide her natural beauty, she was still so pure and lovely.How could I meet her here?How did she come to be a waiter?Huang Shijun's mind was full of questions.

"You are Wang Yaxin, right?"

"Sir, thank you very much for saving me just now. Do you know me? Where did we meet? Sorry, I don't remember much."

"On the beach in Jeju Island, South Korea, I—I hugged you back then, for fear that you would be washed away by the sea."

"Oh, it's you! I remember, I'm so sorry, I was too uncomfortable at the time, so I didn't thank you much for your kindness."

"It doesn't matter. Actually, I was also depressed at that time. Seeing you made me feel better."

"Really?" Wang Yaxin smiled a little embarrassedly.

"How did you come here to be a waiter?"

"Oh, that time I was at the beach, actually because I had a car accident and came to Korea for treatment, and I owed them a lot of money. I wanted to earn money with my own hands to pay back."

"Oh! I understand. This is also a natural and man-made disaster. There is no way."


"Thank you so much today! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have this job."

"It's okay, it's because my friend is not good, please don't mind! By the way, here is my business card. You can come to work in my company, and I will give you a higher salary, so that you can start working sooner." Pay off the debt, don't you?"

Wang Yaxin took the business card, which read: General Manager of Tianxiong Company

Huang Shijun.

God!He is the diamond king of the famous Tianxiong Company at home and abroad!I heard that he graduated from Harvard University with a master's degree in business administration. Not only is he knowledgeable, but also his personality and appearance are among the best. When he first came to work, he heard other waiters chatting about him there. Unexpectedly, they met him here.

"Okay, thank you! I will think about it carefully! By the way, your coffee has spilled. If I want to have another cup with you, it will be deducted from my salary."

"No need, you still have to pay off your debts! If you continue like this, you will have to pay it off for the rest of your life. I'll sit down for a while, and you can go to work! By the way, you don't have to be too polite to me all the time, remove the word 'you', We can be said to be friends now, just call me Sejun, that's what my friends call me."

"You—oh, Shijun, then I'll get to work first! Goodbye!" Wang Yaxin always felt that it was a bit weird to call her by his name.

"Goodbye! Yaxin!" Huang Shijun raised his right hand, made a goodbye gesture, then put it down, showing a nice smile.

After Wang Yaxin left, Huang Shijun sat alone in the seat just now, and carefully watched Wang Yaxin's every move for a while.The more I look at it, the more I feel that this girl is like me, she is so beautiful, and her temperament is so dignified and virtuous, she is really a rare woman!
(End of this chapter)

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