Chapter 41
After Huang Pinjun told about the paternity test, he regretted it a bit. Since Zhao Ling'er came to the door, then the child must be his own.I only said those words at the dinner table out of desperation, and now it is impossible to take them back.

Although Wang Yaxin stayed at home for confinement, she still noticed something tricky from Sunma's words and deeds.She had trouble sleeping and eating in the room every day, Huang Pinjun didn't know where he went these days, and rarely came to see her.Could it be that Pinjun no longer loves her?

Grandma Sun brought the meal again, "Young Madam, it's time to eat! Why are you up again! Lie down quickly and rest more, otherwise you will suffer from the root cause of the disease, and your life will be ruined if you do that." Sun Ma hurriedly put the tray on the table Go to the bedside table, help Yaxin lie back on the bed, and help her tuck the corner of the quilt.

"I see you, Young Madam, although you are a girl from the country, but you don't know how to take care of yourself at all! You are so skinny, you are not a human being. What kind of son would like you like this! So, As grandma, let me say something that shouldn't be said. Don't think too much about it now, and take good care of your body. When you are out of confinement, dress yourself up beautifully. In that way, the young master will surely Come to see you, I'm afraid I won't want to leave!"

Sun Ma has always been a very silent maid, but today she said so many thoughtful words, which moved Yaxin a little. "Mother Sun, thank you for always taking care of me. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would not be able to live in this house!" Wang Yaxin began to cry, she stayed in the room for a long time, feeling like she was suffering from depression , when someone said a few words, her tears couldn't stop dripping down.

"Look, my aunt! Don't cry all the time, what should I do if my eyes hurt in the future?" Sun Ma hurriedly turned up her apron in distress, and was about to wipe Yaxin's tears.Yaxin waved her hands, and wiped the tears on her face with the sleeve of her pure cotton pajamas.

Ever since Huang Pinjun had dinner with Zhao's elders, he has been unable to let go of his marriage. He was worried about Yaxin, but he didn't dare to see her frequently, for fear that he might say something wrong and Yaxin would be suspicious all his life.

He paced back and forth in front of his office. These days, he seldom came home, and always fell asleep lying on his stomach in front of his desk with his clothes on.I order takeaway for meals, and I don’t know what kind of life I live every day.What he is most worried about now is the paternity test. Zhao Ling'er just gave birth today, and she should be in the painful delivery process now.

If the child is really his own, then as the father, he must be waiting at the door of the emergency room of the hospital.However, he only had Wang Yaxin in his heart, and he didn't want to cause trouble.This matter troubled him endlessly, and he was so anxious that he wished to do a paternity test for the child immediately, so as not to cause himself such pain.

Zhao Linger howled in pain in the delivery room, her stomach tightened and contracted, and the doctor always urged her to use force when she was in the most pain. Time is not so troublesome.The most painful thing for her was that Huang Pinjun didn't come. As a father, he didn't even show up when the child was born.

Zhao Ling'er felt that she was going to run out of strength, and she wanted to give up the normal delivery. "Doctor, can I have a caesarean section? Ah—it's too painful..."

"You have to think about it clearly. You don't want to have a caesarean section at the beginning. It has been 18 hours since the birth, and the baby has already come down. It is more dangerous to have a caesarean section." The attending doctor said in her ear, with a look The usual attitude and look.

But now Zhao Linger felt that there was nothing more important than giving herself a rest.She nodded and said to the doctor: "No matter what happens, I will bear the responsibility alone." The doctor immediately brought a responsibility certificate, and Zhao Ling'er pressed her handprint in a dazed state.

"That's good!" The attending doctor quickly arranged for the medical staff to carry out emergency surgery. Zhao Ling'er was put on the medical cart and immediately transferred to the operating room.After the anesthetic was applied, Zhao Linger glanced at the dazzling operating light, slowly closed her eyes, and lost consciousness.

"Scissors...tweezers...surgical forceps..." The attending doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm, and kept asking the assistant beside him for surgical tools.This operation is very special, the child has already entered the pelvic cavity, the difficulty of the operation is extremely difficult, and time is life, and it cannot be transferred to another hospital immediately.

"Xiao Li, hurry up, inform the patient's family that the patient is at high risk, and I hope they can prepare for the worst." Xiao Li immediately ran out of the operating room and repeated the words of the attending doctor.

Zhao Hedong slumped down and fell on the chair next to him. "My daughter! Why are you so miserable! Damn Huang Pinjun!" Zhao Dongdong immediately called Huang Pinjun.

"Okay, okay, I'll be right there!" Huang Pinjun received the call and ran towards the hospital without stopping.

Feng Minzhi kept crying and slapping Zhao Hedong's back, "It's you who insisted on my daughter marrying that Huang Pinjun. Now it's all over, my daughter's life will be taken away."

Arriving at the hospital, Huang Pinjun heard the news that Zhao Ling'er had passed away.He was completely dazed, recalling the childhood time when he played with Zhao Linger, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"The baby needs a blood transfusion urgently, who is the patient's family member?" A nurse shouted into the gloomy corridor, Huang Pinjun jumped up and rushed over, transfuse my blood!I am the father of the child.

"Okay, come with me." The nurse led Huang Pinjun into the infusion room.

After a while, they came out, Huang Pinjun couldn't tell what expression was on his face.

"How is the child? Is the situation all right?" Feng Minzhi asked worriedly.

"The child has gone with her mother." Huang Pinjun said with a strange expression. "The nurse said, I am not the father of the child."

When Zhao Hedong heard this, his eyes darkened and he passed out.Feng Minzhi panicked, "Come quickly! There are patients here." The Zhao couple, who were already physically and mentally exhausted, were overwhelmed by the successive blows, and their most precious daughter just went away.They send a white-haired person to a black-haired person, the saddest thing in the world is this!

Huang Pinjun walked alone on the long corridor of the hospital, feeling a little cold all over his body, he was very guilty, if he hadn't pursued Zhao Linger back then, such a thing would not have happened today.However, everything cannot be controlled by individuals, I just hope that Zhao Ling'er can forgive him!
(End of this chapter)

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