Wealthy family seizes wives

Chapter 52 Approval to go abroad

Chapter 52 Approval to go abroad
Yaxin went back to her dormitory dejectedly. The dormitory was empty, and she was alone again. Several girls in the company dormitory had boyfriends, so they must all be dating now.She felt jealous in her heart, but she was not envious, because she had already experienced marriage and felt that it was a life like hell.Slowly, she felt a little pity for these girls she hadn't known for long, because in the end, they all had to enter the palace of marriage.

Sitting at the computer desk, Yaxin looked at the recruitment information floating in front of her eyes. The icons of each company were big or small, eye-catching or simple. She searched for many companies, but the positions offered were either too low or too difficult. , in the end, she simply stopped watching.It turns out that the current job is so difficult to find. I was able to enter Tianxiong Company at the beginning, luck may still account for a large proportion!

She felt a little irritable, sitting on the bed, not comfortable in any position, and hadn't eaten dinner yet, but she felt full and had no appetite at all.Jobs are about to be lost, and it is difficult to find a new job to do.How can this be done?She was alone, she was lonely at first, and she finally found a mother, so it is impossible for her to go back to Huangshuigou Township!Although such a life is quite fulfilling, she is used to living in the city, and she promised her mother to earn money to make her live a happier life!

Thinking of this, Yaxin felt more and more reckless, why did she want to fight for that impossible opportunity to go abroad, a good job was ended by herself in a few words.She was very irritable, so she simply turned off the laptop, covered her head with a quilt, and fell asleep with her head covered.

It was dawn, and a ray of sunlight shone into this desolate staff dormitory. The roommates hadn't returned all night, and they might have spent the night with their boyfriends in their arms.Yaxin hurriedly tidied herself up and came to the company.

"President Huang, this is my resignation letter. Please read it over!" Yaxin handed the resignation letter she had written last night to Huang Qiang who was buried in the document. Huang Qiang looked shocked: "What do you mean?" Yaxin: "I know I boasted Haikou and failed to do a good job. According to the agreement, I decided to resign from my current position." Huang Qiang pushed his glasses: "You did a good job yesterday! It's because of my old man's actions." It's too late, haven't you mentioned the salary increase yet?" Huang Qiang was all smiles, he thought Yaxin threatened him to quit.

"No, how could it be?" Yaxin recalled the scene yesterday, obviously Manager Xue said that he would not agree to invest no matter what.But why has it changed again today?It is indeed elusive!
"Why not? I got a call from Zhixuan Company last night. Their president said that they decided to sign a contract with us, and they also greatly praised your performance yesterday, boasting that our company has an excellent employee like you, It made them feel both envious and jealous!" Huang Qiang stood up after speaking, with a kind smile on his face, completely looking like an elder, without the airs of a president.

"Really? Hehe!" Yaxin rubbed her hands a little embarrassedly, then slowly picked up the resignation letter she submitted from the table, and carefully put it in her folder: "I'm sorry, I thought... ...The business has not been negotiated!" Huang Qiang: "Young man, it is really rare for you to know how to reflect on yourself every day like you! What position do you want to mention, as long as you ask, I can try my best to satisfy you." Huang Qiang obviously Very satisfied with Yaxin, nodding and smiling at Yaxin.

Standing there, Yaxin was suddenly a little dazed. She had planned for the worst and was going to be criticized and then leave the company, but she was actually recognized, and she hadn't changed her mind for a while.Huang Qiang: "How is it? Don't worry, just tell me!" "Oh, President, maybe you forgot, last time you promised me that if I succeed in this negotiation, I will be sponsored by the company and let me go abroad for further studies." Ya Xin Waking up, he said hastily.

"Going abroad? Oh, yes, look at me, I'm so old and confused! Young people are full of vigor, and always keep up with the most advanced direction! Okay, in that case, the company will support and sponsor you to go abroad, but the premise It is you who want to sign a contract with our company, and promise to come back to work after studying." Although Huang Qiang agreed, he still did not forget to start from the interests of the company.

In this way, Yaxin successfully obtained the opportunity to study abroad.The news quickly spread throughout the company, and everyone talked about it.Some said that Yaxin used some illegal means to let the boss of Zhixuan Company listen to her; courage.Everyone's work enthusiasm has been greatly improved, and they have offered advice and suggestions for the company's development. Tianxiong Company was originally a leading company in City A. After this incident, his strength has increased a lot.

Although he was Yaxin's direct boss, Huang Shijun happened to be on a business trip to Korea these days and just came back, so he was almost the last person to know the news.As soon as he got off the plane, he hurried to the waiting hall, looking for the familiar figure.While running, he looked around, but in the hall, there were only large groups of passengers waiting for the flight, each walking in their own direction, coming and going, in an endless stream.A Chinese and English broadcast sounded in the hall: "Passenger friends, the plane to New York is about to take off. Passengers who are about to board the plane, please get ready! The plane to New York is about to take off..."

When Huang Shijun heard the news of the boarding, he was extremely anxious. He heard that Yaxin was going to the United States, so he was about to board the plane now!He looked anxiously at the big electronic screen and looked around, but he couldn't find the Yaxin he was looking for among the endless crowd.

Yaxin was standing in the middle of the line, ready to enter the waiting room. She dragged her suitcase and waited patiently. There were a lot of people today. Looking at these people, she was longing for the unknown world in her heart, but she was also a little scared , Will that strange country reject her?She doesn't know, but she is still very confident in her English level. When she was in college, she often took the initiative to chat with foreigners, and went to the English Corner every week to practice her oral English.Although I didn't practice as much after I joined the work, I still insisted on listening to it every day and insisting on speaking secretly.

Just as she was lost in thought, "Yaxin, Yaxin..." She heard someone calling her, and the voice slowly approached.When she turned her head, she saw a large bouquet of flowers of various colors, with dewdrops rolling on the petals, and the faint fragrance of flowers hit Yaxin, refreshing her eyes and ears. "Hi, Yaxin, it's me!" Dong Liming's face appeared behind the flower, with a bright smile on his dark face, showing off his white teeth.Yaxin felt like she was back in college, when she and Liming were playing together, Liming would always smirk at her like this.

"Why do you..." Yaxin was about to ask Liming why he came, but she saw a tall figure standing behind Liming. It was Huang Shijun. After searching for a long time, he caught a glimpse of Yaxin inadvertently.But Dong Liming walked up to Yaxin one step ahead of him, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand.

Yaxin hesitated to speak, she didn't know who to greet first.Dong Liming shook his hand in front of her: "What are you looking at? The handsome guy is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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