Chapter 68
Yaxin has long heard that the water city of Venice is the essence of the Renaissance, the only city in the world without cars. God shed tears here, but made it more crystal clear and tender, like a romantic dream floating on the blue waves.

It was Dong Liming's idea to set their location shooting in Venice, because Yaxin wanted to go boating when she was a child, but the small wooden boat capsized and they almost drowned in the lake.At that time, he vowed that in the future, he would take Yaxin to a country full of water, so that Yaxin could really experience the fun of taking a boat.

This idea happened to coincide with Yaxin's. She had long wanted to see what this historical and cultural ancient city full of water looked like.Water is the source of all things, and it is also the object of chanting by literati and poets through the ages.A city located on water must be very soft and full of feminine caresses.

That night, Yaxin had a dream, in which she found that her house was flooded.When she got out of bed, there was water under her feet, up to her knees, but she felt very warm, and the water gently surrounded her feet.She jumped into the water with a "plop", and quickly swam out from the door. There was water outside, but there were people swimming like her everywhere. Goldfish swimming around.

Yaxin was so excited, she grabbed a small wooden boat that was rowing over, and climbed on it, and then met many small wooden boats like this one, each of which was full of family members, and the child was carrying a fishing rod Fishing, the old man is weaving wool on the boat, and parents are casting nets to catch fish, which is a lively scene.

Looking at those happy families, Yaxin unconsciously woke up.

The alarm clock was buzzing desperately beside her head, one beeping after another.She looked at the clock, it was six o'clock, it was time to get up and leave early.While brushing her teeth, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled unconsciously.Before going to Venice, I have already experienced the life in the water city, which is really interesting!
A group of them got on the plane, Yaxin didn't sleep well because of a night's dream, so she fell asleep on the plane, and when she woke up, she happened to arrive in Venice.

In order to highlight the coexistence of solemnity and femininity of professional women, they deliberately chose the shooting location on the Liard Bridge. It is said that Shakespeare's literary masterpiece "The Merchant of Venice" describes the story that happened here.It just so happens that the heroine in the story is also a man disguised as a woman, which fits the image of today's professional women.The unique shape of the Liard Bridge is a single-hole arch bridge, behind which are rows of towering ancient buildings, each of which stands on the agile water, and the scenery is unique.

"It's so beautiful, it's a pleasure to shoot here!" Jack had a happy look on his face, and the wind was blowing his short hair, dancing in the air.As a photographer, he likes to shoot in places with beautiful scenery. Although he has been abroad many times, this is the first time he has come to Venice.Yaxin wears light makeup, a light pink suit, and wavy hair spread flat on her chest. She looks heroic and tender, blending in with the water of Venice and the ancient buildings.

The group of them finished filming and went to a nearby restaurant by boat.The small boat quickly shuttled through the waterways, some of which were similar to the BJ Hutong, very narrow, but the boat driver was skilled and went around without touching the walls of the houses on both sides.

"Yaxin, you're tired! I'll let you try Italian specialties. Come on, you're a great hero today, order whatever you want!" Dong Liming handed the menu to her with a smile on his face.He thinks that Yaxin is the most beautiful woman in the world. During today's filming, his eyes never left her. She is so beautiful.Ordinary work clothes, as soon as she put them on, immediately became energetic, full of charm, both rigid and soft, and full of charm.

In this exotic restaurant, they seem to have increased appetite.In front of everyone are several special dishes, such as risotto in tomato sauce, pasta, scallop and crab salad and sardines in vinaigrette.As soon as the dishes came to the table, everyone devoured them. They were really hungry. After eating these authentic Italian delicacies, they were so beautiful that they forgot to praise them until everyone slapped the food on the plate. Jack just said: "Ah! I'm full, it's so delicious!" Others also echoed: "Yes, yes!"

The president is here, and they are too embarrassed to say more, the atmosphere is not so cheerful.Dong Liming waved his hand to signal the waiter to come over, and the Italian waiter asked Dong Liming in English what else he needed.Liming asked him to bring some tomato sauce from the pilaf. Everyone looked at Dong Liming, not knowing what he wanted to do.

The so-called tomato sauce is tomato sauce, and the waiter brought a plate of tomato sauce with a plate.

"Ya Xin!"

"Huh?" Yaxin turned her head, a sour smell and wet feeling filled her nostrils.Everyone laughed together, and Jack patted the table, rocking back and forth with laughter. "Who dares to laugh at me?" Yaxin also laughed, picked up the ketchup and wiped it on the face of the photographer Jack next to him. Jack's black beard immediately turned red, quite like a foreigner , everyone laughed even harder.

"Okay, I'm on vacation this afternoon, let's go play separately! Come to this restaurant to meet up later in the evening. The company will reimburse you, but it shouldn't be too outrageous!" President Dong spoke, and everyone cheered.They had this intention, but they didn't expect the president to be really considerate to his subordinates. After a while, the film crews left one after another, leaving only two people, Wang Yaxin and Dong Liming.

"Yaxin, let me take you to play! You are not familiar with this place, I can be your guide." Dong Liming smiled slyly, Yaxin felt a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't refuse directly, so she walked out of the restaurant .

They boarded a tour boat, called "Gondola" locally. The boatmen wore black and white traditional costumes and straw hats with red hoops on their heads. They rowed with single oars and were very skilled in operation.With six people fully seated and seven boatmen added, the gondola drove into the waterway.

In the melodious music of ancient accordion and other musical instruments, "Gondola" walks through the quaint old water city, and appreciates the ancient buildings on both sides of the "street".The boatman introduced: "Venice is not a single island, but an archipelago of 160 and eight small islands divided by 110 canals. There are more than [-] bridges across the canals. The two sides of the Grand Canal, the artery of Venice, are full of Water is the most beautiful building. Wealthy Venetian merchants built about a hundred Renaissance or Baroque palaces on the banks of the Grand Canal."

In the distance, they saw a bridge standing between two tall buildings.The boatman introduced in English: "This bridge is also called the 'Bridge of Sighs'. The two buildings next to it are the Governor's Mansion and the Dungeon. Lovers kissing under the bridge can last forever..."

Yaxin was listening intently, when Dong Liming suddenly approached from the opposite side, his mouth was about to touch Yaxin's lips, Yaxin hurriedly pushed him over, the boat shook twice, and the tourists on the side all looked over After understanding what was going on, she smiled at Yaxin and the others in a friendly manner.The boatman smiled and signaled them in English to sit down quickly, and Dong Liming sat back in his seat.

Yaxin felt very embarrassed, and kept changing her sitting position on the boat.Fortunately, the other tourists just laughed it off and went to look at other buildings without continuing to pay attention to the two of them.

Back at the restaurant, Dong Liming sat across from Yaxin, "Yaxin, don't be angry, I just couldn't help it, I didn't mean anything malicious."

Yaxin ignored him and sat there, feeling like she was on pins and needles, she wanted to go back.Looking at the scenery of the water city outside the window, how she wished that it was Huang Pinjun who came with her!

(End of this chapter)

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