Chapter 7
Wang Yaxin followed Mama Li on the rugged mountain road step by step. From time to time, she raised her eyes to look at the road ahead, and her gaze fell through the dense forest to the towering temple on the top of the mountain.

"Mama Li, let's hurry up! Otherwise, the sun will be setting soon!"

"Well, good!"

Hurrying quickly, finally, the two climbed to the top of the mountain. The tired old lady Li couldn't straighten her waist. passed away.

"Could you please help us find Master Jing'an? Let's say Li Lingyu is looking for her." Mrs. Li said to a little nun who was sweeping the floor in the yard.

"Okay." The little nun immediately put down the broom and ran into the house.

After a while, an old nun came out of it, calm and dignified, showing a sense of everyone's demeanor in her gestures.

"Mom—" a shrill cry broke the tranquility of the monastery.

The old nun was even more frightened, and stood there for a few seconds, then recovered and looked at the young girl who called her in front of her.

"Almsgiver, you must have misunderstood the person. I am a monk, how can I have such a big daughter like you?" The old nun coughed a few times and replied calmly.

"Mom, don't avoid it anymore. I already remembered what you looked like after I fainted in the hospital." Wang Yaxin stepped forward and grabbed the old nun's hand, and said very excitedly.

"Daughter, let's go back to the house and talk! It's windy outside, so be careful to catch a cold."

The three of them entered the fasting room, and were too excited to speak for a long time.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm living a good life now, Mom, it's my daughter's unfilial piety that made you suffer alone!"

"No, my dear girl."

"Mom, tell me what happened! Otherwise, I'll be living in nightmares for the rest of my life."

"Good girl, it's for your own good that Mother doesn't want to tell you!

"Just tell your daughter, you don't want her to live in pain all her life! My daughter really wants to think about the past, but she can only recall fragments. What happened, Mom?"

"Okay! This has to start when you were very young."

Yu Li raised her head, two lines of tears quietly slid down her cheeks.

"Yaxin's father, the watermelon grows really big, hurry up and taste it, it's big and sweet, and I'm going to earn a lot of money this year."

"Isn't it! The weather is good this year, it's a good time to catch up, and the work is not in vain!"

"Father, watch out for the car!"


"Bump!" There was a loud noise, before Yaxin's father could react, Yaxin's father was crushed under the wheel.

"Oh, my God! His father! His father!" Xu Li hurried over, trying to save her husband from under the wheel.

"What are you doing?" A young man named Zhou Ming got out of the car. He was leaning against the door of the car. He took out a cigarette from his pocket with a disdainful face. smoke.

"Your car is crushing someone! Hurry up and help him!"

"What's wrong with crushing someone? It's just a poor farmer, he deserves to be crushed to death!"

"You - why are you like this?" Yaxin's mother was a little at a loss.

"My God! How can I live like this! Yaxin's father! Yaxin, come here quickly and help your father, he is dying." Under the wheel, this strong man was bloody and dying.

"Help me take care of Yaxin, I..." Before I could finish speaking, the man under the wheel had died.

"Dad, Dad..." Xiao Yaxin kept crying, her two little hands tightly clutching her father's big exposed hand, pulling it out with all her strength, but she couldn't move it no matter what.

"What a bastard, go away." The driver who caused the accident pushed Xiao Yaxin to the ground at once, and turned around to get into the car.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Yaxin's mother, Xu Li.I saw Xu Li dressed as a peasant woman with two braids, but her face was pretty and her eyes were watery with aura of aura, which instantly fascinated Huang Qianba.

"You, come back with me, otherwise, I'll sell your daughter. You choose!" Zhou Ming pointed at Xu Li with his right index finger in his usual unceremonious command tone, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay! I'll go with you! Don't hurt my daughter, please." Xu Li wiped the tears from her face with her hands, and obediently got into Huang Qianba's car. She knew that Huang Qianba was The overlords in this area have some money at home, and they are backed by relatives who are officials in big cities, so they can do anything.It's okay to go with him, but she is pitiful for her daughter, who is only two years old and has become an orphan.

"Don't look, don't worry! Listen to me obediently, and I will take care of your daughter." Huang Qianba said with a smile and narrowed his eyes.

"Doo..." Huang Qianba honked the horn in the car, and quickly disappeared from Xiao Yaxin's sight.

"Mom, mom..." Xiao Yaxin followed the car and ran so hard that she lost her shoes and didn't even care to put them on. She ran after the car that took her mother away with her bare feet.Seeing her daughter from the rear mirror of the car, Xu Li couldn't stop crying. She hurriedly stuck her head out of the car window and shouted to her daughter: "Yaxin, don't chase after me, mom will come back to see you soon." Ah! You went to Aunt Li's house to stay for a few days, and you said that Mom and Dad went away."

Xiao Yaxin tripped over a watermelon vine and fell, leaving mud and grass all over her body, tears and mud all over her face.

"What's the matter, where's your mother?"

"My parents are away, and she asked me to stay at your house for a few days." Xiao Yaxin said aggrievedly.

"Oh. Why did you leave in such a hurry, and you haven't even said hello yet." Li Lingyu muttered.

The next day, the villagers found Xiao Yaxin's father's body in the melon field, and the body still had traces of being run over by the wheels.According to Mrs. Liu, who picked up trash, she caught a glimpse of Yaxin's father being knocked down by a car while she was picking up trash on the street, and Yaxin's mother was stuffed into the car, and then the car drove away.Having said that, everyone knew it well, so they didn't ask about it again.

(End of this chapter)

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