Chapter 70

Dong Liming started the car again, and they passed through the crowd, quickly moving away from the noisy crowd.Fortunately, this kind of thing happened in an empty park. If it was on the highway, it would definitely cause serious traffic jams.

Yaxin lowered her head and stared at her boots dejectedly, as if she had done something so embarrassing that she was too embarrassed to raise her head to look outside.

"Yaxin, your place must be full of people. I'll send you to the hotel for a few days, and I'll bring you back after the matter has settled down!" Dong Liming finally understood how hard it is to be a star. The car drove to a hotel and stopped.

After saying goodbye to Dong Liming, Yaxin stayed in room 808 of the hotel alone.The household equipment in the room is complete, and there is a computer on the table.Yaxin took a shower, put on the pajamas provided by the hotel, and casually fell on the bed.Accidentally, she pressed the phone underneath, making a buzzing sound.

She opened her eyes weakly and glanced at her phone.Oh my god, she actually dialed it. It was Huang Shijun. How could she dial his number!On the other side of the phone, Huang Shijun kept calling: "Yaxin, Yaxin, is that you? Did you call me?"

Huang Shijun had just come out of the shower, and when he heard the phone ringing, he pressed the answer button, but there was no movement for a long time. When he saw it, the word Wang Yaxin was displayed on it.Yaxin actually called him, which made him flattered, and her tone softened.

Yaxin hesitated for a moment, but still put the phone to her ear. "Hi, is this Sejun?"

"En!" On the other end of the phone, Huang Shijun chuckled.

Yaxin was silent for a while, and after a long time, she said: "How are you doing?"

"Fortunately, the company is still the same, how are you doing?" Huang Shijun really wanted to know how Yaxin was doing recently, and wished to see her right away, so that he would be relieved to see her safe and sound.He recently went on a business trip again, and he just rushed back. Before going to the company, he went back to his residence.

"I..." Yaxin didn't know how to answer, she was the endorsement of a beauty star, and she couldn't go home if she was chased, so she didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. "Good night!" She directly avoided this topic, and said goodbye to Huang Shijun in advance.Huang Shijun paused on the phone, and said "good night", and a "beep" came from the other end of the phone.

Huang Shijun looked at the end of the call displayed on his mobile phone, and his heart seemed to be stabbed, and he felt a little pain.He walked to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, sat down on the sofa, pressed the remote control as usual, and turned on the TV.Today's football doesn't seem so good, so he changed channels, and he switched channels one by one. The characters in it seemed to be rushing to speak, but he rejected them one by one.

Huang Shijun held the remote control in one hand, and poured beer into his mouth with the other hand, and a burst of coolness hit his stomach.Suddenly, he heard "Wang Yaxin" on the TV, and he stopped pressing the button immediately, and began to focus on the TV screen. On the TV, there was a photo of Yaxin as the endorsement of Meixing series products. A fashionable announcer is introducing Wang Yaxin, a mysterious oriental woman.

Huang Shijun couldn't believe his eyes and ears, and thought that he had hallucinations because he just answered the call from Yaxin.How did Yaxin suddenly become a star?
He looked at the time displayed on the bottom right of the big TV screen. It was already nine o'clock in the evening. There must be no one in the company, so he had to ask tomorrow.He continued to tune the channel, and found that many radio stations were competing to broadcast Yaxin's endorsement activities.Now he believed it even more, did Yaxin call just now to tell him about it?

But why didn't she say it?

The next day, when Huang Shijun came to the company, the employees in the company were talking about Yaxin in private, and he walked gently beside them.

"Have you heard? Wang Yaxin, who resigned from our company to become the director of Zhixuan Company, is very famous now!" Shirley announced to everyone mysteriously.

"Really? Tell me quickly, what did she do? How did she suddenly become famous?" Nora opened her mouth wide, unable to believe Shirley's words.

"It's the endorsement of Meixing's products! Our company asked Zhixuan to find a way to sell it abroad. I didn't expect them to think of using Yaxin as the endorsement. It's really attractive!" Zhimei said sarcastically.

"Hey, why didn't such a good thing happen to me!" Ai Xin sighed, taking out the small pink mirror she carried with her to look at her face, as if it was a pity that she had such an angelic face but didn't. Appreciated by Bole.

Huang Shijun walked over, "Ahem!" He clenched his hands into fists and coughed lightly.

"Hello, manager!" "Hello, manager..." Several people found Huang Shijun and immediately sat back in their seats.Huang Shijun walked up to Shirley and lay down on her desk. Shirley fluttered her long and black false eyelashes, covered her chest with her hands, and was dazed by Huang Shijun.

"Shirley... Is what you just said true?"

"Of course, didn't you see that many TV channels are reporting this matter now? It can be said that Wang Yaxin is a world celebrity now!" Shirley raised her hands to her chin, looked at Huang Shijun with a nympho look, and did something in her head. With magnificent dreams.

Huang Shijun stood up suddenly, and slapped Shirley's desk with his palm, causing the cactus to bounce out of the pot.Shirley was taken aback, the dream just now was shattered into pieces, only the sound of shattering was heard.Huang Shijun quickly helped her straighten the cactus, "Great, thank you!" Shijun held Shirley's hand tightly, then got up and walked out of the staff studio quickly.Shirley was left alone to recollect what happened just now.

"Don't think about it, people won't take a fancy to you. Our manager Huang only cares about Wang Yaxin. She is a celebrity now, and she should not be ignored!" Zhimei walked over and put down Shirley's nympho hand. He glanced at her contemptuously. "Think about it!" Huang Shijun is usually a heartthrob in the company, and the employees, especially the female employees, want to get close to him.But due to the fact that there was a Joey blocking them, they could only look at the ocean and sigh.

"Hey, is that Yaxin? Why didn't you tell me when you were on TV? Do you have a date tonight? Can you do me a favor and have dinner with me?" Huang Shijun watched Yaxin's promotional photos on various channels last night. , I really want to talk to Yaxin about his views in person.

Huang Shijun got into the car while making a phone call, and went straight to Zhixuan Company.Just arrived here, only to find that a crowd of onlookers gathered at the gate of Zhixuan Company.What's going on here, is their company doing some kind of anniversary celebration?No!It hasn't been too long since the annual meeting was held!
Huang Shijun parked the car aside, rolled down the window glass, and saw posters of Yaxin's face being held up in the crowd, and slogans like "Ai Yaxin" were faintly visible.He understood that so many people gathered here because they wanted to meet Yaxin!No wonder Yaxin's tone of voice on the phone yesterday was weird. I'm afraid it's hard to be sought after by so many people!

Suddenly, Yaxin stepped out of a private Mercedes-Benz, Huang Shijun's eyes lit up.But immediately, Dong Liming got out of the driver's seat.what happened?Watching the news last night, I saw Dong Liming protecting Yaxin with his hands, and today I saw them together again. Could it be that they are already a couple?This thought made Huang Shijun unable to sit still. He jumped out of the car, walked a few steps to Wang Yaxin who was walking towards the back door of the company, and grabbed her arm.

Yaxin managed to get out of the car without being noticed by the group of crazy fans, and was walking quietly, secretly thankful, but was grabbed by someone.She yelled "Wah-wah", which startled Huang Shijun who was catching her. "It's me, Yaxin, it's me!" Shijun kept explaining to Yaxin, Yaxin looked back, her face immediately became serious, and she ran away.

Huang Shijun didn't understand what was going on, did Yaxin hate him?However, the shouts of the crowd immediately removed the thought from his mind. "Yaxin, Yaxin is here, Yaxin, we love you! Sign your name! Don't run away!" Several big fans rushed over with the group of people, and Yaxin had already run away without seeing anyone.Dong Liming followed closely behind, Huang Shijun was half a beat behind, and hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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