Wealthy family seizes wives

Chapter 80 The Secret History of the Office

Chapter 80 The Secret History of the Office
"Reporting to the CEO, Ms. Wang Yaxin is currently participating in the filming of a movie called 'The Secret History of the Office'. The story mainly tells the love story between an ordinary employee and a boss who is much older than her. I heard that the audition for filming started a few days ago At that time, there were a lot of people around the riverside, all vying to see it first!" Secretary Jin Xing'er said standing upright, her body curves were outlined exquisitely in a decent outfit.

Huang Shijun crossed his hands, interlocked his fingers, put them on the table, and leaned his forehead slightly on it.He looked directly at the tabletop, which was smooth and flawless, and the top-quality mahogany tabletop was shiny. "The Secret History of the Office..." he muttered, as if saying something that surprised him very much.

"Yes, CEO, Ms. Wang Yaxin plays the leading female role in the play, that is, the ordinary employee named Lin Yina." Jin Xing'er added, taking a look at the expression of the CEO, she was still silent look.She then retracted her gaze and looked at the corner of the table.

Huang Qiang was hospitalized due to illness, and stayed there for several months. It is impossible for the company to be left alone for a day.Because Huang Shijun knows the company's business best, although he is not a senior in the company, he is also an outstanding and experienced young generation.The most important thing is that he is Huang Qianba's adopted son, and he inherited his father's business, which is a matter of course.

A while ago, there was an uproar in the company, rumors that Huang Shijun was not Huang Qianba's biological son.Some said it was picked up, some said it was an illegitimate child, there are different opinions.In order to refute the rumors, Huang Qianba convened a Tianxiong board meeting and clarified the facts in front of all the directors.Tell everyone that Huang Shijun is the son of his benefactor, and he accepted him as his adopted son after his benefactor was killed.That's all, and he also told everyone that the adopted son is the son, and everyone should not have any prejudice in the future.

In this way, this incident that seemed to come out of nowhere gradually drifted away with a gust of wind.Everyone is still living the life before, nothing has changed.

Joey is both envious and jealous of Yaxin. Although Yaxin left the company, she was immediately pursued by a rich and handsome Dong Liming, and there was also the new Huang Shijun, whose ex-boyfriend never left her. Give up, persevere.Why can't she get any of the happiness that should belong to her, but for that ordinary peasant girl, there are so many good things in front of her, but she doesn't know how to cherish it.

Now that the general manager has been promoted to the president, the benefits of her being the deputy general manager are naturally indispensable.Joey was promoted to the director of the company, and there should have been many opportunities to get along with Huang Shijun, but Huang Shijun just hated seeing her and avoided her every time, like avoiding the plague. The secretary Jin Xing'er will pass the message on her behalf, and she will not meet with her in person for a detailed discussion.

As time went by, the anger in Joey's heart piled up. Once, Joey approached Huang Shijun to discuss recruiting new recruits. As usual, Huang Shijun asked his secretary, Jin Xinger, to pass on the message that he was busy with a meeting and had no time. If you have something to say, please tell Jin Xing'er, or write it down on paper, and he will read it when he comes back.

If Joey didn't believe it, it just happened to be such a coincidence. He felt that Huang Shijun must be perfunctory again and came up with this strange trick.Angrily, she opened the folder in her hand, tore up the plans on employing people that had been prepared for several days, and then kicked open the doors of various conference halls like crazy, with red eyes. , every time she kicked open and saw that there was no one inside, she felt insulted and continued to look for the next conference hall. "I let you have a meeting, I let you have a meeting, you just don't want to see me, just say no, as for using this method to lie to me!"

Joey thought about it, ever since Yaxin left the company, Huang Shijun had never given her a good look, and always scolded her at every turn.Now that she's the president, she's even more arrogant. She doesn't see her every day, and she uses excuses to avoid her when something happens. In fact, she knows it all, but she still insists on it, and wants to see how long Huang Shijun can hide from her.

"Huang Shijun, get out!" Joey kicked open the door of a conference room and shouted loudly at the door.There was a little sweat on her forehead, her breathing was short of breath, and her cheeks were flushed with anger.One foot dangled high in the air, and a gold-trimmed high heel dangled.She couldn't bear it anymore, no matter what, she had been in love with Huang Shijun for so many years, she had always been infatuated with him, but he became more and more indifferent, even avoiding her frequently.

However, at this moment, Joey found that there were many pairs of eyes looking at him in astonishment.The tip of her high heels happened to be pointing at Huang Shijun who was sitting at the head of the table and was having a meeting.Joey immediately put his legs down, but his attitude didn't change much, and he walked away with an arrogant look on his face.

With a sullen face, Huang Shijun walked over, gently closed the door that had just been kicked open and left a footprint, then apologized to everyone, and continued the meeting.If he hadn't considered that Joy was a girl and her heart was fragile, he would have fired her long ago.God knows how she was appointed as the director in the first place.

In another place, Yaxin was hard at reciting her lines and was about to go on stage, she was silently chanting what she needed to say.Because she is the protagonist, Yaxin has to pay more than others, not only to memorize the lines well, but also to play the role well and vividly. This is Yaxin's requirement for herself.

She has a good memory, and she can basically retell the long lines after reading them once, so her practice is also mainly to polish the characters, trying her best to make the Lin Yina she plays look youthful and beautiful, and at the same time She is kind and pure, only prefers mature men to have a relationship with her boss.

When it was time for her to play, Yaxin walked to the center of the stage, and the camera focused on her.Yaxin frowned slightly, lowered her head halfway, and said in her mouth: "Why? Why do everyone doubt me, why do everyone look at me with strange eyes? I just fell in love with an older boss, He is unmarried and I am unmarried, why do we get so many people's eyes when we are together?" Suddenly, Wang Shujuan came on stage, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were fierce, and she slapped Yaxin as she walked over.

"You shameless bastard! Who told you to seduce him? Is he someone you can climb up to? You brat, do you know what a man needs? He and I are the ones A match made in heaven, no one else would even think about it except me!" Wang Shujuan clenched her fists, ready to punch again.

But Yaxin stepped forward and threw Wang Shujuan to the ground. Wang Shujuan hugged her knees and moaned.At this time, the director shouted stop!Director Pan eagerly walked up to Wang Shujuan: "Get up! You can't act like this. The current drama is different from the past. You can't always lie down by yourself, otherwise the audience will see through it. You have to act like it. Old actor, why don’t you even understand this! Throw down this scene and let’s do it all over again.”

The director returned to his seat and watched quietly.Yaxin helped Wang Shujuan up, Wang Shujuan pretended to lean on her shoulder, and said in her ear: "Don't be soft-hearted later, and force me down!" Then she stood a foot away from Yaxin , looking at Yaxin.Yaxin hesitated a little. To be honest, she didn't want to hurt anyone. When Wang Shujuan slapped her just now, it was very light, but there was a voiceover in the background.

Through the past few days of getting along, she felt that Wang Shujuan and her mother were very similar, and she and her seemed to have become good friends outside the play.However, at this time, Wang Shujuan anxiously gave her a firm look, signaling her to take action quickly.Yaxin kicked out her feet hard, and knocked down Wang Shujuan, who was already very weak.

She was really knocked down by her. Wang Shujuan lay on the ground, grinning in pain.The director called to stop, and Yaxin hurried forward to help Wang Shujuan up.The director came over and patted Wang Shujuan on the shoulder: "Well, it really is an old actor, I read it right! The acting is just like the real one!" Wang Shujuan showed a gratified smile, but then gritted her teeth again. It was not a light fall!Because she was afraid that Yaxin would not be ruthless, so Yaxin used a lot of strength in the first place, and she used her own strength to try hard to hit the ground, that's why the collision was so serious.

The day's filming was finally over, and there was no night scene that day, so everyone was much more relaxed.They each returned to their temporary residences, and Yaxin and Wang Shujuan were arranged to sleep in the same room.At night, it was pitch black outside, and the room was lit with dim lights. The conditions for filming were simple. Two bunk beds and a wooden table were all the furniture in this room.

Both Yaxin and Wang Shujuan were sitting on the edge of the lower bunk, Yaxin was sitting cross-legged at the end of the bed, and Wang Shujuan was lying flat on her stomach. "Sister Wang, I'm all to blame today for causing you to be hurt so badly!" Yaxin looked at the bruises on Wang Shujuan's thigh and said apologetically.Still holding a cotton ball in her hand, she dipped in the red syrup and rubbed it on Wang Shujuan's bruised area.

This red potion was borrowed from the director. The director is filming outside all year round, so he often prepares some for the actors to use.

(End of this chapter)

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