It makes sense to grab a marriage: don't mess with the savage wife

Chapter 107 The so-called "scandal"

Chapter 107 The so-called "scandal" (4)

" pry the door!?" Yu Chiguang's unbelievable eyes swept back and forth in front of Song Qingyi and Dong Yuan.

But Song Qingyi just glanced at her coldly, then turned his head and told Dong Yuan: "Go outside and have a look, and then wait for Mo Xun at the intersection."

"Yes." Dong Yuan just replied respectfully and then turned around.

Yu Chiguang, who was still in a daze, and Song Qingyi, whose face was as cold as ice, were left behind, and the two looked at each other.

Just when Yu Chiguang was getting more and more guilty, Song Qingyi took a step forward, and before Yu Chiguang could react, he bent down slightly, and his strong arms firmly encircled Yu Chiguang's leg socket .

And then...our Boss Song, who has always been magnanimous, carried Yu Chiguang on his shoulders without any image.

"What are you doing, Song Qingyi, put me down!" From the beginning to the end, Yu Chiguang didn't know what was going on, so he was not honest at all when he was carried on Song Qingyi's shoulders.

Always struggling to get down: "Put me down, molesting, save..."

After shouting a few times, Yu Chiguang suddenly fell silent and became quiet.

There was no other reason, she was intimidated by Song Qingyi's aura, although Song Qingyi didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but Yu Chiguang's subconscious began to feel a little afraid, and he didn't dare to make trouble anymore.

Within a few minutes, when Song Qingyi threw her into the black Maybach she was familiar with, Yu Chiguang rubbed his butt that hurt a little from the fall, and quietly dared not speak.

Song Qingyi glanced at Yu Chiguang, parted his lips slightly but did not speak, closed the car door, opened the driver's seat door, got in and started the car.

She suddenly remembered what An Xianxian called before and said that she was in the newspaper, and everyone was so anxious to find her, so she guessed it must be something bad.

And looking at Song Qingyi's expression, you can tell that it must be a big deal...

Could it be that she really poked a hole in the sky like An Xianxian said?

It's not right, she just woke up after sleeping and felt that the sky had changed.

She really didn't do anything this time, if Song Qing wants to deal with her later, she can justifiably reject it.

Yu Chiguang didn't even think about it. In the past, when she didn't commit a crime, she still quarreled with Song Qing so confidently?
At this moment, when Yu Chiguang made a sharp turn, he was thrown and hit the window of the car, only then did he realize that Song Qingyi's speed was ridiculously fast.

"Song Qingyi, if you don't let my speed exceed sixty, don't you set an example?"

Yu Chiguang is used to being domineering, and his favorite thing is to make Song Qingyi unhappy, so even though he knew Song Qingyi was angry at this time, he still yelled at him at the top of his voice.

After the words fell, the speed of the car increased even more. Yu Chiguang lay on the back seat, so dizzy from the jolt that he couldn't speak.

Yu Chiguang even thought viciously in his heart: You just drive so fast, you don't stop the car by then, the two of you will finish playing together!
Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the car stopped, and Yu Chiguang looked up with his somewhat drowsy head, and it turned out that he had arrived at the entrance of the villa.

She was about to sit up when she heard Song Qingyi's bone-chilling voice coming from the front.

"I've never set an example and let you hook up with men everywhere!" The voice was filled with forbearance, as if it had reached the verge of anger.

Yu Chiguang didn't react at first, then his eyes widened: "You're the one who hooks up with men, you..."

 The second update, good night, goddesses~
(End of this chapter)

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