It makes sense to grab a marriage: don't mess with the savage wife

Chapter 110 The so-called "scandal"

Chapter 110 The so-called "scandal" (7)

Mo Xun on the side stopped walking towards Yu Chiguang, his eyes lingered on Yu Chiguang's normal person, and then he said: "I took Dong Yuan away, and I will deal with the follow-up matters. "

"En." Song Qingyi just responded indifferently, and then added: "I'm sorry to bother you."

As soon as these words were uttered, several people present showed surprise expressions.

Mo Xun glanced at Yu Chiguang again, the bitterness in the corners of his eyes dissipated immediately, and he said to Song Qingyi, "How can you say such out-of-the-ordinary words?"

Then, without waiting for any reaction from the others, she took a step forward and pulled An Xianxian out, "Then let's go first."

But An Xianxian frowned, the boss was reluctant: "Oh, I still want to ask where Yuyu went last night..."

She still remembers what happened in the end.

"Let's go." This time it was Mo Qing who spoke out, and without any explanation, she carried An Xian into her arms and dragged her out.

Then the door was closed, and there were only the two of them in the room again.

Back to the terrible silence before Mo Xun and their arrival.

Yu Chiguang bit his lips and was about to speak, but he thought of the question she asked Song Qingyi before Mo Xun and the others came in, but he hadn't answered yet.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but play with her temper again, obviously she was right, what face did he show her!
snort!This lady has never been afraid of anyone since she was a child!
Thinking of this, Yu Chiguang sat across from Song Qingyi and stared at Song Qingyi without showing any weakness.

She decided that if he didn't speak, she wouldn't either.

The air was filled with the smell of anxiety, the two refused to give in to each other, and neither of them spoke first.

Song Qing couldn't help but dissipate a little of the gloom in his heart by looking at Yu Chiguang who was sitting opposite him with a look of "I'm right, I'm justified".

But still very angry.

Finally, I don't know how long time passed, and at the neighborhood committee where Yu Chiguang was about to lose his hold, Song Qingyi finally spoke.

"How about the pictures in the newspaper."

Song Qingyi's voice was very cold, it sounded the same as usual, but Yu Chiguang couldn't help swallowing.

Although he was very afraid of the present Song Qingyi in his heart, he didn't give in at all: "How do I know, I just slept in the Chongming International Hotel for one night, and then woke up in the morning in that villa!"

Song Qingyi couldn't help but blink when he looked at Yu Chiguang's upright little face. Looking at her energetic appearance, it seemed that nothing happened last night, except that she was photographed.

Yu Chiguang was a little annoyed by Song Qingyi's stare, so he couldn't help but boldly said: "Aren't you very good, you go and check, I want to see who dares to play like this-I, I have to give up He can't!"

As she spoke, she clenched her fists and made a fierce look.

Song Qingyi still had no other reaction, Yu Chiguang obviously felt his anger subside, and he spoke again after a few seconds: "Do you know who owns that villa?"

Yu Chiguang felt baffled, she even said that she was there when she woke up.

"I said I don't know, I don't know, how many times do you have to ask!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Qingyi seemed to have displeasure on his face, and a storm swept over.

Yu Chiguang stared and dared not speak any more.

And Song Qingyi just squinted his eyes and looked at her thoughtfully, but that look, no matter how you looked at it, was a look of suspicion.

 First more.

(End of this chapter)

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