It makes sense to grab a marriage: don't mess with the savage wife

Chapter 112 The so-called "scandal"

Chapter 112 The so-called "scandal" (9)

That's what she said on her lips, but she kept muttering in her heart: If you make me obedient, I will be obedient?That would be too embarrassing.

At this moment, Yu Chiguang's stomach let out a growl...

Yu Chiguang patted his stomach speechlessly, she had been suppressed by Song Qingyi just now, and her stomach was still so disappointing, which made her even more ashamed.

She felt that she was even more vulnerable all of a sudden, how could she raise her head in front of Song Qingyi in the future...

Song Qing glanced at Yu Chiguang with raised eyebrows. Seeing the strange expression on her face, he guessed what she was thinking, and there was a not-so-obvious smile in the corner of her eyes.

He immediately stood up, Yu Chiguang heard the voice and looked up at Song Qingyi, only to see his tall and straight figure walking towards the door.

It wasn't until he touched the doorknob that he said without looking back: "Come down." Then he opened the door and went down.

Hearing Song Qingyi's order, Yu Chiguang hastily followed him downstairs.

When she got downstairs, Song Qingyi was already "ding ding dong dong" making something in the kitchen.

When Yu Chiguang walked to the door of the kitchen, she saw Song Qingyi already busy in an apron, she was a little surprised, did she come here to cook for her because she heard her stomach growling?
Yu Chiguang felt extremely moved for a moment, and she really grew up together, so she blinked her eyes softly and flattered her: "Brother Song is the best..."

As soon as the words came out, both of them were stunned, and Yu Chiguang himself didn't know why he suddenly called out a title that he hadn't called in so many years.

Song Qingyi's back froze for a few seconds, and then said coldly: "I'm hungry too..."

What he meant was that he happened to be hungry too, so he came to cook for her.

In an instant, all of Yu Chiguang's emotions evaporated into nothingness. He was really moved in vain. With his mouth curled up, he turned around and walked to the dining table to sit down, waiting for Song Qingyi to cook.

He had completely forgotten who the man who had held her almost in his palm since childhood was.I hated Song Qingyi a little more.

Not long after, Song Qingyi came out with the dishes. The simple three dishes and one soup made Yu Chi's eyes light up. It was almost noon and she was really hungry.

She took the bowl and was about to serve the rice, but Song Qing glanced over with a cold look: "Drink the soup first."

Yu Chiguang had no choice but to take back the bowl of soup, who told her to eat people with short mouths.

She first filled a bowl of soup for herself, and when she looked up, she saw Song Qingyi was taking off her apron, and immediately served him a bowl of soup, and put it in front of him respectfully and said obediently: "Drink the soup .”

Song Qing glanced at her with raised eyelids, and sat down expressionlessly.

After Yu Chiguang was full, he put down the bowl, but when he looked up, he saw Song Qingyi was still eating, as if he was very hungry.

In fact, Song Qingyi is really good-looking. In terms of her aesthetics, she has never seen a man who is more beautiful than Song Qingyi so far.

Mo Xun is also good-looking, but it's just that the good-looking is enchanting, very attractive, not restrained enough.

Mo Qing is elegant, looks very handsome and gentle, easy to get along with.

But Song Qingyi was different from them, always put on a straight face and refused people thousands of miles away, and didn't smile often, at most, he would show that mocking smile when mocking her.

Always pursing his lips with an inscrutable appearance, people who don't know think he is the boss of the underworld, and Xianxian is most afraid of Song Qingyi.

I don't know why Song Qing is scary, although sometimes Yu Chiguang is also scared by his eyes.

But most of the time, she still dared to fight against him.

After he was really angry, she had to pretend to be her grandson to show weakness first.

 Today is the first update, and there will be two updates after that.

(End of this chapter)

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