Chapter 123 Anonymous Posts (8)

For An Xianxian, many people are too quick to flatter, let alone offend.

And Yu Chiguang and An Xianxian have always been close, they have been good friends since childhood, and the people around Yu Chiguang are either rich or noble.

In school, it can be said that almost no one dared to provoke the two of them.

But at this time, there are people who are not afraid of death.

A girl in a blue shirt came out from the crowd. She walked over to An Xianxian, but stood straight in front of Yu Chiguang who was sitting: "Say it face to face, they are afraid, I I'm not afraid."

At this moment, there was only one sentence in Yu Chiguang's mind: What the hell?Are you afraid of anything?
An Xianxian just glanced at her with the end of his eyes, and saw that the girl in the blue shirt was a bit embarrassed, and the disdain in her eyes was even more obvious, she looked like a clown.

She was about to say something, when Yu Chiguang at the side gently touched An Xian's hand, signaling her not to speak.

Then he stared at the female classmate in the blue shirt in front of him, but saw the faint guilt in her eyes, Yu Chiguang chuckled, "Oh, classmate, who are you?"

The girl in blue didn't seem to expect her to ask back like this, she was a little flustered for a moment, turned around and looked back.

At this moment, a classmate in the crowd asked her, "Student, aren't you from our class?"


Yu Chiguang looked at the girl in front of him, wondering who pushed her out to be a clown, it was really ridiculous.

Thinking that she is usually united, friendly, approachable, and has not offended anyone, why does anyone want to make trouble with her?

While everyone was talking, another girl walked out of the crowd, who was different from the girl in the blue top.

The clothes on this girl are well-cut, and you can smell the expensive perfume on her body when you approach her.

Yu Chiguang recognized this girl, she was a classmate in their class, Zhou Zhenzhen, her father was a legendary coal boss who got rich suddenly.

"My friend." Zhou Zhenzhen pulled the girl in the blue shirt back and stood in front of Yu Chiguang.

Now Yu Chiguang felt even more unbelievable. She and Zhou Zhenzhen had no grievances in the past and now they have no enmity. I don't know if it is because of the magnetic field mismatch. They are both in junior year and have never talked to her.

At this moment, An Xianxian sat back all of a sudden, blew on her nails, glanced at Zhenzhen around her eyes, and exchanged glances with Yu Chiguang, with a tacit smile in her eyes.

Now it's fun.

"Yu Chiguang, forget about the way you treat us all the time, she is my friend, why are you doing the same?"

Zhou Zhenzhen has an awl-shaped face, with big eyes and a small mouth, although An Xianxian would tell Yu Chiguang that Zhou Zhenzhen's face can poke people to death every time she sees her.

Yu Chiguang also felt that this face was a bit weird, no matter how you looked at it, it was not normal. An Xianxian said that Zhou Zhenzhen's face had been done, but she still didn't believe it, but now she believed it.

But at this time, the way of frowning and talking is a bit pitiful.

No, a few boys at the side started to stand up and speak up for Zhou Zhenzhen: "Yu Chiguang, although you are married to a wealthy family, we are also classmates. You can't look down on others just because you are rich."


There were people helping out one after another, but most of them were male students.

At this time, a very loud female voice rang out: "What are you pretending to be a lady, you are just a shameless bitch."

 Today’s first update, I think it’s very interesting to write a small theater these two days, and here’s another small theater: Yuyu: Classmate, who are you?The girl in blue: Li Xiaozi.Yuyu: Boy?Fart, obviously it's a girl? (Then beat the girl in blue~~)

(End of this chapter)

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