Chapter 126 Anonymous Posts (11)

Hearing the words, An Xian turned her head, widened her beautiful eyes and said, "You and Professor Ning...are you really having an affair?"

Yu Chiguang quickly covered An Xianxian's mouth, and glanced at Fang Xinxin who was concentrating on driving in front of him with the corner of his eye: "Keep your voice down, Song Qingyi and Ning Yan are not the same."

An Xianxian couldn't help giving Yu Chiguang a blank look, Boss Song could bear it only if Yu Chiguang had an affair with another man.

"Keep quiet, I'll tell you later when we're eating." Yu Chiguang whispered to An Xianxian again, and then let go of his hand.

After a while, I arrived at the western restaurant. It was An Xianxian who liked the steak the most. As soon as she got out of the car, An Xianxian put her arms around Yu Chiguang's shoulders: "It's not in vain to hurt you little brat!"

"Call me a brat again!" Yu Chiguang refused, since she was only one year younger than An Xianxian.

"Okay, let's go in." An Xianxian quickly comforted her.

As soon as he took a step, Yu Chiguang stepped back, bent over to Fang Xinxin in the car and said, "Xinxin, come out to eat with us too?"

Fang Xinxin quickly waved his hand and said, "No need, madam, go and eat, I'll wait for you."

Originally, she also had something to say to An Xianxian, but when Fang Xinxin declined, she turned around and went into the restaurant with An Xianxian.

Fang Xinxin watched them both enter the restaurant, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call, only to hear him say: "President Song, Madam and Miss An are eating outside..."

I don't know what was said there, and then the phone was hung up.

An Xianxian and Yu Chiguang sat down in a secluded corner, ordered two steaks and drinks, and began to have dinner leisurely, but An Xianxian's wolf-like gaze...

Yu Chiguang thought for a while, but didn't know how to speak. After thinking about it, he said, "Do you still remember when I told you when I was a teenager... I liked someone?"

"I remember." An Xianxian nodded because she didn't know. It's strange to say that she remembered a lot about Yu Chiguang.

She and Yu Chiguang almost grew up wearing a pair of trousers, which is different from her love life all the way. Yu Chiguang is like a dog's tail grass in the field, no one cares about it.

Except for Song Qingyi, or Song Qingyi, she felt that Yu Chiguang probably had to be Song Qingyi in his life.

I only remember that in the summer vacation of the first year of high school, Yu Chiguang came to her and cried all afternoon, saying that the person she liked had left and studied abroad, and he didn't know if he would come back again.

When An Xianxian thought about it, all her memories came back. She tilted her head and said, "That's the one. You wrote the love letter, but the person went abroad?"

Yu Chiguang nodded while cutting the steak, without making a sound.

An Xianxian asked again: "Is that person Ning Yangui?"

Yu Chiguang paused for cutting the steak, nodded again and said, "That's him."

"Kang Dang!" The knife and fork in An Xian's hand fell off and hit the dinner plate, making a crisp sound.

She said with dull eyes, "This world is too disillusioned! The youngest and most handsome professor in C University is actually your first love!"

Yu Chiguang was amused by the exaggerated reaction, and it seemed that it was not so difficult to say, she continued: "In those years... I lived in the Song family, he is Ning Yangui's cousin, we have known each other since then .”

An Xianxian just picked up the knife and fork, and dropped it back.

"Are you surprised or frightened?" Yu Chiguang touched the cup to the plate in front of An Xianxian.

 An update in the early morning~ I guess there must be night owls, um, the first update today~
(End of this chapter)

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