Chapter 147 Yu's Board of Directors (1)

Regarding the matter of the post, it was just like this, but it was hard for Yu Chiguang, and the wound on his forehead would hurt for a while from time to time.

Moreover, Song Qingyi was forced to ask for leave. Not only that, Song Qingyi also moved his office to his home and stared at Yu Chiguang all day long.

Afraid that she would jump around and touch the wound again.

Afraid that she would eat something messy outside, he worked at home while working part-time as a husband.

However, she couldn't understand Song Qingyi's thoughts.

Yu Chiguang choked with Song Qing dissatisfiedly: "If you fail the final exam, I will die with you!"

Thinking that she is such a good student who loves to study, she asks for leave one after another.

Song Qingyi put his eyes on the computer, and only uttered a word, which made Yu Chiguang quiet down.

"Tomorrow is the day when Mrs. Yu holds a board meeting."

Yu Chiguang was only quiet for a few seconds, then exploded again, walking back and forth in the room: "Why didn't you tell me in advance, I didn't prepare anything, I didn't prepare anything."

Song Qingyi ignored her, but still did not forget to laugh at her and said: "I thought this was very important to you, you must remember it all the time."

Yu Chiguang was choked, she was speechless.

In fact, she has no interest in company management at all, and she really doesn't have the ability in this area.

It's just Yu Shi, but she has a reason to take it back.

Yu Chiguang quickly walked to Song Qingyi's side, pulled up a chair and sat down opposite his desk, and looked at him eagerly: "What should I do, I haven't prepared anything."

Who knew that Song Qing's one sentence almost made her mouthful of old blood.

"I said I would help you, and I didn't want you to be ready. But, you..." Song Qingyi finally raised his head after speaking, but it was the white gauze that fell on her forehead superior.

That means, I didn't plan for you to have any future, just bring someone with you when the time comes, but in the end, even the person has a missing eye on his forehead...

Yu Chiguang 囧囧 accepted Song Qing's mocking gaze with spirit, feeling that Song's indifference in his originally bright life was compared to this.

It was gray.

Song Qingyi also ignored Yu Chiguang's dejected look, but reached out to answer the phone that kept ringing.

"Well, come up." Then he hung up the phone and looked up at Yu Chiguang: "Go down and open the door."

Yu Chi Guangba had no choice but to stay with Song Qingyi, but he still asked gossip, "Who wants to come?"

"Bring me to the study." Song Qing answered the wrong question.

Cut, Song Leng Leng!
Yu Chiguang gave him a look that he thought was disdainful, but actually looked like a grandson, and then turned and went downstairs to open the door.

As Yu Chiguang walked downstairs, he thought, who would Song Qingyi let come to the house?Subordinate?friend?or something else?
But she quickly rejected it, because Song Qingyi only had a few friends, and it was impossible for his subordinates to let him come to the house.

After thinking so much, anyway, you will know when you open the door and look at the people.

Humming, Yu Chiguang walked briskly to the door and opened it. He opened the door with a smile on his face.

As a result, the moment he saw the person outside the door, his eyes froze...

What is this scenario.

Because there was a woman standing outside the door, a woman exuding Song Qingyi's indifference.

It is said that it is the style of Song and Qing Dynasties, but it is not always the case.

 Third watch.This is the full text until now, and one of my favorite female supporting roles is about to appear~~Happy~~Everyone, good night and happy weekend~~
(End of this chapter)

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