Chapter 181 Yu Family Dinner Party (7)

However, as soon as she met Yu Chiguang, she would become irresistible.

Because her hatred for Yu Chiguang is too deep, she has been jealous of everything about Yu Chiguang since she was a child.

She vowed to take everything from Yu Chiguang since she was a child.

And Yu Chiguang has always felt that Yu Caimu's rejection of her is a bit strange. She knows that Yu Caimu likes Song Qingyi, and this is probably one of the reasons for her discord with her.

In her heart, she felt that Yu Caimu didn't want to see her at most, and she was just playing a little trick.

However, she didn't know that in Yu Caimu's heart, it was all about stepping on her and destroying her.

After all, she had a good relationship with Yu Caimu when she was very young.

In the end, Yu Caimu just glared at Yu Chiguang, raised his chin and left with a "hum".

"Damn!" An Xian said disdainfully to Yu Caimu's back.

Yu Chiguang smiled lightly, his eyes a little dazed: "Actually, Yu Caimu and I were not like this when we were young..."

Before she could speak, Mo Qing came to find An Xianxian, saying that she was taking her to meet someone, and An Xianxian said indifferently: "Yu Caimu just has a problem with his mind, don't think so much..."

Then he was taken away by Mo Qing.

Yu Chiguang looked at the two people's backs and smiled.

The seat she was sitting in was slightly in the corner. There were not many people at this time, and more and more people were coming at this moment, and the banquet was about to begin.

So now, Yu Chiguang is almost sitting in this corner alone.

She looked away, and when she turned her head to get up to get some pastries, she was taken aback by the person standing in front of her.

"You..." Yu Chiguang forgot what your name was, and she suspected that she had hit her head and lost her memory.

Standing in front of her was a girl who was about her age, but this girl was wearing a strange black dress, her complexion was pale, and her gaze was a bit gloomy.

So, she turned her head unprepared and was taken aback. She stared at the girl's face for a few seconds before she remembered who she was.

Isn't it Zhou Zhenzhen's friend Li Xiaozi who posted a post to slander her before? No wonder Yu Chiguang can't remember her name, mainly because Li Xiaozi's name is too ugly...

Yu Chiguang was a little puzzled, how did Li Xiaozi become like this in just a week since the incident in the library.

The Li Xiaozi she had seen before, although she could not be said to be more beautiful than Zhou Zhenzhen with the awl face, was also Xiaojiabiyu's type, and she was a neat and neat girl who would make some boys turn their heads frequently.

It's just that we haven't seen each other in just a week, why is she so thin?

Yu Chiguang thought about this, and asked aloud: "Li Xiaozi, why did you become like this?"

She asked this question because she was really curious. In her opinion, although Li Xiaozi had slandered her with Zhou Zhenzhen before.

But she had already made the two of them suffer, so she felt that the two were cleared up, and she didn't think about anything else.

But Li Xiaozi obviously didn't think so. She had no intention of answering Yu Chiguang's question.

Instead, he was still staring at Yu Chiguang as before.

Yu Chiguang saw that she didn't care about what he meant, and didn't bother to care about her, but he was curious about why she came to this dinner.

As for Li Xiaozi and Zhou Zhenzhen, she also heard An Xianxian talk about their situation later.

(End of this chapter)

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