Chapter 186 Yu Wanli's Ambition (2)

"Before the board of directors, He actually had a long talk with my uncle. He blamed himself for not managing the Yu family that my father left over these years. Instead, it kept going downhill. I told my uncle not to blame himself. Although the current situation of the Yu family is indeed not good, but I believe that if my father managed the Yu family so well back then, so could I..."

Speaking of this, Yu Chiguang's voice was a little bit astringent, as if he was feeling sad because he talked about his deceased father.

"And as the largest shareholder of the Yu family, I have the obligation and responsibility to work hard to make the Yu family develop better, and my uncle..." Then he turned to look at Yu Wanli: "Uncle also raised me for the Yu family. Don't worry, now is the time to retreat to the second line and enjoy the service, I think uncle is also very happy."

She lowered her eyes slightly and looked at the mother and daughter Shi Jin and Yu Caimu standing in the front row who wanted to eat her, and the sadness on her face became more obvious.

"Thank you for your support to Mrs. Yu over the years!" Yu Chiguang stopped talking, just bowed slightly and stepped off the stage.

Leave this mess to Yu Wanli to clean up by himself.

There is no way to borrow her to take over the position, to take away her power. Before, she just thought that it would be fine to leave the Yu family to Su Jiumi to take care of it. She is not the material, and Su Jiumi also has this ability.

But now, she may change her original thinking, she wants to do her best to manage Yu's well.

Yu Wanli should not be allowed to take advantage of it.

This family has always been omnipotent, Yu Wanli wanted to rob Mrs. Yu, and Yu Caimu wanted to rob her man.

How could she let them succeed.

She stepped down from the stage and walked to Song Qingyi's side, and An Xianxian came over: "Just now, you were really impressive, your domineering side leaked, I thought you could bring Yu's dead tree back to life!"

"Okay, come to Yu's for an internship next year, and see how I can rejuvenate Yu's dead tree!" Yu Chiguang took her words and winked at her.

"Come on, you might as well open a martial arts gym to be more practical! Anyway, there are people hired to help you run it, so you don't need to worry about it."

An Xianxian really knows her very well.

Yu Chiguang just smiled, and didn't say what she just thought, she was still thinking about it, she always wanted to do something independently recently.

This idea is getting stronger and stronger.

She always thought it would be enough to take back Yu's ownership, but now, she wants to manage it well and watch it grow in her own hands.

Song Qing looked at her lost in thought, his eyes flickered slightly: "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Yu Chiguang hastily denied, and then asked him: "You must have guessed why he asked us to come before!"

"I know." Song Qingyi nodded, and then said: "I don't know that Yu Wanli is getting older now, but his thinking is more naive, and he still wants to hold you in the palm of his hand."

Yu Chiguang directly regarded him as complimenting her: "Of course, I'm smart."

"Really?" Song Qingyi stretched out his hand to smooth the flow of the forehead for her.

This kind of intimate action is very common between two people, but in the eyes of others, it is an extraordinary intimacy and love.

"I knew he was uneasy and kind, not fun at all, and let so many people watch the fun!" Yu Chiguang took a big sip of juice in dissatisfaction.

Song Qing looked at her and said casually: "With me here, who dares to watch your excitement!"

(End of this chapter)

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