Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 1 Jinshui Tangtang, and Jun Changjue

Chapter 1 Jinshui Tangtang, and Jun Changjue (1)


All the love and hate have long been involved in the history books, but who awakened that ancient memory?In the thousand-year immortal story, who came here on a song and pushed open the door of reincarnation, not for reincarnation, but for a sentence.
"I heard that the empress of Cheng'en Palace is dying soon."

"Yo, sister, you don't know yet, that Concubine Zhao already suffers from heart disease, and for some reason she suddenly became serious after returning from hunting in the Western Mountains."

"Hey, Concubine Zhao is also a pitiful person, it's fine if she's sick, and now the emperor has treated her in the cold."

"That's not it. You see, Cheng En Palace is almost like Leng Palace. I just heard that Concubine Zhao vomited blood again."

"Stop talking, let's go, it's bad luck here too."

After the two maids left, a woman in green came out from the corner and hurried towards Cheng'en Palace.

Entering the main hall, the room was full of bitter smell of medicine, and the woman in green walked straight into the inner room without any discomfort.

In the swaying gauze, one can vaguely see the woman who is deeply buried in the quilt on the bed.

There was hardly a trace of blood on that pale face, the deep-set eye sockets, and the fan-like eyelashes could not cover the blackness under the eyes. This was a woman who had lost all roundness and beauty after a long-term lingering illness.

Seeing the woman in green came back, the woman in red who had been guarding the bed hurried forward with red eyes.

The woman in green motioned her not to speak, walked to the bed, twisted the quilt for the person on the bed, and then pulled the woman in red out.

"Sister Luzhu, what should I do, I'm so afraid that my mother won't be able to hold on anymore." As soon as she walked out of the inner room, Hong Luo choked on Luzhu and said.

"Don't talk nonsense, empresses and auspicious people have their own celestial features." Luzhu scolded softly.

"I hope so too, but the empress spit out the last heart-protecting pill, empress, empress still vomited blood today." Hong Luo couldn't bear the worry in her heart any longer, and began to cry in a low voice.

"Hong Luo, I didn't get the medicine today."

Lv Zhu's desperate words made Hong Luo feel deeply terrified.

"Why, why?"

Lu Zhu cast her gaze into the room, and said slowly: "The emperor forgot, and he didn't tell the imperial hospital."


"Lin Shutong will become a concubine tomorrow. The emperor has been preparing for her canonization ceremony recently, so he probably forgot."

"How could this be?" Hong Luo said with an unbelievable expression on his face, "How could the emperor have forgotten? Could it be that the emperor is still blaming the empress for what happened while hunting in Xishan? The empress loves the emperor so much, how could she betray him? Are you so cruel that you can see your mother suffer?"

"The planning of that event was so precise that it was specifically aimed at the empress, and it would be difficult for the empress to tell the difference even if she had a whole family."

"Ananda..., Ananda..."

Intermittent dreaming sounds came from the inner room.

"Ananda... I didn't..."

Listening to the voices in the room, even Luzhu, who has always been resolute, blushed.

In the whole imperial palace, who doesn't know that the Cheng'en Palace was specially built by the emperor for Concubine Zhao, who doesn't know that the cold and ruthless emperor once made soup for Concubine Bo Zhao with a smile, and who doesn't know that the diligent young man The emperor once gave up looking up ancient books in the early dynasty just to do a dance of "Nine Songs" for Concubine Zhao, but the favor of the king is like flowing water, and it will never be returned.

There is no permanent winner in this harem, let alone so-called love.The object that makes everyone jealous today may become the laughing stock of the whole palace tomorrow. This kind of drama is always going on in the harem.

"Sister Luzhu, please take care of your mother, I will invite the emperor to come over."

"Hong Luo!" Lu Zhu held her wrist tightly.

"Sister Luzhu, my mother's kindness to you and me is as great as a mountain. We can't just let my mother be wronged like this, and we can't let those people's tricks succeed."

Finally, Hong Luo pushed away Lv Zhu's hand and ran out.

 The new mermaid is here to report, I hope you will support me a lot, this article is definitely the president, I hope you will not be scared by the old saying at the beginning, that is just the past life (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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