Chapter 100
The taxi stopped in front of a house, Xiao Tongmu paid the fare and got out of the car with Liangfan.

Liangfan stood aside, staring at the scene in front of him. What a familiar place, it hasn't changed at all after so many years.

She turned to look at Xiao Tongmu, but the other party smiled and encouraged her to go over.

There are some old gates with the word "Fu" pasted on them. When you enter the yard, the ginkgo tree in your memory is much thicker, but now it is winter, and the leaves on the tree have fallen. Liangfan recalls that autumn again, golden The leaves fell all over the ground. She and her brother stepped on the fallen leaves, listening to the crisp sound of their feet, playing and playing in the yard, and their father hugged their mother. The two stood aside and looked at them with a smile...

Everything here is beautiful, just standing in the yard makes Liangfan's heart feel warm.

"Mom is at home, go in." Xiao Tongmu walked to her side and said softly.

Liangfan nodded, and let Xiao Tongmu take her back.

After entering the door, Xiao Tongmu shouted: "Mom, do you see who is back?"

Xiao's mother came out of the kitchen upon hearing the sound. More than ten years later, Xiao's mother was still so gentle, and the years didn't seem to have left many traces on her body.

She was a little puzzled when she saw Liangfan, looked at him twice, and gradually showed a surprised expression. Before Liangfan had time to say anything, she was hugged by Xiao's mother.


Liangfan hugged Xiao's mother, tears welled up again, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Mom, I'm Liangfan, I'm back."

Xiao's mother didn't speak, just hugged her and kept crying.

"Mom, my sister finally came back, so don't cry, she will feel bad if you do this." Xiao Tongmu persuaded from the side.

Liangfan wiped away the tears on Xiao's mother's face, and Xiao's mother gently stroked Liangfan's face and her hair with her hands.

"Son, how have you been all these years?"

Liangfan held her hand, nodded with a smile, "Mom, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Xiao's mother pulled her to sit on the sofa, and Xiao Tongmu poured two glasses of water for the reunited mother and daughter.

"Mom, are you in good health? I heard from my brother that you were sick. How are you doing now?"

"It's okay, everything is fine."

"Mom, I..."

Xiao's mother knew what she was going to say, and patted her hand with a smile, "Silly girl, don't worry about it after so many years have passed."

"But Dad because of me..."

"It's all fate." Xiao's mother looked forward with some fascination, and Liang Fan looked over, it was a photo of her father's death.

Xiao's mother looked away, "Okay, my daughter is back, let's not talk about these unhappy things, today mom will cook you some dishes you like."

"Thank you mom." Liangfan smiled sweetly.

Liang Fan didn't expect to stay with Xiao's mother for just one day. She told Xiao's mother about her life in the past few years, but she didn't tell her about her marriage to Gu Lingyun. After all, Liang Fan is still in school, and she was afraid that Xiao's mother would worry about something .

Knowing that Liangfan had not been easy these years, Mother Xiao couldn't hide the distress in her eyes.

The sky gradually darkened and the lights came on.

While eating dinner, Liangfan's phone rang.

Liangfan saw it and went to the window to pick it up.

"Where is it?" Gu Lingyun's steady voice came from the phone.

"It's still outside, I'll be back in a while."

"I'll pick you up, I'm worried about you being alone at night."

Liangfan was taken aback for a moment, under the impression that Gu Lingyun seldom expressed his emotions like this.

At the end, she replied: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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