Chapter 104
The whole room was decorated by Gu Lingyun as a baby's room, all kinds of childish toys and dolls were placed on the bed.

It can be seen that Gu Lingyun cares a lot about this child.

Originally, he wanted to stay with Liangfan at home, but something happened suddenly in the company, and Gu Lingyun had to go there.

Liang Fan watched Gu Lingyun go away, and just walked back to the living room, he received a text message on his mobile phone: Do you want to save the only child, meet at Moshang Huakai Bar.

Liangfan stared at the number on the phone, she remembered that it belonged to Yang Rujing, did she hijack the only one?Liang Fan's body was cold for a while, this woman Yang Rujing is a lunatic.

She didn't dare to think too much, so she hurriedly picked up her bag and ran to the hospital, but she received a call from the hospital on the way, and Liangfan's heart skipped a beat.

"Mrs. Gu, I can't find the only one. Sorry, this is the responsibility of our hospital, and we will take care of it."

She couldn't listen to the latter words anymore, and only the first few words echoed in her ears.

The only thing I can't find...

That lunatic Yang Rujing really took her away!

If anything happens to the only one, she swears, she will not bypass Yang Rujing!

She sat in a taxi and rushed to Moshang Huakai Bar, but the panic in her heart was uncontrollable, and she called Gu Lingyun with trembling hands.

"The only thing I lost..." As she said that, big tears fell down her cheeks.

"Where are you?" Gu Lingyun's voice over there was calm and calming.

"In a taxi, on the way to Huakai Moshang."

"Okay, you wait for me, I'll rush over right away."

Only, you must be fine.

Thinking of this, Liangfan called Mu Zheqing again, explained the matter, and hoped that he could help take care of him at the bar.

When I arrived at the bar, a text message was sent to my mobile phone immediately.

Come in by yourself, or the only child will die.

Liangfan gritted his teeth and walked in by himself.

After entering the bar, Yang Rujing sent another text message: Don't try to find Mu Zheqing, you know the consequences, room 402.

Liangfan sent Mu Zheqing a text message, and went to the place he had made an appointment with Yang Rujing.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered, he saw Yang Rujing sitting on the sofa.

"Yang Rujing, where is the only one!"

"Liangfan, you really dare to come." Yang Rujing sneered.

Liang Fan wanted to walk in front of her, but found that his body was limp and weak, and Yang Rujing's distorted face in front of him became more and more blurred.

She knew that she had been tricked, and she walked outside relying on the last bit of sobriety, and finally fainted to the ground.

Yang Rujing looked at her viciously, waved her big hand, and the two men in black set up Liangfan.

Then, she made a phone call, "It's done, how about that little kid?"

The woman on the other side of the phone spoke in the same tone as Yang Rujing, and her originally gentle voice was a bit ferocious, "I have been crying all the time, and I just took a few sleeping pills and fell asleep. The next thing is up to you."

"Just wait and see the show." Yang Rujing hung up the phone and walked out of the box.

Liangfan, this time you just wait for destruction!
As soon as Yang Rujing walked to the door, she saw Mu Zheqing standing outside, as if waiting for her.

"What about her?"

Yang Rujing chuckled, "You are late, she has already been taken away."

Mu Zheqing's pupils narrowed slightly, but his gentle face was now sullen, "Come here, take her away!"

Yang Rujing didn't expect that he would dare to do this in public, and screamed: "Mu Zheqing, you are breaking the law!"

Mu Zheqing sneered, "Don't worry, you won't die, I will make you happy."

"I've left this woman to you, play with it casually, don't let her stop for a moment, give her some medicine, Lele." After saying these words, he winked, and those people took her away.

There was also Yang Rujing's screams like killing a pig in the air.

Mu Zheqing's eyes dimmed, Liangfan, I've already remembered, Xiaoyao, I'm your second brother, even if I can't be with you, in this life, I will do my best to protect you and let you be with him Together, how about that?

(End of this chapter)

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