Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 25 God of Gamblers Liang Fan

Chapter 25 God of Gamblers Liang Fan
An Ziqing's luck was still bad, she gambled several times and lost again.

Liangfan grabbed An Ziqing, who was about to bet again, and asked softly in her ear, "How much did you lose?"

"200 million." An Ziqing said weakly with a bitter face.

200 million?Lost like this?
She turned her head to look at He Junyan, the way he looked at An Ziqing, he really wanted to spoil her to the sky, the 200 million seemed to be the meaning of a few pieces of paper in his eyes.

An Ziqing was very depressed, and pulled Liangfan over, "Come on, come on, give me a hand, and see if it's my back, or it's a character problem."

Is there any difference between the two?

"I won't." She shook her head, she had never been to this kind of place, and she didn't understand the rules of the casino.

"It's okay, just say the size."

Liang Fan couldn't resist her, so he glanced at He Junyan apologetically, and casually pointed to "little". An Ziqing hesitated for a moment, and pressed the 5000 yuan weight.

Everyone else was overwhelmed unexpectedly.

As soon as the result is opened, little!

"Wow! I won!" An Ziqing cheered happily, then thought of something, and her little face wrinkled again.

Liang Fan seemed to understand what she was thinking, and asked with a smirk, "Slight back? Character?"

"If you memorize points, you'll be inferior." An Ziqing lowered her head, sullen.

Seeing that the dealer had already made a bet, He Junyan pulled An Ziqing over, "This is not a win, maybe we are going to turn the tables, let's try again."


In this round, Liangfan still chose, and she chose Xiao again.

An Ziqing's weight this time was a bit more, and she pressed [-]. The others didn't believe in evil, and it was just luck last time, so she continued to press down.

The result is small again.

Now An Ziqing jumped up happily, hugged Liangfan and made a kiss, until she saw the ambiguous eyes of the person next to her, and then let go of her.

Mu Zheqing looked at the two girls alive and kicking, smiled and shook his head.

I continued to block a few times and ended up winning all of them.Even Liangfan couldn't believe how lucky he was.

An Ziqing looked at her with a smile, "Student Liangfan, what kind of luck did you have today?"

Liang Fan gave her a blank look, and walked out from the crowd. These few rounds had already won back the money An Ziqing lost, so there was no need to continue gambling.

"Let's go play something else." Liangfan was still immersed in his own thoughts, An Ziqing grabbed her and dragged her to another place while talking.


An Ziqing seemed to like this very much, so she didn't leave without picking the roulette wheel.

Liang Fan cast He Junyan a distressed look, but He Junyan only had eyes for that girl, An Ziqing, and walked up to her and asked her how much she wanted to choose.

An Ziqing excitedly explained the rules to Liangfan. Liangfan listened to it for a long time, and only heard some examples of three disciplines. So familiar?
An Ziqing was playing happily, He Junyan was by her side, Liangfan stood aside and looked at them quietly, feeling a little envious of An Ziqing.

Mu Zheqing walked up to her, and without a trace, helped her to separate the people coming and going behind her, and asked with a smile, "Want to play?"

Liangfan smiled and shook his head, his tone distant, "Thank you, I don't play."

Mu Zheqing just smiled "Yes" and said nothing, but still stood beside her.

An Ziqing pulled Liangfan to the turntable and said excitedly, "Choose a number quickly."

Liangfan couldn't get interested, so he casually said "13."

An Ziqing voted 13 yuan on 1000.

In the end... An Ziqing was happy, He Junyan and Mu Zhe were stunned, and Liangfan was miserable.

The roulette stopped at 13.

An Ziqing hugged Liangfan, "Liangfan, you are the God of Gamblers reborn!"

(End of this chapter)

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