Chapter 29
The sky gradually darkened, and An Ziqing remained in a coma.

He Junyan has been sitting in front of the hospital bed and guarding An Ziqing, and from time to time, he uses a cotton swab dipped in warm water to smear her lips to replenish her moisture.

Liang Fan walked up to He Junyan and said, "Senior, it's already dark, you go back first, I'll stay here to take care of her tonight."

"Liangfan, you should go home, otherwise Mr. Gu will be worried."

Liangfan smiled, "Senior, I've already told him, it's better for me to stay here, after all, I'm a girl, so it's easier for me to do anything."

He Junyan felt that what Liang Fan said was also reasonable, no matter how much he liked An Ziqing now, but after all she was a girl and it was not convenient for him to be here.

"Liangfan, take good care of her, I'll come back tomorrow."

Not long after He Junyan left, Gu Lingyun called again.

"Liangfan, come out, I'll wait for you outside the hospital building."

"You, you came to the hospital?"

All of a sudden, Liangfan's heart surged with emotions. Why did he come to the hospital? Could it be to see her?A strange feeling stirred Liangfan's heart, making her afraid to think about it.

"Come down, I'll wait for you."

Gu Lingyun had hung up the phone, but Liangfan was still there in a daze.

Finally, she picked up her coat from the sofa, explained to the nurse on duty, and ran out.

Deep night, bright stars.

When Liangfan saw Gu Lingyun, he was wearing a black windbreaker and leaning on the car with his hands folded across his chest. Against the backdrop of the night, he was like that ancient king, resigned and independent, graceful and luxurious, and the twinkling stars seemed to be Surrender to him, only to bloom for him.

Liangfan unconsciously quickened his pace and ran towards him, but stopped a meter or two away from him.

With him like this, no matter who stands next to him, he will feel inferior.

Suddenly, there was a sense of loss in my heart that I had nowhere to say.

At this time, Gu Lingyun came forward, wrapped her in his coat, and asked with downcast eyes, "Have you had dinner yet?"

Liangfan nodded.

"Then let's go home."

"Go home?" Liang Fan withdrew from his embrace, "No, I said on the phone that I would stay with Zi Qing in the hospital tonight."

Gu Lingyun stroked her hair with a gentle voice, "Someone will accompany her tonight."

"Who is it?" Liang Fan looked up at him.

Gu Lingyun looked at her with a half-smile: "This is a secret."

"No, I'm still worried. No matter how good a nurse you find, I'm worried. You can go back by yourself." Liangfan turned his back and didn't look at him.

She knew that once she turned around, just his touching eyes would be enough to make her unable to resist, and wanted to leave him desperately.

I don't know when, she was no longer afraid of him, and she didn't want to be polite to him anymore.

Gu Lingyun stepped forward, held her shoulders, and turned her around, "It's not a nurse, it's someone who cares about her."

In the end, Liangfan couldn't escape his fate and got lost in those eyes.

When Gu Lingyun's car arrived at the door, An Ziqing remembered that she hadn't asked who that person was.

She grabbed Gu Lingyun who was about to get off the car, and asked, "Who is that person you are talking about?"

Gu Lingyun approached her, a sly look flashed in her eyes, "Want to know?"

Liangfan looked at him without saying a word.

Then, Gu Lingyun stretched out three fingers.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Lingyun hooked her waist, warm breath on her face, her perfectly contoured thin lips almost pressed against hers.

Liangfan's mind went blank, only his seductive voice sounded: "Three times tonight."

 Three times tonight~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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